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12th March 1829

I cannot apprehend the least danger in your case. To guard against the possibility, I will, however, leave a letter for Mr. Barry, which will guard against the effects of misrepresentation, should it be attempted.

You do not mention, whether you had received an answer to your letter, which I received on my arrival here, and which was answered shortly afterwards. I hope it came safely to hand. I left the Senate yesterday and expect to set out for my residence near Pendleton So. Carolina, in a few days, where I will be happy to hear from you.

We are all distressed at the dangerous illness under which Mr. Monroe now labours; and feel great anxiety about the issue, I have reason to believe, that the efforts so industriously made to alienate him, and Gen1 Jackson have failed, and that the General reciprocates his kind feelings. Mrs. C. desires best regards to you & Mrs. G.

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I see from your letter you understand thoroughly the game, which is playing in a certain quarter. Had you been here all winter, you could not have described it more accurately. It is, however, not calculated to do those engaged in it any service. I am surprised, that one so artful, as the author, and who occupies so favorable a position for his operations, should so completely fail. His strength, which was never great, has been steadily declining all the session, and he may now be pronounced feeble. I see no cause to fear him, unless of enfeebling the administration by his devious course. To prevent such a result, has been an object of solicitude on the part of my friends. So far from opposing, we may appeal with confidence to the proceedings of both houses to prove, that our support has been more uniform and effective, than any other portion of Congress. It is an object of ambition with us to carry the General through with glory; and while we see with pain every false move, we have never permitted our feelings to be alienated for a moment. Our's is the position of honest and sincere friendship, and for us a perfect contrast to that pursued, in the quarter to which I allude.

The accusation, that the delay and difficulty in the Senate have been owing to my friends is utterly false, as the Journals will prove. In truth, the whole subject of nominations has been on our part in the Senate with great judgment. Not a day has been unnecessarily lost. We had great difficulties to contend with, and could not have taken a different course with equal success.

I was much gratified with the confirmation of Swartout's nomination. I had great fears at one time, but he was finally carried through with honor, and I feel confident he will not disappoint the expectations of his friends. I take interest in Mr. Noah's success, and hope sincerely that he may pass. His nomination will not be acted on for some time. He will not lack active friends in the Senate.

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I have just heard from a respectable source, that a book is now writing at Washington under the auspices of Gen! Jackson and to be published when he retires, on the subject of the Seminole affair; in which an attack will be made both on Mr Monroe's character & my own, and in which the affidavit of John Rhea is to form a prominent part. I deem it important to apprise you of the fact, that it is believed at Washington, that such a work is in progress.

I had no doubt that any effort, that baseness & ingenuity can devise will be resorted to induce you, by them, who believe that all are venial & base like themselves, to abandon the defense of Mr Monroe, but I feel perfectly confident without the slightest effect. Gen Jackson feels deeply mortified with the situation he occupies in relation to the affair; and is determined that nothing shall be omitted to reverse it, if possible in the eyes of posterity. As to myself individually I certainly can have no objection that he should renew his attack on me in relation to it. He has heretofore gained nothing by his attacks, and I shall take care, if he should renew it, not to let him off as easily as I have in the correspondence.

I would be glad to hear from you, and to learn, whether you have any information as to the supposed contemplated publication, and in particular who is to be the author.

Mrs. C. joins her best respects to yourself & Mrs. G.

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Tho' I am not much of a sportsman, I would have been delighted to attend your approaching races had circumstances permitted me to visit New York at this time. But it is quite impossible for me to leave my place in the Senate at this

time. The deposit bill, of which I have had special charge, is now before the Senate, and will not be disposed of till it will be too late for your noble sport. From the account of the competitors, an arduous struggle is anticipated, that I would delight to witness; tho' my sympathy would be such, between friendship on one side, and local attachment on the other, that whatever result fate may decree, would be weighed with a due proportion of pain & pleasure. Anna joins me in thankful acknowledgment for the hospitable invitation of yourself and Mrs. Gouverneur. And, had it been in our power to visit your city, we would have accepted with much pleasure. Yours truly



[Endorsed:] J. C. Calhoun 25 May 1836.


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Beside separate books and pamphlets in the Library relating to the subject, this list contains some of the more important recent articles in periodicals, but none of the references contained in the last edition of Poole's Index. It does not include works on fishing as a sport (angling), a separate list of which may be published later.






