Imágenes de páginas

the plan and objects of the work, opens the first volume. This is followed by a most eloquent and animated intro duction from the pen of Renauldin, occupying more than one hundred and fifty pages. In this introduction are traced the progress and revolutions of medical science, from its infancy to the present time; but we shall do well to let the author speak for himself on this subject.

"To present a rapid sketch of the principal vicisitudes which this art has experienced; to display the important services of men by whom its boundaries have been extended; to expose the errors which have retarded its progress; to review the different systems by which it has been modified; to point out the influence which great discoveries have exerted upon its reform; to glance over the catalogue of new diseases, and of the exotic remedies, by which its empire and resources have been enlarged; to record the assistance which it has received from the accessory sciences, in its advancement to perfection: in fact, to follow its steps to the present period, contemplating, at the same time, whatever of the more remark. able its different branches may exhibit: such is the task we impose upon ourselves in this introduction. It is a great and arduous enterprize. Developed in the extent and accuracy of which it is susceptible, it would constitute a complete history of medicine, &c."

This task, M. Renauldin has executed in a manner highly honourable to his talents and erudition. We are particularly pleased with the fair and generous tribute which he pays to those philosophic men of our own island, who have contributed to raise medicine to its present splendor and reputation. As an example of this, we shall transcribe his notice of the great but fanciful author of Zoonomia. We deem it just in criticism, as elegant in composition.

"One of the most celebrated works on physiology, which has appeared in modern times, is that of Erasmus Darwin. He was a man of splendid imagination, uncommon sagacity, and great experience. His Zoonomia comprehends not only the theory of life in organized beings, but that of their lesions, and the means of restor ing them to the natural state. Thus it is, in fact, physiology applied to pathology and therapeutics. For the explanation of his ideas, frequently original, the author has created a peculiar language; and his extraordinary fondness for certain terms, as association, concatenation, configuration, sensorial power, is but too conspicuous.

These terms, incessantly repeated, render his style obscure, diffuse, and sometimes unintelligible. His other defects are numerous. His work is destitate of systematic arrangement, and he frequently suffers himself to be transported by his imagination. His reasonings are sometimes founded on arbitrary suppositions, rather than on the firm base of well-attested facts. By adopting, with an undue predilection, certain Brunonian opinions, he gets involved in manifest contradictions. In other respects, the various parts of his theory are most ingeniously connected; and present a crowd of interesting observations, which compensate, in some degree, for the weariness and disgust inseparable from an affected jargon, and a ceaseless repetition of the same favorite térms.'

Comparative tables of the old and new weights and measures, and an explanation of the abbreviations employed in the execution of the work, succeed this introduction.

Of the magnitude of the undertaking, the reader may judge for himself; nine volumes have already reached us, and the letter D is far from being completed. The work, should it ever reach its close, can, we calculate, consist of scarcely less than twenty-four volumes. We are in daily expectation of receiving the immediate successors of the ninth.

In our next "Selections," we propose to notice a long and interesting article, by Marc, (Combustions humaines spontanees) on the spontaneous combustion of the human body. This is a phenomenon, the occurrence of which can no longer be doubted. It has not attracted the attention of British philosophers in a degree adequate to its curiosity, and to its obvious connection with forensic medicine.

Adulteration of Medicines,

{ Continued from the Gleaner, page 490. )

"Oil of Mace. The general reader will require to be informed, that the oil of mace, for which the following composition is sold as a substitute, ought to be expressed without addition, in the same manner as oil of linseed, from the spice itself. R. Suet, lbs. 12; oil of olives, bs. 3; bees wax, lb. 1; oil of cloves, oz. 3; essence of lemons, oz. ; turmeric and alkanet sufficient to colour.

Powder of Jalap. (the most common recipe) R. Powdered jalap, lbs. 3; Bryony, lbs. 3; black hellebore, Ib. 1.

Powder of Tin is always substituted by finely sifted pewter dust..

Spirit of Lavender. R. Bruised pimento, oz. 6; red saunders, oz. 8; oil of tartar, oz. ; proof spirit, 1 gal. lon.

It is singular that this tincture of Jamaica pepper and red sanders is scarcely distinguishable, in its sensible properties, from the genuine medicine; notwithstanding the ingredients, and the mode of employing them, are so different.

Venice Turpentine. R. Black resin, lbs. 4; oil of tur pentine, lbs. 1o.

Strasburg Turpentine. R. Black resin, lbs. 4; oil of turpentine, Ibs. 2; oil of rosemary, oz. 1.

Chian Turpentine. R. Canadian balsam, oz. 10; oil of turpentine, oz. 3; yellow resin, oz. 8.

Elixir of vitriol (for Apothecaries). R. Oil of vitriol, oz. 4; proof spirit, a quart; red sanders sufficient to colour. Or, for retail customers:-R. Water, oz. 4; oil of vitriol, oz. 1; logwood chips sufficient to colour.

You will observe, gentlemen, that in the preceding formulæ, I have designated the various articles by those names under which they are most generally known; and that I have only transcribed such recipes as apply to ac tual substitution and adulteration. In my next letter, I shall present you with such recipes as differ from those of the Pharmacopoeia in the omission of important articles, or in the variation from the prescribed proportions.

