Imágenes de páginas


Marly; or, the life of a planter in Jamaica. [anon.] 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 364 pp. 8°. Glasgow, Griffin & Co. 1828.

Marmion (Shakerley). Cupid and Psyche. A [poetical] legend. [Edited by S. W. Singer.] xxxix, 105 pp. 16°. Chiswick, C. Whittingham, 1820.

Marmocchi (F. C.) Raccolta di viaggi dalla scoperta del nuovo continente fino a dì nostri. 19 v. 8°. Prato, Giachetti, 1840-47. [Imperfect; wanting v. 19.]


v. 1-2. Navarrete, (M. F. de, editor). Narrazione dei quattro viaggi intrapresi da C. Colombo per la scoperta del nuovo continente. 1492-1504.

v. 3-4. Marcellus, (M. L. J. A. C. visconte di.) Rimem

branze intorno all' Oriente.

v. 5. Xeres (F.) Relazione del conquisto del Perù e della provincia di Cuzco chiamata Nuova Custiglia; Viaggi di A. Vespucci; Viaggi di A. di Ojeda, trad. d' Inglese di W. Irving, da B. Poli; Viaggio di P. A. Niño e di C. Guerra; Viaggio di V. Yañes Pinzon; Viaggio di D. di Lepe e di R.

di Bastides; Viaggio de D. Nicuesa, trad. d'Inglese di W. Irving, da B. Poli; Viaggi di Ponce de Leon; Gomara (F. L. di). Viaggio di V. Nuñez di Balboa; Avventvre di Valdivio e dei suoi compagni, e destino dell'astrologo Micer Codro, trad. d'Inglese di W. Irving, da B. Poli; Viaggio del F. Magellano.

v. 6. Lafond di Lurcy (G.) Viaggio in Cina pell' Atlantico, il mare delle Indie, le isole della Sonda e le Filippine.

v. 7-9. Viaggi da Delhi a Lahora, Cabul, Buckara,

ec. di Alessandro Burnes.

v. 10. Montesinos (F.) Memorie e tradizioni storiche dell antico Perù; Velasco (G. di.) Viaggi, relazioni e memorie relative al regno di Quito; Torozomoc (A. di.) Storia antiqua del Messico. v. 11. Viaggi, lettere, relazioni e memorie relative alla scoperta ed alla conquista del Messico di F. Hernandez e G. di Grigialva, F. Cortes, Alva Ixtlilxo. chitl, B. Las Casas, F. da Bologna.

v. 12. Lafond di Lurcy (G.) Viaggio nell' America spagnuola in tempore delle guerre dell' independenza.

v. 13. Robinson (Giovanni). Viaggio in Siria e in Palestina.

v. 14. Lafond di Lurcy (G.) Viaggio nella Polinesia e nelle isole circonvicine dell' Australia.

v. 15. Burckhardt (J. L.) Viaggi in Arabia. v. 16. Mitchell (Sir T. L.) Viaggi nell' interno dell' Australia o Nuova Olanda.

v. 17. Saint-Pierre (J. B. de) e Leguével (B. F.) Viaggi al Madagascar, alle isole Comore ed all' isola di Francia.

v. 18. Volney (C. F. C. de). Viaggio agli Stati Uniti dell' America Settentrionale; Chesney (F. R.) Viaggio nelle contrade di Mesopotamia, di Chaldea, e di Assiria; Hoskins [G. AJ. Viaggio a Meroe e in Etiopia.

[blocks in formation]


miracle plays, or mysteries, with a historical view of this description of plays. lxiii, 271 pp. 80. Basel, Schweighauser & Co. 1838. Marryat (Florence). See Church (Mrs. Ross). Marsais (Du). See Du Marsais. Marsden (William). A grammar of the Malayan language. lii, 225 pp. 4°. London, Cox & Baylis, 1812. Marsden (William, M. D.) Symptoms and treatment of malignant diarrhoea, better known by the name of Asiatic or malignant cholera. 3d ed. 64 pp. 16°. London, H. Renshaw, 1865.

Marsh (George Perkins).


