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Additional Article.

The garrifon fhall not be fent to Germany, but be allowed to stay in Italy, and fhall be amongst the first offered to be exchanged.

Anfw. The garrifon of Savona fhall only remain in Italy until a farther decifion of the Commander in Chief on this head is received concerning their early exchange, I fhall intereft myfelf perfonally.


On the Walls of Savona, May 15, 1800.


Unlimited Armifice, concluded between his Excellency Muftapha Pacha, Dey of Algiers, and Citizen Charles François Dubois Thainville, Commiffary General of commercial Relations, furnifhed with full Powers by the First Conful of the French Republic, in order to treat for a Peace with that Regency.

1. FROM the 19th July, year 8, all hoftilities between the

two nations fhall ceafe.

II. Orders fhall be immediately given by the Dey to the corfairs of that regency to refpect the French flag; as Citizen Dubois Thainville engages that his government fhall forbid all armed yeffels of the republic to moleft thofe of Algiers.

III. All veffels taken by the one or the other after the 19th July thall be given up, together with their cargoes and crews. IV. Until the conclufion of a definitive peace, all Algerine veffels fhall be received in the ports of the republic, as fhall all French into the ports of the regency.

V. In cafe of a rupture of the prefent armiftice, it is agreed, that notice fhall be reciprocally given thirty days before the recommencement of hoftilities.

Algiers, July 30, 8th Year of the French Republic,
and the 28th of the Moon Sefer, the 1215th
Year of the Hegira.



The above armiftice has been followed by a definitive treaty of peace, the principal bafes of which are the following:

The political and commercial relations of the French republic with the regency of Algiers are re-established on the fame footing as before the late rupture; confequently,

1. All former treaties, conventions, and ftipulations, fhall be ratified anew by the fignatures of the Dey, and the agent of the republic,

2. The regency of Algiers reftores to the French republic their rights of trade in Africa, in the fame manner, and on the fame conditions, as France poffeffed them in virtue of the former treaties, and conformable to that of 1790.

3. The money, effects, and articles of merchandise fequeftrated in the factories, by the agents of the regency, fhall be restored, with the deduction of the fums which may have been applied in payment of the customary duties remaining unpaid.

4. The ground-rents fhall not be payable but from the day on which the French fhall be put in poffeffion of the factories. 5. The French fhall not be retained at Algiers as flaves, on any pretext whatever.

6. The Commiffary General of the republic fhall continue to have a pre-eminence over the agents of all other nations *.

Milan, Auguft 11.

Convention agreed upon between the Generals in Chief of the French and Auftrian Armies, to regulate the Pofition of their advanced Pofts, to fecure the free Navigation of the River Po, the Communication of Upper Lombardy with Tufcany, and of the Ecclefiaftical States with the Venetian Territory.


HE pofts of the French armies fhall extend on the river Po, to the mouth of the Panaro in that river. The line fhall go up on the left bank of the Panaro, to that part at which commences the canal before Bedano, and which difcharges itself into the Pontella di Ferrara. It fhall ftretch upon the right to Sainte Maria Madelaine, inclufively, and be prolonged by the canal Angelino d'Alorona di Reno, to the mouth of the Tenaro, and thence to the fea.

II. The line of the Auftrian pofts fhall, in front of Ferrara, pafs through Saint Blaife, Ofpedele, Senetica, Muzzara, Faffanova, and Coni: it fhall extend on the left fide of Pc-Volano to the fea.

III. The navigation of the Po fhall be entirely free.

IV. The line of demarkation between the two armies, on the

The peace was proclaimed in a full divan on the 30th of September, On the fame day, Citizen Dubois Thainville had an audience of the Dey, and prefented his credentials.

This prince received him with every mark of friendship. He feemed much pleafed with the kind expreffions which Citizen Thainville addreffed to him in the name of the First Conful, and obferved, in reply,

"Let us forget what has paffed. I am anxious that we should be better friends than ever."

fide of fouthern Italy, fhall begin at the fea between Pefaro and Fano, pafs through the territory of the republic of St. Marino, and thence extend to the frontiers of Tufcany, following the frontiers of the dutchy of Urbino. The territory of the republic of St. Marino fhall remain neutral. Officers of the staff fhall be appointed on each fide, to determine, on the spot, the demarkation for thofe points concerning which any doubt may occur. This line fhall not, under any pretence, be paffed by the troops of the two armies during the time that the armistice fhall continue.

V. The couriers and officers of the Imperial army, which fhall be dispatched from the army to Ancona, and from Ancona to the army, fhail take the route of Ferrara by Ravenna, and afterwards that of Maeftra. They may take with them their carriages and baggage, provided they are furnished with paffports from the Auftrian commandants-general.

