Imágenes de páginas

tive apparatus, and it is due, in part, to volatile fatty acids given off with, or produced from, the excretions of the skin, and from clothing soiled with such excretions. It may produce nausea and other disagreeable sensations in specially susceptible persons, but most men soon become accustomed to it, and cease to notice it, as they will do with regard to the odor of a smoking-car, or of a soap factory, after they have been for some time in the place. The direct and indirect effects of odors of various kinds upon the comfort, and perhaps also upon the health, of men are more considerable than would be indicated by any tests now known for determining the nature and quantity of the matters which give rise to them. The remarks of Renk (38, p. 174) upon this point merit consideration. Cases of fainting in crowded rooms usually occur in women, and are connected with defective respiratory action due to tight lacing or other causes.

Other causes of discomfort in rooms heated by furnaces or by steam are excessive dryness of the air, and the presence of small quantities of carbonic oxide, of illuminating gas, or of arsenic derived from the coal used for heating.

XI. The results of this investigation, taken in connection with the results of other recent researches summarized in this report, indicate that some of the theories upon which modern systems of ventilation are based are either without foundation or doubtful, and that the problem of securing comfort and health in inhabited rooms requires the consideration of the best methods of preventing or disposing of dusts of various kinds, of properly regulating temperature and moisture, and of preventing the entrance of poisonous gases like carbonic oxide derived from heating and lighting apparatus, rather than upon simply diluting the air to a certain standard of proportion of carbonic acid present.

It would be very unwise to conclude, from the facts given in this report, that the standards of air supply for the ventilation of inhabited rooms, which standards. are now generally accepted by sanitarians as the result of the work of Pettenkofer, De Chaumont, and others, are much too large under any circumstances, or that the differences in health and vigor between those who spend the greater part of their lives in the open air of the country hills, and those who live in the city slums, do not depend in any way upon the differences between the atmospheres of the two localities except as regards the number and character of micro-organisms.


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I 10.

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20. Würtz (R.) Sur la présence des bases volatiles dans le sang et dans l'air expiré. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1888, CVI, 213.


21. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. velles recherches démonstrant que la toxicité de l'air expiré ne dépend pas de l'acide carbonique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1889, CVIII, 267-272.

22. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. Description d'un appareil permittant de faire respirer a plusieurs animaux de l'air libre et sur quant à ses proportions d'oxygène et d'acide carbonique, mais contenant des quantités considérables du

contient un agent toxique très puissant. Compt. poison de l'aire expiré. Compt. rend. Soc. de

rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1888, CVI, 106-112.


17. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. velles recherches démonstrant que les poumons sécrètent un poison extrêmement violent qui en sort avec l'air expiré. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., V, 33-54.

17. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. Sur quelques points importante relatifs à la durée de la survie des lapins apres l'injection sous-cutanée du liquide contenant le poison de l'air expire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., V,


17. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. Remarques sur la valeur des faits qui nous ont servi à demontrer la toxicité de l'air expiré. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., V,



17. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. velles remarques à l'égard du poison pulmonaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 8. s., V, 54-56.

18. Dastre and Loye. Recherches sur la toxicité de l'air expiré. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., V, 91–99.

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27. Margouty (B. M. E.) Du rôle des matières animales dans la nocivité de l'air expiré. 4to, Bordeaux, 1891.

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31. Beu (J.) Untersuchungen über die Giftigkeit der Expirationsluft. 8vo, Rostock, 1893. Also in Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1893, XIV, 64-75.

32. Rauer. Untersuchungen über die Giftigkeit der Expirationsluft. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1893, XV, 57–71.

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35. Brown-Séquard and d'Arsonval. Nouvelles recherches démonstrant que la toxicité de l'air expiré dépend d'une poison provenant des poumons et non de l'acide carbonique. Arch. de phys. norm. et. path., Par., 1894, 5. s.. XVI, 113-124.

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