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Selections from Different Authors.


method is, not to take away these large superfluous shoots, and not to shorten the large shoots which reach above the wall, since there is a great loss of sap by bleeding, which is injurious to the tree, and that there is none of the sap of the tree saved by cutting down these shoots; for, though one is cut off, many more will shoot up in its stead, so that the sap which before fed the great shoot is not now employed in nourishing the other useful parts of the tree, but only in supporting the new shoots from that which was cut off, and these are generally as good-for-nothing as the parent from whose blood they sprung. I do not know, Sir, whether I make myself understood, but as I should be glad to be told what is best to do, I wish some of your correspondents would give me their opinion on this point. S. E.



ONE cause which has a strong tendency to destroy religious seriousness, and which almost infallibly prevents its formation and growth in young minds, is levity in conversation on religious subjects, or upon subjects connected with religion. Whether we consider the practice with regard to those who use it or to those who hear it, it is highly to be blamed, and is productive of great mischief. In those who use it, it amounts almost to a proof that they are destitute of religious seriousness.


principle itself is destroyed in them, or was never formed. Upon those who hear it, its effect is this. If they have concern about religion, and the disposition towards religion which they ought to have, and which we signify by the word seriousness, they will be inwardly shocked and offended by the levity with which they hear it treated. They will, as it


were, resent the treatment of a subject which bỷ others has always been thought upon with awe, and dread, and veneration. But the pain with which they are at first effected, goes off by hearing frequently the same sort of language; and then they will be almost sure, if they examine the state of their minds as to religion, to feel a change in themselves for the worse. This is the danger to which those are exposed who had before imbibed serious impressions. Those who had not, will be prevented by such sort of conversation from ever imbibing them at all; so that its influence is in all cases pernicious. Paley.

The brethen of Joseph remembered their offence against their brother, and expected that, after the death of their father Jacob, Joseph would take revenge on them. This was probably twenty years after their coming into Egypt, and forty since the commission of the crime. Sins of great presumption will not suffer him that hath repented of them, for ever quite to forget them: and he shall never be able to remember them without shame and horror. Bishop Sanderson.

The well-educating of children is so much the duty, and concern of parents, and the welfare and prosperity of the nation so much depend upon it, that I would have every one lay it seriously to heart. Locke.

Whatever is foolish, ridiculous, vain, earthly, or sensual in the life of a Christian, is something that ought not to be there; it requires to be repented of. But if we allow ourselves in things that are either vain, foolish, or sensual, we renounce our profession.


Books on the subject of education are now numerous, and many of them excellent; these are read and talked of, but unfortunately few consider it their business to act up to the suggestions they contain. Hints to Parents.

Extracts from the Public Newspapers.


The more we follow our own will, and live to ourselves, the more we entangle ourselves in corruption, disquiet, and misery; the more we endeavour to live to God, and to do His will, the more we enjoy of comfort and happiness. Ludolph. Many people read the Bible with a design to be more learned; we ought to read it with a design to be more humble, pious, and heavenly-minded.

The same.

We should always observe decency and cleanliness, according to our rank, in dress and furniture, and in our whole appearance; all above that brings no respect with it, but only contempt.


Bishop Wilson,


THE ecclesiastical Governor of the Archbishopric of Lima has, by the desire of the Government, published an edict, abolishing a great number of the Roman Catholic holydays (to the number of 31), retaining only 12 of the principal, besides the Sundays. The edict says that these holy days, instead of being consecrated to divine service, were spent in idleness, vice, and debauchery. The provisional Governor of the Bishopric of Caseo, in a circular of the 20th of November, reducing the number of holy days, uses the following remarkable expressions:-"Every day in the year ought to be a holyday to us, by avoiding wicked deeds, and by the practice of virtue."-Times.

A pair of blackbirds, which have for a series of years enjoyed the friendly shelter of Bank-place garden, built their nest there, for the third time, this season. They were so completely domesticated, and so confident of protection, that they felt little alarm when their nest was approached and examined by the gardener, or any other person who was a regular visitor in the garden. By some inexplicable means, a sparrow's egg found its way into the blackbird's nest; it underwent the regular process of incubation, and came out with the young black birds. Instead of expelling or destroying the little stranger, the blackbirds fed and fostered it with the same care that they bestowed on their own progeny. The sparrow and the young blackbirds forsook the nest in company, in a well-feathered condition.-Caledonian Mercury.

