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The Minifter at War to the General commanding the fourth military

IT is


Paris, July 24.

Tis the defire of the Chief Conful, Citizen General, that the Ruffians, thrown into our hands by the fate of war, fhould be treated with the attention particularly due to unfortunate bravery. You will, in concert with the Commiffaire Ordonnateur, take care that they fhall have reafon to praife the conduct of the French towards them. The Ruffian officers are the object of the fpecial confideration of the Chief Conful. Their bravery, their loyalty, the delicacy of their behaviour in the places where they are detained, merit his efteem for them.

He wishes to give them a proof of this diftinction, by authorizing them to come to Paris, and to refide there as long as they choose. He is defirous alfo that they fhould be informed that he will fee them with pleasure. This favour, never before granted to a whole body of officers who have been prifoners of war, is a mark of homage paid to national virtue. I requeft, Citizen Ceneral, you will communicate my letter to the Ruffian officers detained within your divifion; and in order to have paffports delivered to those who may wish to take advantage of the permiffion given to them by the Chief Conful, they may apply at the office for pri foners of war.

A true copy.



The Confuls of the Republic to the Minifter of Marine.

July 24. THE HE Confuls cannot perceive without concern, Citizen Minifter, that feveral veffels of the Breft fleet have been difarmed; and that at a moment in which more than ever it was effential to complete the organization of our fleet, we have fuffered ourfelves to be difcouraged by the first difficulties which have prefented themselves.

It is at a moment in which the continental war abforbs the principal refource of the nation, and the principal attention of government, that the minifters of the marine, the admirals, and the adminiftrators, ought to redouble their courage, furmount every obftacle.

Caufe an inquiry to be made into the conduct of thofe adminiftrators, or officers, who have ordered the difarming of the four veffels which have quitted the road, and gone into the harbour, and of those who would have authorized the difmiffal of the failors. Such operations could not be legal without the fpecial order of



Take measures that failors may be raised at the fame time on all our coafts, and that alfo our fhips may be equipped, and ftored with every thing neceffary for their navigation. The French people with for a marine. It eagerly wishes for it: it will make all the neceffary facrifices, that its with may be gratified.

Keep a juft but ftrict eye upon all your officers, and upon the different branches of the adminiftration. It is time that dilapidations fhould be put an end to. Difmifs thofe perfons who have long been too clearly pointed out by public opinion as participating in fraudulent tranfactions. Since the law cannot reach. them, let us deprive them at least of the power of doing injury. In the course of Fructidor, if circumftances permit it, the Firft Conful will go to vifit the fleet at Breft. Take care that he may have nothing to do but beftow eulogiums on the minifter and principal agents of government. The Confuls will make known to the French people, the officers and the adminiftrators who have ferved with zeal, and will point out to the public opinion those who by a culpable apathy fhall have appeared unworthy of it.

Rewards fhall be adjudged to the fhip which fhall be best conducted, and the crew of which fhall be beft difciplined.

Order the commander of the fquadron at Breft, as well as all the other commanders and captains of fhips, to remain conftantly on board, to fleep in their veffels, and to exercife their crews with increased activity. Eftablish prizes for the young feamen who shall moft diftinguish themselves by their exertions, and for the gunners who fhall fire most correctly. Let not a day pass without their exercifing themselves at firing at marks on the coaft, and in the open sea.


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BONAPARTE, First Conful.
H. B. MARET, Secretary of State.

Order of the 25th July.

The Confuls of the Republic to the Minifter of Marine and of Colonies. GOVERNMENT had given orders, Citizen Minifter, that the frigates fhould leave the bafon of Dunkirk, and fhould repair to Flushing to finish arming.

There has been no fuch thing done; all the frigates have remained in the road of Dunkirk, and no meafures have been taken for the fecurity of thefe fhips, and particularly not to place them in fafety from fire-fhips: and yet there were in the port, gunboats and other fmall armed veffels, which a little vigilance and zeal might have fent into the road.

Government have learnt that petty rivalry between the ordinator, the commandant at arms, and the commandant of the road, has been the caufe of a negligence thus prejudicial. They



are aware how often this rivalry has been in the navy fatal to the fervice.

Iffue immediately orders to arreft at Dunkirk, the chief of the administration, the officer commanding in the port, the captain of La Desirée, and all the officers and mates who were on duty at the time this frigate was surprised: you will fend them to Paris, to take their trial, and will take care that the service does not fuf. fer by their abfence.

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The Chief Conful to the Prefect of the Department of La Vendée.
Paris, 7th Thermidor (July 26).

HAVE been informed, Citizen Prefect, of the orderly conduct obferved by the inhabitants of Noirmoutier, Crefniere, Barbatre, and Beauvoir, in the different attempts at invafion made by the English. I have not been left unacquainted, that those very perfons who have been moft ftrangely mifled by the civil war are those who have evinced the most zealous and intrepid attachment to the prefent government.