Apology for the

study of English. pp. 57-93. N. Y. 1859. [With COLUMBIA COLLEGE inaugural addresses.] Marshall (Rev. Charles). Sion's travellers comforted, and the disobedient warned. [With life of the author]. Compiled by W. Penn. 63 p. 1. 332 pp. 16°. London, T. Sowle, 1704.

Marshall (John, chief justice of the U. S.) Het leven van George Washington, uit deszelfs oorspronglijke papieren onder toezigt van Bushrod Washington. Uit het Engelsch door J. Werninck. Met platen en kaarten. 10 v. in 6. 8°. Haarlem, A. Loosjes, 1805-09. Marshall (Joseph). Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Russia, and Poland, in 1768-70. 2d ed. 3 v. 8°. London, J. Almon, 1773. Marshall (Nathaniel). The penitential discipline of the primitive church for the first 400 years after Christ: [with] its declension from the fifth century downwards to its present state. [anon.] xiv, 255, 59 pp. 21. 8°. London, W. Taylor, 1714.

Marshall (Stephen). Copy of a letter in vindication of himself, and his ministry; with Lawfulnesse of the parliament's taking up arms demonstrated. 30 pp. sm. 4°. London, Samuel Gellibrand, 1643.

Marshall (Rev. Walter). The scriptural doctrines of justification, faith, and holiness: being the substance of [his] treatise on gospel sanctification. xi, 180 pp. 16°. London, J. Buckland & S. Gardner, 1766.

[With LIVING christianity, ed. London, 1766]. Marsigli (Luigi Ferdinando). Description du Danube, depuis la montagne de Kalenberg en Autriche, jusqu'au confluent de la rivière Jantra dans la Bulgarie. Traduite du Latin. 6 v. 283 pl. fol. La Haye, J. Swart, 1744. s. Histoire physique de la mer. [Trad. par D. Le Clerc]. 4 pl. xi, 173 pp. 2 maps. 44 pl. fol. Amsterdam, 1725.




Marsters (Thomas). The poetical manual; | Martin (James H.) The orthoëpist; contain

or, British and classical anthology of past times. 2 v. xxiv, 460 pp; 622 pp. 160. Lynn, (Eng.) Newman & Co. 1833. Martainville (-). Moniteur secret; ou, chronique scandaleuse de la cour de Napoléon, de sa famille, et de ses agents. Nouv. éd. 2 v. in 1. iii, 216 pp; 220 pp. 8°. Paris, 1836. Martenet (Simon J.) Map of Maryland. Atlas ed. 151. 22 maps. 4°. Baltimore, author, 1866. Martens (Carl von). Geschichte der innerhalb der gegenwärtigen gränzen des königreichs Württemberg vogefallenen kriegerischen ereignisse A. C. 15-A. D. 1815. xvi, 845 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, K. Hofbuchdruckerei, 1847. s.

Le guide diplomatique. 5° éd. Entièrement refondue par M. F. H. Geffcken. 3 v. in 2. 80. Leipzig, F. A Brockhaus, 1866. Martialis (Marcus Valerius). [Epigrammata; cum] Nicolai Perotti cornucopia, sive commentariis linguæ latinæ. 48 p. 1. 634 pp. 11. fol. Mediolani, Nicolaus Gorgonzola, 1507. Martigny (-, l'abbé). Dictionnaire des antiquités chrétiennes, contenant le résumé de tout ce qu'il est essentiel de connaître sur les origines chrétiennes jusqu'au moyen âge exclusivement. 4 pl. viii, 676 pp. 8°. Paris, Hachette, 1865. Martin (Benjamin). Philosophia britannica: or, a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, astronomy, and geography. 4th ed. 3 v. 8°. London, Rivington, 1788.



New and compendious system of optics. xxiv, 295 pp. 34 pl. 8°. London, J. Hodges, 1740. Martin (Bon Louis Henri). History of France to 1789. Translated by Mary L. Booth. v. 13, 14: Age of Louis xiv; xxii, 563 pp; viii, 543 pp. v. 15, 16: Decline of the monarchy; xvi, 546 pp; viii, 623 pp. 8°. Boston, Walker, Fuller & Co. 1865-66. Martin (C. A. F.) Précis d'histoire naturelle. See Gilbert (J.) and Martin (C. A. F.) Martin (David). Histoire de la bible, contenant le vieux et le nouveau testament. Enrichie de plus de 350 figures en taille-douce. 2 parts in 1 v. 4 p. 1. 310 pp. 1 pl; 4 p. 1. 198 pp. 1 pl. 4°. Amsterdam, M. Schagen, 1724.


