SERMONS Preach'd on Several Occafions. By RICHARD DUKE, M. A. late Preben- 1 Publifh'd from the Author's Original Copies. The Third Edition OXFORD, Printed by Leon. Lichfield, for Anth. Peifley 100. bb. 5. SERMON I. Page 1. Ecclef. XI. 1. Caft thy Bread upon the Waters: for Thou shalt find it after many days. Hebr. II. 16. and part of the 17 verfe. For verily He took not on Him the Nature of Angels; but He took on Him the Seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behov'd him to be made like unto his Brethren. I Theff. IV. 11. And that Te ftudy to be Quiet, Hebr. III. 12. Take heed, Brethren, left there be in any of You an Evil Heart of Unbelief. Luke XXIV. 34. The Lord is Rifen indeed. Rom. VI. 21. What Fruit had ye then in those Things, whereof ye are now afham'd? For the End Pfalm XIX. 7. The Law of the Lord is Perfect, |