In this arrangement, nearly all the tinctures and ointments will necessarily be included. At a future period likewise, I shall take the liberty of calling your attention to the slovenly and inattentive mode in which your prescriptions are prepared, and to the extortions that are practised by the compounders of medicine, not only on the affluent and hypochondriac, but on the victims of poverty, and on the objects of your gratuitous advice. Of the importance of the subject on which I now address you, I have before expressed myself in terms that cannot be misunderstood; and I trust that there will be no necessity for the repetition of my sentiments.

The skill of the Physician and the researches of the Student must be vain, while the present abuses continue to exist. Improvements in your Pharmacopoeias are empty nothings, while the original intention of that Pharmacopoeia is hourly defeated by the avarice or ignorance of those to whom the composition of your prescriptions is

committed; and little credit will be given to your other exertions for the relief and preservation of your fellow creatures, while an evil so dangerous, so glaring, and so immediately depending on you for its abolition or correction, remains unabolished and uncorrected.



JEWERS V. PERKINS.-Mr. Taddy stated this to be an action brought by the plaintiff, who was a pauper of Greenstead, to recover a compensation in damages for the injury sustained by the unskilfulness and negligence of the defendant in reducing a fracture of the thigh bone.

Serjeant Best stated the case to the Jury. It appeared from the evidence, that the defendant was sent for to attend the plaintiff, but was in London on family affairs, having left Mr. Owen, a member of the College of Surgeons, in charge of his business. Mr. Owen immediately attended the plaintiff, ascertained there was an oblique fracture of the thigh, placed the limb in such a situation as tended most to relax the muscles, bled him, applied the saturnine lotion, and administered aperient medicine. Owen visited him twice that afternoon; but the plaintiff expressing some uneasiness at being attended only by Owen, requested that Mr. Philbrick, another surgeon in Colchester, might be called in to reduce the fracture. Owen acquiesced. Philbrick was a stranger to him, but he called and communicated the wishes of the plaintiff; and the following morning Philbrick took Owen in his chaise to visit the plaintiff, carrying with them splints, bandages, &c. for the reduction. Owen held the superior part of the thigh, and Philbrick made the necessary extension, and then bound on the splints with the many-tailed bandage. The limb was placed in a bent position on the outer side; and having enjoined the patient to keep quiet, they left him. The defendant did not return from London till the night of the 6th; and on the morning of the 7th visited the patient with Owen. The plaintiff appeared to be going on well; defendant felt his pulse, ascertained the state of his health, and tightened the splints. That the case proceeded principally under the care of Owen, who visited him every alternate day for the first fortnight, and then twice a week. About the sixth or seventh week an inflammation appeared upon the foot, and the patient complained of considerable pain, which was attributed to rheumatism. The defendant attended, and applied leeches and other topical remedies.

The witnesses for the plaintiff stated that he was throughout in great pain, and complained of a creaking of the bones; Lut No. 54.

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Owen stated that there was no greater degree of pain than is usually attendant upon fractured thighs, nor any other circumstance to induce him or the defendant to suspect that all was not going on well. After the seventh week the splints and bandages were removed, and it was ascertained that there was great overlapping of the bones, that the thigh was much shortened, and the man rendered incapable of performing his daily labour.

Philbrick stated that he never reduced nor pretended to reduce the fracture; that it was a case very easy of cure, and that he would pledge his reputation to make the limb perfect. On crossexamination, he admitted he had put on the splints and bandage; and on being asked if he had not said that he did regularly reduce the fracture, he replied "I am persuaded I never said so - I don't believe I ever did -I am confident in my own opinion I

'never intended nor pretended to set it."

Mr. Barker, a surgeon, of Colchester, a Quaker, drew from his pocket a human thigh bone, which he displayed as illustrative of his evidence; stated it to be a transverse fracture, and there was no difficulty in effecting a perfect cure.

On the part of the defendant, several surgeons, of the first respectability in the country, stated, that splints and bandages were never applied till the reduction of the fracture was accomplished, except where the patient was to be removed to a distance; that after the reduction the splints and bandages should not be removed, unless unusual pain, accident, or any particular circumstance, induced a suspicion that the cure was not proceeding favourably. From the evidence they had heard, the defendant was justified in assuming, when he first saw the limb, that the fracture was reduced, and all going on well.

Mr. Nunn stated, that Mr. Philbrick told him that he and Owen had reduced the fracture. That at a parish meeting at Greenstead, when Philbrick and plaintiff were present, it was stated, that Philbrick had reduced, or was party in reducing, the limb, and plaintiff did not contradict it. Mr. Nunn had examined the limb of the patient, and had no doubt the fracture was oblique.

Mr. Gurney made an animated and eloquent reply for the defendant, imputing the mischief to Philbrick, whom he suspected to be endeavouring to supplant the defendant in the medical care of the parish, and commented upon the contradictory nature of his testimony. Mr. Gurney stated that the defendant was a practitioner of great eminence in the county, and no less distinguished for his talent and skill, than for his feeling and humanity. The contract to attend the poor of this parish excluded all accidents, so that there was no interested motive to negligence.

Very many gentlemen of the first respectability in the county attended the trial, to give the defendant the highest character for skill, diligence, and attention; and several parish officers attended voluntarily to give testimony of the uniform attention and kindness which the defendant invariably bestowed upon the poor of their respective parishes; and the minister and church-warden of

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