The couriers and officers which shall pafs from the Imperial army into Tufcany, and from Tufcany to the army, shall take the road of Ferrara by Bologna, and thence that of Maeftra. They may, in like manner, take with them their carriages and baggage, provided they are furnished with paffports from the Auftrian commandants-general.

VI. As often as the General in Chief of the Imperial army fhall caufe troops to pafs into Tufcany, to replace thofe that are there, the General in Chief of the French army fhall grant them paffports for a free paffage, both in going and returning.

VII. The inhabitants of the countries occupied by one of the two armies who fhall wish to pafs into the countries occupied by the other, fhall go by the four following roads-Ferrara, St. Benedetto, Bozzolo and Golto, Montechiaro and Vallegio. The advanced posts of the two armies fhall fuffer them to pass at the points determined, provided they are furnished with paffports from the General in Chief of the army occupying the country which they leave, or one of his lieutenants.

The communication between the inhabitants of Tufcany and those of the countries occupied by the French armies, fhall be eftablished by the road from Florence to Bologna, and from Pifa to Maffa; but they must be furnished with paffports from the generals commanding in thofe places. As to the communication between the inhabitants of the countries occupied by the two armies of fouthern Italy, it fhall take place by Fano and Pefaro, provided paffengers have paffports, as ftated above.


Preliminary Convention between the Courts of Copenhagen and London, figned at Copenhagen, August 29, 1800*.

THEIR Danish and Britannic Majefties, animated with an equal defire, by a friendly accommodation, to prevent any difagreeable confequences from following the difference which has arifen between the crowns, from the refult of the rencounter between the Danish frigate La Freya and fome English thips of war, and to re-cftablifh, in all their extent, the ties of friendship and confidence which have long united them, have, for that purpose, named and appointed, as their plenipotentiaries, his Danish Majefty, the Count de Bernstorff, his chamberlain and fecretary of state for foreign affairs; and his Britannic Majefty, Lord Whitworth, knight of the order of the Bath; who, after having interchanged their credentials, have agreed on the following articles:

Art. I. The queftion, with regard to the right of fearching neutral fhips, failing under convoy, fhall be referred to a future difcuffion.

II. The Danish frigate La Freya, and the veffels which were under her convoy, fhall be inftantly releafed, and the faid frigate fhall find, in the ports of his Britannic Majefty, every thing neceffary for her repair, according to the ufage followed among. friendly and allied powers.

III. To prevent fimilar rencounters from breeding difputes of a fimilar nature, his Danish Majefty fhall fufpend his convoys fill the ulterior explanation upon this point fhall have given rife to a definitive treaty.

IV. If it should come to pafs, however, that any rencounters of the fame kind fhould take place before the inftructions to prevent them fhall have had their effect, they fhall not be productive of any ferious confequences; and the arrangement of whatever may refult from them fhall be confidered as comprehended in the object of the prefent convention.

V. This convention fhall be ratified in three weeks, to be counted from the day on which it is figned, or fooner, if poffible.

In faith of which, we the underfigned plenipotentiaries of their Danish and Britannic Majefties, have figned, in their

*This document is extracted from the German papers, in which it was inferted as official.



names, and in virtue of our powers, the prefent convention, and have affixed to it feals bearing our arms.

Done at Copenhagen, this 29th day of Auguft 1800.



Armiftice concluded between his Excellency Hamonda Pacha, Bey of Tunis, and Citizen Devoife, Chargé d'Affaires, &c. of the French Republic, in order to facilitate the Negotiations which are


about to commence.

ALL hoftilities are to ceafe from the 27th of August be

tween the two nations.

II. The Bey will immediately give orders to the commanders of his corfairs, and thofe of his fubjects, to refpect the French flag; and if they should capture any enemy's fhips, on board of which fhall be any French property, it fhall be immediately reftored.

Citizen Devoife engages, on the part of the French republic, to a fimilar article.

III. All veffels taken after the 27th of August shall be reftored, with their crews and cargo.

IV. Until a definitive peace is figned, all the veffels of the two nations shall be reciprocally received into each other's ports.

V. In cafe of the rupture of the prefent armistice, there fhall be reciprocally given two months notice of the recommencement of hoftilities.

At Tunis, 27 Aug. 1800.


Convention between the French Republic and the United States of


THE Chief Conful of the French republic, in the name of the French people, and the Prefident of the United States of America, equally animated with a defire to put an end to the differences which have arifen between the two ftates, have refpectively named their plenipotentiaries, and have given them full powers to negotiate concerning thefe differences, and. to terminate them; that is to fay, the Chief Conful of the French republic, in the name of the French people, has nominated, as plenipotentiaries of the faid republic, Citizens Joseph Bona


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