Martin (Frederick). Commercial handbook of France. x, 394 pp. 3 maps. 12°. London, Longmans, 1867.

Martin (Rev. James). The angler's guide.

xii, 191 pp. 1 pl. 16°. London, G. Cox, 1854.

[blocks in formation]

Martin (Louis Aimé). See Lettres édifiantes. 4 v. éd. 8°. Paris, 1839-43. Martin (Luther). The genuine information delivered to the legislature of the state of Maryland, relative to the proceedings of the general convention lately held at Philadelphia. viii, 93 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, E. Oswald, 1783.

Martin (Robert Montgomery). History of the British colonies. 5 v. 8°. London, J. Cochrane & Co. 1834. Martin (W. C. Linnæus). A general introduction to the natural history of mammiferous animals, with a particular view of the physical history of man, and the more closely allied genera of the order quadrumana, or monkeys. Illustrated. 545 pp. 12 pl. 8°. London, Wright & Co. 1841.


See Youatt (William), and Martin. On cattle. Martin de Nantes, (le père.) Relation succinte et sincère de la mission dans le Brézil, parmis les Indiens appelés Carivis. 8 p. 1. 233 pp. 11. 24°. Quimper, Jean Perier, [about 1706]. Martin. See also Martyn. Martineau (Harriet). History of the peace; being a history of England from 1816 to 1864. With an introduction, 1800 to 1815. 4 v. 8°. Boston, Walker, Fuller & Co. 1865-66.

Household education. viii, 326 pp. 16°. London, E. Moxon, 1849. Martineau (James). Endeavors after the christian life. Discourses. [1st and 2d series.] New ed. 551 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Munroe & Co. 1858.

Studies of christianity; timely thoughts for religious thinkers. Edited by W. R. Alger. xlix, 494 pp. 120. Boston, Am. unit. assoc. 1866. Martingale (Hawser. pseudon.) See Sleeper (Jacob S.) Martini (Francesco). Trattato di architettura

[blocks in formation]


Martins (Charles). Des climats de la France, et de leur influence sur son agriculture et le génie de ses habitants. [Extract.] 26 pp. 8°. Paris, météorologique de la France, 1850.


Mémoire sur les températures de la Mer Glaciale, à la surface, à de grandes profondeurs, et dans le voisinage des glaciers du Spitzberg. [Extrait.] 75 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1848.


[GAIMARD'S voyage en Scandinavie, etc.] Martire d'Anghiera (Pietro). De rebvs oceanicis et novo orbe, decades tres. Item eivsdem de babylonica legatione, libri iii. Et item de rebus æthiopicis, etc. liber Damiani a Goes. 24 p. 1. 655 pp. 151. 16°. Coloniæ, G. Calenius, 1574.

The same. The decades [fyrst-thyrde] of the newe worlde of West India, conteynyng the nauigations and conquestes of the Spanyards, with the description of the landes and ilandes lately founde in the west ocean pertaynyng to Spayne. Translated by R. Eden. 2 p. l. 1661. 120. Guil. Powell, 1555.

The same. Decades of the ocean. 7-184). [In EDEN (Rich.) History of trauayle. 12°. 1577.]

The same. The historie of the West Indies. Published in Latin by Hakluyt, and translated by Lok. [Eight decades.] 3 p. 1. 318 1. 12. London, A. Hebb, 1597.

Der newen weldt, etc. Basel, 1582. Benzoni (Girolamo), and Martire.


De insulis nuper repertis. See Novus orbis. Roterodami, 1616. Martire Vermigli (Pietro). See Vermigli (Pietro Martire).

Martius (Carl Friedrich Philipp von). Beiträge zur ethnographie und sprachenkunde Brasiliens. Wörtersammlung brasilianischer sprachen. xxi, 548 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge, 1863.


