Imágenes de páginas

So, here is your change, please to Caballero, aquí tiene vmd. el so

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There is one hard by; you will find A dos pasos de aquí hay uno; vmd. in his shop all that you want. hallará en él quanto necesita.

My apprentice shall wait upon you Mi aprendiz le conducirá.


Sir, I want linen for a dozen of Señor mio, necesito lienzo para una shirts. docena de camisas. Show me the best Holland you Enséñeme vmd. sus mejores Hohave.


At what price will you have it? De qué precio las quiere vmd.? I want linen at seven or eight shil-De siete á ocho shelines la ana. lings an ell.

Here is a piece at seven shillings, Aquí tiene vmd. una pieza de á sieone at eight, and another at ten; you may choose.

You may take that one away, I do

not intend to bestow so much upon it, for it looks very coarse for the price.

Let me look at this in the light.

It is very white; but it is too thin,
and the thread of it is not even.
I will not have that either.
Look closely at the linen; none
finer or better can be sold at the
price, I am sure.

te, otra de á ocho, y otra de á diez shelines la ana; escoja vmd. la que guste.

Llévese vmd. esa, que es muy cara, me parece demasiado ordinaria para el precio.

Déxeme vmd. ver esta á la claridad del dia.

Tiene un blanco hermoso; pero es

muy clara, y el hilo no es igual. Tampoco me gusta esa. Examine vmd. el lienzo; vmd. no hallarú por ese precio otro mas fino ni mas hermoso.

I like it well enough, and find it Me agrada bastante, y me parece

pretty good.

What is the price of it?


Qual es su precio?

How much do you sell it for an Quanto pide vmd. por la ana?


I cannot sell it under eight shillings and six-pence.

Oh! you joke.

Tell me seriously; for I don't un-
derstand haggling.
Nor I overcharging, I assure you.

No puedo darla ménos de diez shelines y medio.

O! vmd. se burla.

Hábleme vmd. seriamente, porque
no gusto de regatear.
Ni yo de pedir dos precios, viva
vmd. seguro de ello.

I make but one word, or I am al-No tengo sino una palabra,
ways at a word,

Do you bid nothing for it?
You ask out of the way.
Will you abate nothing of it? for
that linen seems to be very dear.

Indeed, I cannot, without losing by it.

On the contrary, it is very cheap.
You are pleased to say so.
I will give you seven shillings and
six-pence for it.

It stands me in more than you bid me for it.

I must give what you ask then; but it is a great deal of money.

No ofrece vmd. nada ?
Vmd. pide demasiado caro.
No rebaxa vmd. algo? á la ver-
dad este lienzo me parece muy


Verdaderamente no puedo hacerlo sin perder.

Todo lo contrario, es muy barato. Eso dice vmd.

Le daré á vmd. scis shelines y seis peniques.

Me sale mas caro que lo que vmd. me ofrece.

Será pues necesario consentir en ello; pero es verdaderamente mucho dinero.

Is not thirty-six ells of it sufficient, Necesita treinta y seis anos para think you, to make twelve shirts? doce camisas, no es verdad? Yes, and there will not be too much Sí, señor, y nada sobrará si vmd. las if they are made full.

quiere completas, or anchas.

What do you want to trim your De qué quiere vmd., caballer,

shirts with, sir? Muslin or lawn?

Show me some cambrick, if you have any, to make the ruffles and bosoms.

guarnecer las camisas ? De muselina 6 de holan? Enséñeme vmd. algun holan batista, si tiene, para las vueltas y la chorrera.

Here, I think this piece will do Aquí tiene vmd. una pieza que pue

for you.

It suits your cloth exactly.

What do you sell it at?

de convenirle.

Sienta perfectamente con el lienzo. Quanto pide vmd.?

Fifteen shillings; I cannot abate Vale quince shelines; no puedo

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The coat fits me pretty well; but La casaca me sienta bien, pero la I think the waistcoat is too short. chupa me parece demasiado cor

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

The coat sleeves are all awry too. Las mangas de la casaca hacen ar

rugas tambien.

It is too long or too short waisted. El talle es demasiado corto, 6 dema

See how ugly that looks.

The coat-sleeves and the clothes must be altered.

siado largo.

Vea vmd. que feo que parece.

small-Es menester rehacer las mangas de la casaca y los calzones.

Neither are the button-holes well Los ojales no están bien acabados


The seams are not pressed down enough.

The lining is not well sewed.


Las costuras parecen demasiado.

El forro no está bien cosido.

It looks as if it were only basted in. Parece que no está sino hilvanado.

Have you brought your bill?

There is no hurry for it.

Ha traido vmd. la cuenta ?