A distressing accident lately occurred in Hyde-park. Two fine youths, the sons of Mr. Meredith, of the Edgeware-road, Paddington, went to the Serpentine-river, with some of their young companions, for the purpose of bathing. The lads had not been in the water long, before Edwin, the eldest of the two, who could swim a little, ventured very incautiously too far into the middle of the river, and, on his return towards the shore, be became exhausted, and sunk before he got within his depth. On rising to the surface, he cried out to his brother and friends to come to his assistance. The brother having little or no idea of swimming, was unable to render him any aid, and in å state of agony called out to one of his schoolfellows who was in the river at the time, to save the life of his brother. The lad, whose name was Cunningham, instantly swam towards the spot where young Meredith had sunk; and, on his rising to the surface of the water a second time, he grasped him round the neck, and with his utmost strength endeavoured to reach the shore with his burden, who was now quite senseless, and, consequently, helpless; this, however, unhappily, he was not able to accomplish, and they both sunk to the bottom. A young man, who had just come to the spot, without waiting to take off more than his coat, hat, and shoes, rushed into the water, and being a good diver, he, fortunately, succeeded in bringing up the body of the lad Meredith, which he swam ashore with. He was to all appearance dead, but without loss of time conveyed to the Receiving House of the Royal Humane Society, where the usual means of resuscitation were resorted to, and continued for upwards of half an hour, when animation returned. We regret to say, that the other generous lad (Cunningham), who went to the assistance of his friend, perished. His body was picked up, about an hour afterwards, by the boat of the Humane Society; the same means were used for nearly two hours to restore life, but without effect, as he had been too long under water. He was the son of very respectable persons, residing at Hampshire-terrace, St. John'swood. The name of the young man who saved the life of Meredith is Keble, living in Quebec-street, Portman-square.We cannot help recording this fine example of courage on the part of the generous youth who perished, in his attempt to save a fellow-creature, and of the more successful exertions of him who succeeded in his noble attempt. We have another instance of the good which is constantly doing by the Humane Society.-London Paper.

Hereditary Insanity.-By great temperance in living, and avoiding mental emotion and exertion as much as possible, insanity may be prevented, even where the predisposition to it is strongly marked; till, at length, the predisposition itself is worn out. By looking at the subject in this point of view, that dread of insanity which exists so strongly in many minds may be greatly lessened, as it holds out a reasonable ground for expecting that the tendency to the malady may be gradually overcome, and that by simple and practicable means.-Lancet.

Extracts from the Public Newspapers.


Melancholy Accident.-A servant-man came by his death, in Camberwell, in a manner which it is hoped may prove a warning to such gentlemen as think proper to amuse themselve with firing at marks without any regard to the safety of such persons as may be either passing by or occupied in the neighbourhood of these exercises. It appears that three gentlemen were shooting with balls at a sheet of paper, which was affixed to the wall of an outhouse, and near the door. One of the marksmen missed the mark, and hit the door, through which the ball having penetrated, lodged in the body of a servant-man who was engaged upon the other side. A gentleman, who was passing at the same time, heard the report, and, upon turning round, observed the unhappy victim lying upon the ground. Upon lifting him up, it was ascertained that he had been shot through the heart. He died shortly after. An inquest sat on the body, and returned a verdict of "accidental death."-Times.

Death through Fighting.-On Saturday se'nnight a conflict took place between two labouring men named Neal and Ewer, at Harefield, which terminated in the defeat and subsequent death of the latter. The circumstance which led to the contest was an old grudge between the parties, arising out of a dispute as to which was the best mower, during the late hay season. On the above night, Neal was at his club at the King's Arms, Harefield, and received two messages from Ewer to come out and fight him, which he declined; a third and more taunting message was afterwards sent, to which Neal replied, "he had no wish to fight, but if he was struck (as was threatened), he should take his own part." Ewer went into the room where Neal was sitting, and struck him, and they went out and fought a considerable time, until Ewer received a heavy blow under the left ear, which rendered him unable to fight any longer. On the following day he complained of his ear and neck, and was too ill to work; bis illness increasing, he was compelled to take to his bed, and expired in great agony on Thursday last.-London Paper.

Adders. A few weeks ago, while Captain Russell and his servant were training their dogs on Lord Stair's grounds, in the neighbourhood of Ballantrae, one of the pointers set at a grouse. Captain Russel, of course, kept his eye on the dog, and while moving onwards, was surprised to see him first start back, and then apparently snap at something. But his surprise was very much increased when, on reaching the spot, he observed a very large adder in the attitude of giving battle to the dog, and which only retreated when he and his servant came in sight. The pointer commenced licking one of his legs, and it was soon evident that a wound had been inflicted. Though bit in the extremities, the poison entered the circulation so speedily, that his whole frame became violently convulsed. The servant carried him home in his arms, and though nursed with the greatest care for a fortnight, he is only now gradually recovering. Captain Russel determined to be upsides, if possible, with

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