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Adams (J. Q.) The duplicate letters, the fisheries and the Mississippi: documents relating to transactions at the negociation of Ghent, collected and published by J. Q. Adams. Washington, 1822. 8°.

Agreement between the United States and Great Britain respecting the fisheries, concluded June 22, 1885. [Washington, 1885 ?] 8°.

Bakhuizen van den Brink (R. C.) Piscatio, pêcherie, visscherij: de ware beteekenis dezer woorden gehendhaafd tegen Prof. M. de Vries. 's Gravenhage, 1858. 8°.

Bliss (A.) A review of the Halifax fishery award; how it strikes a private citizen. Washington, 1878. 8°.

Buckland (F. T.), and Walpole (S.) Report as to the use of dynamite for killing fish, 1877. 4 pp. (Great Britain Home Office.) (In: Great Britain Sessional Papers, 1877, v. 24.) F.

Buckland (F. T.), and Young (A.) Report by the special commissioners upon the Tweed fisheries acts, 1874. XXVI, 210 pp. (In: Great Britain Sessional Papers, 1875, v. 17.) F°.

Brega (G. W.) Communication relative to Canadian fisheries. 4 pp. (U. S. 40. Cong., 2. Sess., House ex. doc. 295.) 8°.

Canada (DOMINION). House of Commons. Official report of speech of Sir C. Tupper on fishery treaty. Ottawa, 1888. 4°.

State Department. Correspondence relating to the fisheries question, 1885-88. Ottawa, 1887







SEALS AND SEALING, SEA OTTER, ETC. (including Behring Sea disputes).

OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, ETC. (including all edible crustacea).

PROVINCE. Report of the Select Committee on the working of the fishery act. Quebec, 1864. 8°.

Chitty (J.) A treatise on the game laws and on fisheries... London, 1826. 4°.

Cleveland (G.) Message, Feb. 20, 1888, transmitting treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning the interpretation of the convention of Oct. 20, 1818, signed at Washington, Feb. 15, 1888. 17 pp. (U. S. 50. Congress, 1. Session, Senate ex. docs., v. 10, no. 176.) 8°.

Colorado. Game and Fish Commissioner. Synopsis of the game and fish laws of ... Colorado, with additional regulations, forms, and instructions by the Commissioner. . . May 1, 1899. Denver, [1899]. 8°.


The game and fish laws of Colorado. effect Apr. 27, 1899. [Denver, 1899.] 16°. David (R.) La pêche maritime au point de vue international. Paris, 1897. 4°. Davidson (C. S.) Letters on the "proposed ' fisheries treaty of 1888. New York, 1888. 8°. Derby (E. H.) Report on colonial trade and fisheries in the British provinces, 1869. (U. S. 40. Congress, 3. Session, House ex. doc. 75.) 8°.

Letter to W. H. Seward in answer to one from him on the resolution of the Senate as to the relations of the United States with the British Provinces, and the actual condition of the question of the fisheries. January, 1867. Washington, 1867. 8°.

Doran (J. I.) Our fishery rights in the North Atlantic. Philadelphia, 1888. 8°.

Elliott (C. B.) The United States and the north-eastern fisheries; a history of the fishery question. Minneapolis, 1887. 8°.

Evarts (W. E.) Letter to Mr. Welsh [indicating attitude of the U. S. government respecting the Halifax fisheries award]. n. p., n. d. 8°.

Florida (TERRITORY). Legislative Council. Resolutions and act in reference to fisheries protection, 1832. 11 pp. (U. S. 22. Congress, 1. Session, House ex. docs., v. 5, no. 201.) 8°.

France. [Marine, Ministère de la.] Recueil des édits... et réglemens concernant la marine... pêsches [etc.] 1660-1755. [Paris, 1670-1756.] 9 v. 4°.

Statutes. Lois sur la pêche fluviale annotées et commentées d'après la jurisprudence de la cour de cassation et des Cours d'Appel. Paris [189-?] 24°.

Gael (J.) Dissertatio historico-juridica inauguralis, quædam de piscationis jure continens.. Lugduni Batavorum, 1765. 8°.

Great Britain. Colonial Office. Newfoundland fisheries. Correspondence relating to an arrangement between Great Britain and France, 1884/85. IV, 33 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1886, v. 46.) F°.

Drift Net Fisheries Committee. Report and minutes of the committee, as to the damage alleged to have been inflicted on British drift net fisheries in the North Sea... and the protection of the... industry, 1886. XVIII, 81 pp. Sessional Papers, 1887, v. 75.). F°.