Eso no es urgente.



WHAT news is there?

What news have you to tell us?
What good news will you tell us?
Is there any news?

Is there no news?

I have news to tell you.

There is great news.

The mail is just arrived.

Qué noticias hay?

Qué noticias nos da vmd.?

Qué noticias buenas nos trae vmd.?
Qué se dice de nuevo?

No hay noticias algunas?

Tengo algunas noticias que dar á vmds.

Hay grandes noticias.

El correo acaba de llegar.

I trouble myself but little about Los negocios de estado me impor


There is a talk of war.
There is a treaty upon the carpet.
The king of France has declared
war against England, and here
is his manifesto.
There has been a battle.

tan poco.

Se habla de guerra.
Hay un tratado en planta.
El rey de Francia ha declarado la
guerra á la Inglaterra, y este es
su manifiesto.

Ha habido un combate.

It is reported that the French have Se dice que los Franceses han sibeen cut to pieces. do derrotados.

I have heard it already, but I be-Ya lo he oido, pero no lo creo.

lieve nothing of it.

Great numbers have been killed on Ha habido muchos muertos de ám

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The first regiment of the guards El regimiento primero de guardias has done wonders. ha hecho maravillas. There have been five thousand kil-Ha habido cinco mil hombres muerled and six thousand wounded. tos y seis mil heridos. We have taken or made two thou-Hemos cogido dos mil y quinientos sand five hundred prisoners. prisioneros.

Marshal A. is among the prisoners. El mariscal A. es del número de los

Lieutenant-general B. was killed by a cannon-ball in the beginning of the action.


El teniente general B. fué muerto de un cañonazo al principio del combate.

The duke has been slightly wound- El duque recibió una contusion en ed in the thigh.

el muslo.

The enemy have retreated in dis-El enemigo se ha retirado en desórorder.

They have lost their artillery.

From whom have you that news?

I have it from good hands.


Le han cogido la artillería.

De donde ha sacado vmd. esas noticias ?

De buen origen.

The French are laying siege to Los Franceses han puesto sitio á

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The enemy have raised a new bat-El tery.

enemigo ha construido una batería nueva.

The army of the allies is march- El exército de los aliados marcha

ing to the assistance of the place. It is thought that they will make them raise the siege. They have attacked them, but have been repulsed.

al socorro de la plaza. Se piensa que les harán levantar el


Los han atacado, pero fuéron rechazados.

The place defends itself very well. La plaza se defiende bien.
The garrison is very strong. La guarnicion es numerosa.

If they take the place by storm, Si cogen la ciudad por asalto, pasathey will put the garrison to the


They will give no quarter.

rán la guarnicion al filo de la espada.

No darán quartel á nadie.

One cannot think of it without No puede pensarse á eso sin horror.


Such is the law of war.

Tales son las leyes de la guerra.

The conqueror is not bound to ex-El vencedor no está obligado á seercise those cruelties. mejante crueldad.

They will, at least, give up the town A lo menos saquearán la ciudad. to plunder.

The garrison has capitulated.

La guarnicion ha capitulado.

The enemy have made themselves El enemigo se ha apoderado de la masters of the town.


That place has cost them an abun-Esta plaza les ha costado mucha dance of men.


The garrison have been made pri- Han hecho la guarnicion prisionera soners of war. de guerra.

They have had honourable terms Les han acordado condiciones honogranted them.

They marched out of the town, drums beating, matches lighted, and colours flying.

There has also been a sea-fight.


Han salido de la plaza, tambor batiente, mechas encendidas, y banderas desplegadas.

Ha habido tambien un combate naval.

Las gazetas dicen que hemos cogido tres navíos de guerra Franceses, y echado dos á pique.

The newspapers mention that our fleet has taken three men of war from the French, and sunk two. Do you not know that some of the No sabe vmd. que hay gazeteros newspaper-writers are paid to que llevan dinero para decir mentiras?

tell us lies?

The French privateers have taken De poco tiempo á esta parte, los of late a great many of our merchantmen.

They talk of a secret expedition.
'Tis thought the French will make
a decsent in England.
'Tis very likely that we shall have
peace this winter.

I wish we may, with all my heart.
War is a great hindrance to trade.

Let us talk of something else.
Do you know that Mr. A. is dead?
What did he die of?
Of a spotted fever.

He has not been sick long.

corsarios Franceses nos han cogido muchos navíos mercantes. Se habla de una expedicion secreta. Se piensa que los Franceses harán

un desembarco en Inglaterra. Segun las apariencias, la paz se hará este invierno. Lo deseo de todo corazon. La guerra hace mucho perjuicio al

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