Select twelve from amongst the inhabitants who have most confpicuously distinguished themselves upon these occasions, and send them to Paris, accompanied by the officer of gendarmerie who guards them hither. It is my wish that the inhabitants of the metropolis fhould behold them, and that on their return they bear with them unequivocal marks of the approbation of the French people.

If there be priefts among those who have taken a confpicuous part, fend them to me before any others; for I love and esteem the priests who have approved themselves good Frenchmen, and who have zeal to defend their country against those eternal enemies of the French name, thofe inveterate heretics, the English. I falute you.



H. B. MARET, Sec.


The Chief Conful to General Jourdan.

5th Thermidor (26th July).

HE government thought themfelves bound to bestow a mark of diftinction on the conqueror of Fleurus. They knew that it was not your fault if you were not among the victors of Marengo. The Confuls entertain no doubt, Citizen General, that you will difplay, in the miflion intrufted to you, that



moderate and conciliatory difpofition which alone can render the French nation agreeable to its neighbours. I falute you.



The Minifter at War to General Bonaparte, First Conful of the Republic.

Citizen Conful,

July 27th. THE General of Brigade, Grigney, commanding in the department of the Lower Loire, has given me a very fatisfactory account of the political situation of that country. He announces, that the government unites the affections of all in that district; that union and internal peace refume, from day to day, a more ftable empire; in fine, that the enemies of order in vain attempt to foment new disturbances.

He has given me, at the fame time, fome details respecting the laft appearance of the English upon the coafts of La Vendée. He obferves that the inhabitants of Noirmoutier, and thofe of Barbatre and Beauvois, who formerly diftinguished themselves under the standard of revolt, have given on this occafion a striking proof of attachment to the republic, by braving the fire of the enemy's batteries, and by making 91 prifoners, even before the arrival of the troops of the line.

General Grigney thinks that a letter of fatisfaction on your part, Citizen Conful, on the courageous conduct of thefe citizens, would produce a very falutary effect upon the minds of the inhabitants of the Weft.

I of confequence fubjoin the following sketch of a letter for your approbation. Health and refpect.


The Prefect of La Vendée to the Minifter at War, dated Fontenaye le Peuple, July 3.

Citizen Minifter, HAVE this inftant received news that 12 English gun-boats have effected a new debarkation on the fide of Fromentin.

The inhabitants of Crefniere, Barbatre, and Beauvois, the perfons employed in the custom houfes, and the gendarmerie, marched towards the place attacked. Eight gun-boats had not time to get but again to fea: they remained on the Gona, and our troops having attacked them, made 195 men prifoners, of whom 45 are at Beauvois, and 150 at Barbatre.

I have not yet received any full details. When I receive them, I fhall have the honour to communicate them.

Health and refpect.





Decree of the 27th July.

THE Confuls of the republic decree:

Art. 1. All the Piedmontefe citizens, Cifalpines, and Tufcans, who were conducted to France last year, have liberty to return home.

Decree of the fame Day.

The Confuls of the republic, on the report of the Minister of Justice, decree :'

Art. 1. The commiffion established by virtue of the decree of the 27th laft Ventofe, relative to the erafing individuals infcribed on the lift of emigrants, is prorogued to the 1ft Vendemiaire, 9th year (22d Sept.): the members are to be named bythe Minifter of State.

Subftance of the Proclamation of Massena published at Milan*.

SCARCELY has the French army, led by the Chief Conful,

delivered you from the prefence of your enemies, when attempts are made to alarm you refpecting the future. You are told of a new coalition, and of the speedy arrival of the Ruffians. The perfidious wretches who circulate thefe rumours only try to abuse the confidence you repofe in them. If you but attend to the prefent posture of things, you must fee that peace ought to be looked upon as inevitable. At the restoration of peace, the most ardent wishes of the French government will be accomplished for the tranquillization of Europe, and in particular for your happinefs.

The General of Divifion Monnier to M. the Baron De Mylius, Lieutenant-general in the Service of his Majesty the Emperor, Commandant of Ancona and Tufcany.

Monfieur Lieutenant-general,

Head quarters at Cefenne,
July 28.

A CONSIDER ABLE corps of brigands, formed into a regiment, wearing an uniform, and coming out of Tufcany, has penetrated into the Cifalpine territory, and invaded the two communes

After the armistice was made public, General Maffena fet out for Piedmont. He was there to review the troops, and by means of his prefence to give fresh force to the proclamation which he had addrelled to the Piedmontefe. Previous to his departure he caufed two new proclamations to be iffued at Milan. The firft eftablifhed the free circulation of commodities in Piedmont and the Cifalpine. The object of the fecond was to repel and refute fome anti-republican infinuations which a certain party was anxious to circulate. In the latter proclamation is to be obferved the above puffage.


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