[blocks in formation]



meinem neunzig-jahrigen leben. xvi, 328 pp. 80. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1847. Martyn (Benjamin). Reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia. [anon.] 48 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 4°. London, W. Meadows, 1733. The same. 2d ed. 48 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 4°. London, W. Meadows, 1733. [Map wanting].

Martyn (Mrs. S. T.) The English exile; or, William Tyndale at home and abroad. 237 pp. 160. New York, Am. tract soc. 1867.

The Hopes of Hope castle; or, the times of Knox and queen Mary Stuart. 160. New York, Am. tract soc. 1867.

Lady Alice Lisle, the last of the English martyrs. [anon.] 276 pp. 160. New York, Am. tract soc. [1867].

Martyn (W. Carlos). A history of the English puritans. 496 pp. New York, Am. tract soc. [1867].


History of the Huguenots. 528 pp. 120. New York, Am. tract soc. [1866]:

Life and times of Martin Luther. 550 pp. 120. Am. tract soc. [1866].

The pilgrim fathers of New England. A history. 432 | 12°. 2 pp. New York, Am. tract soc. [1867]. Martyr (Peter). (Pietro).

See Martire d'Anghiera

Martyr (Peter, the reformer). See Vermigli (Pietro Martire).

Marvin (Enoch M. D. D.) The work of Christ; or, the atonement considered in its influence upon the intelligent universe. 137 pp. 16°. St. Louis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867. Marvin (Henry). Complete history of Lake George; intended as a guide. 102 pp. 1 map. Marx (Adolph Bernhard). Theory and prac180. New York, Sibells & Maigne, 1853. s. tice of musical composition. Translated from the 3d German ed. and edited by H. S. Saroni. 5th Amer. ed. With appendix and notes, by E. Girac. 406, 166 pp. 8°. New York, Mason bros. [1851].


Marx (Francis). The Serf and the Cossack.
A sketch of the condition of the Russian people.
48 pp. 160. London, Trübner & Co. 1854.
Maryland. (Province). Proceedings of the con-
vention of the province of Maryland, held at
Annapolis, May 8, 1776.
29 pp.
sm. 4°.
Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1776?]

The same. June 21, 1776. 33 pp. sm. 4°.
Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1776 ?]
[With proceedings of May 8, 1776.]

The same. August 14, 1776. 91 pp. 4°. Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1776?]



Maryland (Province.) Proceedings continued. | Masius or Maase (Hector Gottfried von der). June 22, 1774; November 21, 1774; December 8,1774; April 24, 1775; and July 26, 1775. 26 pp. 40. Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1775?]

The same. December 7, 1775. 62 pp. sm. 4. Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1776?]

(State). Catalogue of the library of the state of Maryland. By David Ridgely. [With additions to December, 1840, in ms.] 8°. Annapolis, J. Hughes, 1837.

Geological survey. Reports. 13 v. in 2. 8°. Annapolis, state printer, 1834-40. s.


ALEXANDER (John Henry). Engineers' reports on the topographical survey for 1834-36. DUCATEL (Julius T.) Reports of the geologist. 1834-40. Report on iron manufacture.


Journal of the proceedings, [including documents,"] of the senate and house of delegates, January session, 1865. 2 v. 8°. Annapolis, R. P. Bayley, 1865.

The same. Extra session, 1866. 2 v. 80. Annapolis, Haverstick & Longneckers, 1866. The same. January session, 1867. 2 v. 8. Annapolis, H. A. Lucas, 1867.

Report of the committee of grievances and courts of justice of the Maryland house of delegates, on the recent mobs and riots in the city of Baltimore. v, 347 pp. 8°. Annapolis, J. Green, 1813.

Report of the select committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of repealing the act to provide for completing a new map and geological survey of the state. 4 pp. 8°. Annapolis, 1839.

[With MARYLAND. Geological survey].


Votes and proceedings of the house of delegates, November session, 1793. 124 pp. fol. [Annapolis, 1794?]


[Imperfect; some pp. wanting at close]. Maryland institute for the promotion of the mechanic arts. Catalogue of books in the library. Classified and alphabetically arranged by titles. 176 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. Young, 1865. Marzenado (Santa Cruz de). See Santa Cruz de Marzenado (A.) Mascardi (Agostino). Dissertationes de affectibvs sive perturbationibvs animi, et ethica prolvsiones. 4 p. 1. 490 pp. 91. 18°. Mediolani, F. Vigoni, 1667.

