Imágenes de páginas


New York, City.—Committee of correspondence. Committee Chamber, Sept. 30, 1774, 6 o'Clock, P.M. It was resolved unanimously, That the following Narrative of the Proceedings of the Committee, be published,... By Order of the Committee. Henry Remsen, Chairman. [New York, 1774.] I page. F°.

It gives the text of the petition of Sept. 29 for a meeting at the City Hall on Sept. 30, the notification of the committee to that effect, and the resolutions adopted upon that occasion condemning the action of the Committee from the Body of the Inhabitants of the City.

New York, City.-Committee of correspond ence. To the respectable Body of Gentlemen nominated by the publick Voice as a Committee, for managing the Affairs of the Inhabitants of this City, in the present Exigency of our publick Concerns. [Petition that the committee of correspondence would declare its disapproval of the action of the Committee from the Body of the Inhabitants of this City.] ... Signed by the unanimous Desire of the Assembly, Joseph Totten, President. NewYork, September 29, 1774, New-York, September 30, 1774. Being assembled in Committee, to consider the Requisition contained in the preceding Address... We give this public Notice, That . . . we shall attend at the City-Hall, at one o'clock this Day... Signed by Order of the Committee, Henry Remsen, Chairman. [New York, 1774.] I page. 4°

The above petition and notification, together with a report of the meeting thus called, are printed in Gaine's Mercury, Monday, Oct. 3, 1774, no. 1199, and in Rivington's Gazetteer, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1774, no. 77.


New York, City.-Committee of correspond


The following [sixty names] are the Names of Persons proposed to be elected as a Committee on Tuesday next, agreeable to the Recommendation of the Congress. New-York, Nov. 17, 1774. . . . [New York, 1774.] I page. F°.

The recommendation of the Congress referred to was contained in article 11 of the Association of Oct. 24, 1774, which suggested the choosing of a committee in every county, city, and town, attentively to observe the conduct of all persons touching the Association, and to publish the names of those that should violate it. The New York committee of correspondence recommended on Nov. 7, that eight persons be chosen in each ward on Friday, Nov. 18, to serve as the committee of inspection; on the 15th they changed their plan and recommended that sixty men to serve until July 1, 1775, should be chosen by the citizens on Tuesday morning, Nov. 22, at the City Hall at ten o'clock, the committee of correspondence agreeing to dissolve upon the election of the new committee. The committee was chosen as suggested; it met and organized on Monday, Dec. 28.


New York, City.-Committee of inspection and observation. In 'Committee, of Inspection and Observation, February 5th, 1775. Whereas the Continental Congress did lately resolve, [that any person refusing to receive the continental bills of credit should be published as an enemy of his country]... This Committee therefore (the parties having declared that they did not mean to appeal to any other board) do hold up to the world, the said John Drinker, Thomas and Samuel Fisher, as Enemies to their Country, and precluded from all trade or intercourse with the inhabitants of these Colonies. Ordered, That the above be published. Extract from the Minutes, Peter Z. Lloyd, Secretary. [New York, 1775.] 1 page. 4°.


No Provincial Convention. Let us choose for ourselves The old Five Delegates. No Deputies. [New York, March? 1775.] I page. 24°.

New York, City.-Committee of inspection and observation. The following Extracts from the Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for the City and County of New-York, are by them directed to be published. [Proceedings from Feb. 27 to March 8, 1775; and a letter of Isaac Low, March 9, 1775, refusing the nomination to be one of the eleven deputies to meet deputies from the other counties and choose delegates to the continental congress; followed by a note stating that "this Address was not laid before the Committee."] [New York, 1775.] 2 pp. F°.

Americanus, pseud. To the Freeholders and Freemen of the City of New York. Fellow Citizens, Several Members of the General Assembly having declared, that the appointment of Delegates to meet in the next Continental Congress had better come from the people, than from their House; they having drawn up a list of grievances, similar to those contained in the proceedings of the Continental Congress, and intending also to petition the King on our behalf; have left this important matter to your nomination. [A plea for the immediate choosing of delegates, rather than delay until April 20 as suggested by John Thurman]... We have already chosen a respectable and approved Committee; as such let us strenuously support them in the measures they have adopted, and frustrate the wicked attempts of our enemies. Americanus. New York, March 4, 1775. [New York, 1775.] I page. 4°.