Fisheries (Ireland) Bill Committee [1842]. Minutes of proceedings of select committee on the Fisheries (Ireland) Bill, 1842. 23 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1842, v. 14.) F°.

Same, reprinted. (In Same, 1863, v. 7.) Fishing Vessels Lights Committee. Report and minutes from the select committee on fishing vessels' regulations as to lights, 1880. 181 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1880, v. 8.) F°.

Same, further reports. (In: Same, 1880, v. 65;-1881, v. 82;-1882, v. 62.) F°.

Foreign Office. Correspondence, 1874-75, respecting the non-admission of fish and fish oils, the produce of British Columbia, into the U. S. free of duty, under the Treaty of Washington. 12 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1876, v. 82.) Fo. Correspondence [relative to difficulties with France] respecting Newfoundland fisheries, 1884-90. XIV, 428 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1890, v. 81.) F°.

Same, 1890/91. 96 pp. (In: Same, 1890/91, v. 96.) F°.

Correspondence relative to North American fisheries, 1884-87. 2 pts. (In: Sessional Papers, 1887, v. 91.) F°.

Same, 1887/88, with . . . treaty signed at Washington, Feb. 15, 1888. 10 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1888, v. 109.) F°.

Correspondence respecting the imposition of duty by the U. S. on tin cans containing fish from Canada, 1875-76. 18 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1876, v. 82.) F°.

Correspondence respecting North Sea fisheries liquor traffic, 1886-88. 41 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1888, v. 98.) F°.

Same, 1891-93. 58 pp. (In: Same,

1893, v. 89.) F°.


Fortune Bay occurrences. spondence respecting [differences between British and United States fishermen], 1878. 31 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1878/79, v. 77.) F°.

Halifax Fisheries Commission, Correspondence respecting, 1877. 424 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1878, v. 8o.) F°.

Correspondence respecting the award of the Commission, 1878. 27 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1878/79, v. 77.) F°.

Memorials, &c., since Jan. 1, 18321838, complaining of aggressions of French fishermen on the British coast. (In Sessional Papers, 1837/38, v. 52;—1839, v. 30, 50.)

Newfoundland fisheries. Convention between H. B. M. and the United States [regarding]. Signed at London, Oct. 20, 1818. 3 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1819, v. 18.) Fo.

Newfoundland fisheries. Correspondence relating to a proposed convention to regulate questions of commerce and fishery between the United States and Newfoundland, 1890/91. v. p. (In: Sessional Papers, 1890/91, v. 96.) F°. Newfoundland fisheries. Correspondence with the Newfoundland delegates respecting the proposed... legislation for carrying out the treaties with France, 1891. 27 PP. (In: Sessional Papers, 1890/91, v. 96.) F°.

North Sea Fisheries. Convention between H. M., the German Emperor, King of Prussia, King of the Belgians, King of Denmark, President of the French Republic, and King of the Netherlands for regulating the police of the North Sea fisheries. Signed at the Hague, May 6, 1882. 15 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1884, v. 87.) F°. Same. Declaration modifying paragraph 5, art. 8. Signed 1889. 5 pp. (In: Same, 1890, v. 81.) F°.

Notes exchanged between Great Britain and France for the renewal of the "modus vivendi" in Newfoundland... 1892, [with further correspondence]. 3 1., 47 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1892, v. 95.) F°.

Treaty of Washington. Correspondence respecting termination of the fishery articles 1883. 5 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1884, v. 87.) F°. Freshwater Fish Protection Bill Committee. Report, proceedings and evidence from the select committee on Freshwater Fish Protection Bill, 1878. x, 127 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1878, v. 13.) F°. Privy Council Office. Fisheries Convention with France. Order in Council approving certain rules made by the Committee of Council for Trade, for the more effectual performance of the convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, concerning the fisheries in the seas between the British Islands and France. 1857. 3 pp. (In Sessional Papers, 1857, v. 38.) F. Sea Coast Fisheries (Ireland) Bill Committee. Report, proceedings and evidence of select committee on the Sea Coast Fisheries (Ireland) Bill, 1867. xxvi, 234, 62 pp. (In: Sessional Papers, 1867, v. 14.) F°.

Sea Fishing Trade Committee. Report of committee [as to] what legislation is desirable with a view to placing the relations between the owners,

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