Citizen (A), pseud. To the Inhabitants Of the the City and County Of New-York. The wisest men in all ages, have observed and laid it down as a maxim, that whatever may be the particular opinions of individuals, the bulk of the people, both mean and think right.... Go then, on Monday, to the Exchange, and delay not to pursue the advice of the Congress, by forthwith declaring, that Deputies shall be chosen to meet those from the other Counties, and in conjunction with them, appoint delegates for the next Congress; remember that your delegates have, by their direction, pledged themselves for you, and don't give the world reason to think that you are capable of violating your solemn engagements. A Citizen. New-York, March 4, 1775. [New York, 1775.] 2 pp. F°.

Tory (A), pseud. To the very learned, loquacious, rhetorical, oratorical, disputative, flexible, incomprehensible, impenetrable, pathetic and irresistably eloquent Chairman. A Certain John Thurman who stiles himself Chairman of a certain ministerial Junto, who stile themselves a respectable number of the Freemen and Freeholders of this city having published his objections to appointing Deputies to meet those from the counties, and join with them in choosing Delegates for the next Congress; [Five specifications in answer; urging action on Monday next rather than delay until April 20.]... A Tory. March 4, 1775. [New York, 1775.] I page. 4°.

Freeman (A), pseud. To the Freeholders and Freemen Of the City and County of New-York. Fellow-Citizens, As it is well known, that you are

determined upon sending Delegates to the next Congress, and that the Division among you, is only about the Mode of sending them, that is, Whether you shall elect them yourselves, or nominate others to do so for you? And, whether you shall have a Provincial Congress or not? Common Decency required, that you should have had an Opportunity of declaring your Sentiments upon these important Questions. ... Upon the Whole, since you are not permitted to give your Voices as you would wish, but are confined by the Committee to one Question only, be not cajoled out of your Sentiments; but give your Negative to the Proposal for a Provincial Convention; and then unite with one Mind, in voting for your former Five Worthy Delegates, and Doubt not, but such of the Counties as are for a Congress, will confirm your choice. A Freeman. [New York, March, 1775.] 2 pp. F°.

Phileleutheros, pseud. No Placemen, Pensioners, Ministerial Hirelings, Popery, nor Arbitrary Power! To the Freemen and Freeholders of the City and County of New-York. My Friends and Countrymen, At this critical and truly alarming Time, when every Thing which we hold dear to us as Englishmen and Freemen, is on the point of being wrested from us, by a vindictive, arbitrary, and rapacious Minister, and his Adherents; [An open letter urging the necessity of supporting the committe of observation; its services, its sincerity, and its disinterestedness expressing disappro bation of the meeting on Monday, March

And as Wednesday next [March 15] is appointed by the General Committee, for electing Deputies, to serve in Provincial Congress (for the sole Purpose of choosing Delegates, to represent this Colony in General Congress, the 10th Day of May next.) I doubt not, you will make it a Point, to attend in your respective Wards, for the Purpose of electing those Gentlemen, whom the Committee have nominated. Phileleutheros. New York, 13th March, 1775. [New York, 1775.] I page. F°.

Voter (A) pseud. To the Public. Many citizens being desirous of seeing the Motion, made in Committee, on the 6th Instant, by Mr. Henry Remsen, it is now published for their Consideration: [Motion that two rolls be prepared for each ward, one for voters desirous of appointing deputies to meet deputies from the other counties who shall choose delegates to the congress, the other for voters desirous of appointing five delegates for the city and county of New York separately; the motion was rejected because there is a scheme to turn out some of the old five delegates to make room for some other folks.]... Mistake not the Business of next Wednesday; it is only whether you shall have a Provincial Convention, or whether you shall have your old five Delegates. A Voter. March 13, 1775. [New York, 1775.] I page. 4°.

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advice as cordially, as it honestly given by Another Freeman. New-York, March 14th, 1775. [New York, 1775.] 2 pp. F°.

It gives a review of the proceedings of the committee of inspection and observation from February 27 after the Assembly had refused to appoint delegates, until the meeting of Monday, March 13.

Low (Isaac). To the respectable Public. A Publication which appeared this Morning under the Signature of Veritas, asserts, That I approved of the Mode adopted by the General Committee, of chusing Deputies to join with the Counties in order to elect out of their Body Delegates to the next Congress; which is so far very true; ... I now publicly avow, that it is my unalterable Resolution not to serve as a Deputy or Delegate, if even so unmerited an Honour should be conferred on me, having long been weary of Politics, which appear to be too much influenced by Malevolence and Faction, and aspiring at nothing higher than to approve myself a good Citizen in private Life. Isaac Low. March 15, 1775. [New York, 1775.] I page. 4°.


New York, City.-Committee of inspection and observation. New-York, Committee-Chamber, Wednesday, 26th April, 1775. The Committee having taken into Consideration the Commotions occasioned by the sanguinary Measures pursued by the British Ministry, and that the Powers with which this Committee is invested, respect only the Association, are unanimously of Opinion, That a new Committee be elected by the Freeholders and Freemen of this City and County [to consist of 100; 33 to be a quorum; to dissolve within a fortnight after the end of the next sessions of the continental congress; polls to be taken Friday next; that twenty deputies be chosen for a provincial congress, and the other counties to be urged to appoint similar deputies to meet at New York, on Monday, May 22]... By Order of the Committee, by Isaac Low, Chairman. [New York, 1775.] I page. 4°.

The election for a new committee was held on May 1, when the old committee was reorganized, with Isaac Low again chairman.

White (Henry). To the Public. The last news from Philadelphia, containing certain paragraphs, purporting to be a letter from England, containing imputations, that the subscriber has been instrumental by letters, to the sending out of Troops to this Country, to give aid to persons here, against America, . . . I have thought fit to subjoin the following affidavit. Henry White. City of New-York. Henry White, Esq; maketh oath that the imputations contained in the Philadelphia newspaper, above mentioned, so far as they respect him are utterly false, and groundless; . . . Henry White. Sworn the 29th day of April, 1775, before me, Whitehead Hicks, Mayor. [New York, 1775.] I page. 4°.


Goddard (William). New-York, May 2, 1775. To the Friends of Freedom in the City of New York, &c. Gentlemen, I Think it my indispensable Duty, when Public Liberty is involved and in Danger, to hold up to your View as vile an Incendiary and Conspirator against the Happiness of this much injured insulted Country, as ever was transported from Britain. [An attack upon John Fox

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New York, Sept. 5, 1775. Fresh Intelligence, Received Yesterday Evening, by Captain Lee, from Liverpool, viz. London, June 28. The Sheriffs Plower and Hart waited on his Majesty at St. James's, in consequence of the King's appointmont last Saturday at Kew. [Address of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of London agreed to on June 24; other European news.]... We do not hear of any more British Troops being destined for America. [New York, 1785.] I page. F°.

Remembrancer, pseud.

To the Freemen and Freeholders, of the City and County of NewYork. Friends and Fellow-Citizens. When I consider the... struggles that you have made... to preserve yourselves . . . from the . . . designs of your... enemies. . . and reflect on the unnatural part that the present civil officers of this city have invariably taken... I really think it my indispensable duty to call your attention to the choice of men, who have better judgment. . . at the ensuing election on the 29th instant. The Remembrancer... New-York, September 23d, 1775. [New York, 1775.] I page. Fo.

About half of the right-hand margin has been torn away.


United States.-Congress, Continental, 17751789. The Answer of the Congress to the King's

Proclamation. We the Delegates of the Thirteen United Colonies in North-America, have taken into Our most serious consideration a Proclamation issued from the Court of St. James's, on the twentythird day of August last. Extract from the Minutes, Charles Thomson, Secy. [New York, 1775.] I page. F°.

The answer was adopted by Congress on December 6, 1775. It was printed first by John Dunlap at Philadelphia-Ford, no. 69. A copy of this first impression also is in the New York Public Library-EM. 442.


Macintyre (John). Whereas since the Confinement of John Macintyre, Indented servant to Hugh Warden, Merchant in this City, and of James M'Dowal, on the 21st of August last; the Matter has been much misrepresented, . H. Warden has thought proper . . . to communicate the following... Confession of John Macintyre, taken by Hugh Warden, in presence of Mr. David Mitchelson and Richard Cater... [Attested] this Twelfth Day of December, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight. David Campbell, N. P. [New York, 1778.] 1 page. Fo.

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(Emmet Collection.


Presented to the New York Public Library by John S. Kennedy.)

Sanderson (John). Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Volume XIII., Delaware. Illustrated by Thomas Addis Emmet, M.D. New York [1870?]. F°.

The text of the volume consists of the life of George Read, by Read, from volume 4, pages 19 to 83 and 287, 288 of the original edition of Sanderson; of Cæsar Rodney, by H. D. Gilpin, from volume 8, pages 79 to 124; and of Thomas McKean, by Robert Waln, jr., from volume 6, pages 261 to 350. The material indexed consists of: autograph 1, broadsides 13, documents 7, engraving 1, letters 27, maps 2, portraits 83,

views 15.

View: Brandywine battle-field. Inscription: (left) Thomas Doughty (right) James Smillie. Inserted in a decorative frame engraved by Parker in 1795. Line. [New York? 1850?] F°. EM. 3312


Letter: Read (George). Philadelphia, May 25, 1787. To John Dickinson, Wilmington. He has engaged for Dickinson the rooms vacated by Gov. [Edmund] Randolph, on 5th Street; his own are immediately behind them; application for them has been made also in behalf of [Elbridge] Gerry; a quorum this day [of the Constitutional Convention]; arrival of two Georgia deputies at New York; other delegates expected. Lithograph fac-simile of an A. L. S. in the possession of J. J. Smith Esq.

2 pp. Fo. With a wood engraving, on India paper, of the Res. of George Read Wilmington Del. EM. 3314 Also in Brotherhead's Book of the Signers, Phila., 1861, p. 63.

Letter: Mitchell (Nathaniel). New York, Feb. 10, 1787. To Gunning Bedford [jr., New Castle, Del.]. The question of a removal of Congress to Philadelphia is shortly to be agitated; urges him to attend or to send some other member of the delegation in order to give the voice of Delaware; he will be received with open arms by all the southern states; the thing must be done before the 21st, for then the times of the South Carolina delegates expire. A. L. S. Endorsed with an opinion that the letter should be forwarded express to [Dyre] Kearney, and that [Thomas] Rodney should be acquainted with the contents; signed, Member of the Legislature of the Delaware State," Feb. 15, by Geo: Read. 1 page. 4°. EM. 3315

as a

Autograph: Read (John). Engraved fac-simile of his signature, with the inscription: John Read, Esq. 1688-1756. One of the original Proprietors of Charlestown and one of the Commissioners appointed by the Colonial Legislature of Maryland to lay out and govern that city. [New York? 1850?]

EM. 3316 Portrait: Williamson (Hugh). Half length. Inscription: Trumbull Pinxit. Hugh Williamson

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M.D. L.L.D. Elias Dexter, 564 Broadway. Line and stipple. [1840?] 8°. EM. 3317

Portrait: Ewing (John). Bust; directed, facing, and looking to the left; stipple. Inscription: J. Ewing, D.D. Stipple. [Philadelphia, 1810?] 8°. EM. 3318

Document: Ewing (John). [Philadelphia, ] Oct. 22, 1790. Order on [Christian] Febiger for $20 in favor of Rev. Robert Smith. A. D. S. Narrow strip. EM. 3319

Map: Philadelphia, Penn. A Map of Philadelphia and Parts Adjacent With a Perspective View of the State-House. By N. Scull and G. Heap. 1750. [Philadelphia: Benj. R. Boggs, 1893.] Size: 1134x13 in. Scale: I mile to an inch. Lithograph. Paper, mounted on paper. EM. 3320 The map without the view of the Statehouse is reproduced also in Scharf and Westcott's Philadelphia, vol. 1 (1884)

P. 345.

Portrait: Chew (Benjamin). Bust; profile to the right. Inscription: Benj. Chew. Silhouette. Wood engraving. [New York? 1880?] 8° EM. 3321 A similar silhouette appeared in the Portfolio, vol. 5 (Phila., 1811) p. 89. It is reproduced in Scharf and Westcott's Philadelphia, vol. 1 (1884) p. 345.

Letter: Ross (John). Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1736. To Jeremiah Langhorne, Bucks [County, Penn.]. Joseph Naylor having paid the consideration for Rees Thomas's land, Langhorne will please deliver to him his deed upon payment of the fees thereon. A. L. S. I page. 4°. EM. 3322 Newcastle, [Del.,]

Letter: Ross (George). July 31, 1769. To John Swift, Collector of His Majesty's Customs, Philadelphia. He has purchased for £4 15s., and the other boat in exchange, a boat very desirable for his purpose; in her, with one other hand, he will be able to board any vessel in a fret of wind; he has drawn on Swift for the cost. A. L. S. I page. 4°. EM. 3323 The address has been pasted upon the back of the letter.

Portrait: Read (George). Half length; directed slightly to the left, facing and looking to the right; papers in left hand. Inscription: Engraved by Samuel Sartain from the Picture in Independence Hall. Geo. Read (fac-simile signature). A signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a framer of the constitution of the United States. Mezzotint. 8°. EM. 3324

Also in the Magazine of American History, vol. 13 (N. Y., 1885) p. 313.

Portrait: George III., King of Great Britain. Bust; profile to the left; corselet, sash and laurel crown; in a circle within a rectangle; with a small outline below, The Reverse of the Medal, showing George III. crowned by Britannia. Inscription: (around edge of circle) Georgius. III. D. G. M. Bri. Fra. et Hib. Rex. F. Ď. (below, left) Done after the Coronation Medal. (right) Richd. Houston fecit George III. King of Great Britain, &c. &c. Printed for Hen: Parker & Eliz: Bakewell in Cornhill, & Robt. Sayer in Fleet Street. Price [1s. 6d.]. (right) 33. Mezzotint. [1761?] F°.

EM. 3325

See J. C. Smith's British Mezzotinto Portraits, part 2, p. 660, no. 44.

Rusticus, pseud. A Letter from the Country, To A Gentleman in Philadelphia [urging resistance to the landing of tea]. .. Fairview, Nov. 27, 1773. [Philadelphia, 1773.] I page. F°. EM. 3326 Hildeburn, no. 2897, where it is assigned probably to John Dickinson.

New York, January 1, 1774. On Thursday last about ten o'Clock, Mr. Cornelius Bradford, returned express from Philadelphia, with the following interesting intelligence, viz. [the tea-ship Polly, Captain Ayres, compelled to return to London without unloading.] New York: Printed by J. Holt [1774]. I page. Fo. EM. 3327 Regulus, pseud. To the Freemen of Pennsylvania. [Urging united opposition to the landing of tea.] [Philadelphia, 1773.] 1 page. F°. EM. 3328

Hildeburn, no. 2946.

Committee (The) for Tarring and Feathering. To the Delaware Pilots. [A third address, informing them that the coming tea-ship is not a threedecker, as stated in the second address; she is an old black ship, the Polly, Captain Ayres; they are again warned to avoid her.] Philadelphia, December 7, 1773. [Philadelphia, 1773.] I page. 4°. EM. 3329 Hildeburn, no. 2942. Reproduced in the Pennsylvania Magazine, vol. 15 (Phila., 1891) p. 391.

Committee (The) for Tarring and Feathering. To the Delaware Pilots [urging them not to bring the expected tea-ship into the river]. [Philadelphia, 1773.] I page. 4°.

Hildeburn, no. 2940.

EM. 3330

Portrait: Adams (Samuel). Full length, seated; directed to the right, facing and looking towards a map hanging on wall to the left; legs crossed, compasses in left hand, in right hand a Plan of the Reduction of Canada; long flowered gown. Inscription: (above, right) p. 208 (below) Samuel Adams Esq. One of the Delegates from the Province of Massachusetts-Bay to the General Continental Congress of North-America. Line. 8°. EM. 3331 Also in An impartial history of the war in America, Carlisle, 1780, p. 208.

Document: McKinly (John). [Wilmington,] New Castle County, [Del..] Dec. 18, 1782. Account, amounting to £1055, for damages sustained by his property, during September and October, 1777, his house having been plundered then by the enemy. A. D. S. Sworn to before Jno: Lea on Dec. 18, 1782. I page. F°. EM. 3332

Portrait: Lee (Charles). Half length; directed to the front, facing and looking to the right; hussar uniform. Inscription: Etchd, by H. B. Hall from the Original in the State House Philadelphia 1870. Set in a rectangular border (line) of earlier date. 4°. A private plate. EM. 3333

Great Britain.-Navy. All gentlemen volunteers [recruiting poster for H. M. S. Roebuck, Dec. 30, 1777; also] All gentlemen sailors [recruiting poster for H. M. S. Vigilant, Captain Christian, Dec. 25, 1777]. Philadelphia: Printed by James Humphreys, Junr. [1777]. Lithograph fac-simile.

I page. F°.

EM. 3334

Also in American Historical and Literary Curiosities, plate 23. The original of All Gentlemen Volunteers is noted in Hildeburn, no. 3516, and of All Gentlemen Sailors, no. 3515.

Letter: Houston (Thomas). Great Egg Harbour, [N. J.,] Sept. 4, 1778. [To Robert Knox,] Philadelphia. Capt. [James] Josiah and himself have just come ashore and made oath concerning the prize brig, as they understood that the captains of the schooners took the captain and mate to a justice and made them swear what was not true; asks Knox to acquaint the vice-president with the affair; Josiah and himself have appointed Mr. McCollok as their agent. A. L. S. Endorsed. I page. F°. EM. 3335

According to the endorsement, Houston was in command of the brig Convention.

Portrait: Read (George). Inscription: George Read Engraved by J. B. Longacre from a Painting by Pine. Stipple. 8°. EM. 3336

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Also in Conrad's Biography of the Signers, Phila., 1852, P. 546.

Letter: Galloway (Joseph). [Philadelphia,] Dec. 31, 1761. To William Peters. Requests him to enter a caveat against the return of survey to be made in pursuance of a warrant granted to Mary Douglass, alias Kennedy, for twenty-five acres in East Nottingham, in order that William Ramsay, who claims the same, may be heard. A. L. S. I page. 4°. EM. 3337

Portrait: Galloway (Joseph). Bust; directed and facing to the right, looking to the front; military uniform; about 1760? Inscription: (left) Max Rosenthal Joseph Galloway Member of the Congress of 1774. Jos. Galloway (fac-simile signature). Etching. [Philadelphia, 1885 ?] F°. EM. 3338

Map: Delaware, Bay. A chart of Delaware Bay and River, from the Original by Mr. Fisher of Philadelphia. 1776. Size: 9 x 7 in. Scale: 10 miles to an inch. Copper-plate. Paper, mounted on paper. EM. 3339

Also in the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 49 (London, 1779) P. 369.

Portrait: Griffith (Edward?) Bust; directed and facing to the right, looking to the front; uniform; oval. Inscription: Harding sc. Commodore Griffith From an Original Miniature in the Possession of Capt. Walter Booth. Stipple. [London, 1810?] 8°.

EM. 3340

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