Masch (G. M. C.) Geschichte des bisthums Ratzeburg. xvi, 780 pp. 8°. Lübeck, F. Aschenfeldt, 1835.


Masini (Eliseo). Sacro arsenale; ouero, prattica dell'officio della santa inqvisitione. Di nuouo corretto, et ampliato. [anon.] 8 p. 1. 528 pp. 160. Bologna, G. Longhi, 1679.

Antiqvitatum mecklenburgensium schediasma historico-philologicum, cum notis Andreæ Borrichii. 8 p. 1. 166 pp. 16°. Lubecæ, J. Weidemeyer, 1700.


De existentia dæmonis, qvatenus è naturæ lumine innotescit, dissertatio. 40 pp. 16°.

S. [App. to his Antiqvitatum mecklenb. schediasma, etc.] Mason (Charlotte). The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying the table; being a complete system of cookery: with appendix on the breeding and management of poultry. 10 p. 1. 422, 25 pp. 10 1. 8°. London, J. Walter, 1801.

Mason (Miss Emily V.) The southern poems of the war, collected and arranged. 456 pp. 120. Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co. 1867.

The same. 2d rev. ed. 524 pp. 1 pl. 120. Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co. 1868. Mason (George). A supplement to Johnson's

English dictionary. vii, 134 pp. 8°. New York, H. Caritat, 1803.

[blocks in formation]

Mason (Rev. William). Heroic epistle to sir William Chambers, [anon.] 16 pp. 4°. London, J. Almon, 1763.

Mason (William), and Hoadly (E. S.) A method for the piano-forte. American fingering. 239 pp. 1 pl. 4°. New York, Mason bros. [1867]. Massachusetts. (Colony). A journal of the proceedings of [the] commissioners appointed by Spencer Phips, lieut. gov. of Massachusetts bay, to treat with the eastern Indians. [anon.] 16 pp. sm. 4°. Boston, J. Draper, 1752.

Journal of the house of representatives of his majesty's province of the Massachusetts bay, begun and held at Boston, May 28th, 1755. [72 pp.] fol. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1755.

[Imperfect; some pages wanting at the end].

Commonwealth. Debates, resolutions, and other proceedings of the convention of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, at Boston, Jan. 1788, for the purpose of ratifying the constitution recommended by the grand federal convention. 216 pp. 120. Boston, Adams & Nourse, and others, 1788.

[blocks in formation]


Reports and other documents relating to the state lunatic hospital at Worcester, Mass. Printed by order of the senate. 200 pp. 8°. Boston, Dutton & Wentworth, 1837. Massachusetts college of pharmacy. Catalogue of the materia medica, and of the pharmaceutical preparations, with the uniform prices. 59 pp. 120. Boston, college, 1854. s. Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 1866-67. xvi, 524 pp. 2 portraits. 8°. Boston, Wiggin & Lunt, 1867. Massachusetts horticultural society. A catalogue of the library. 65 pp. 8°. Boston, H. W. Dutton & son, 1867. Massachusetts register, 1867, containing a record of state and county officers, and a directory of merchants, manufacturers, etc. v. 95. 80. Boston, 1867. Massie (James William, D. D.) The slave: hunted, transported, and doomed to toil; a tale of Africa. iv, 176 pp. 16°. Manchester, J. Lowndes, 1846. Massmann (Hans Ferdinand). Atlas zu dem werke [von J. Scheible]: Die baseler todtentänze in getreuen abbildungen, [etc.] Sammt einem anhange: Todtentänze in holzschnitten des fünfzehnten jahrhunderts. 1 p. 1. 49 pl. 4°. Leipzig, Expedition des klosters, 1847. s. Masson (Alexander Frédéric Jacques, marquis de Pezay). Épitre à mon ami.

[With DORAT (Claude Joseph). Le pot-pourri, etc. 8°. 1764].

Masson (Jean). P. Ovidii Nasonis vita ordine chronologico sic delineata, ut poëtæ fata et opera veris assignentur annis, notisque philologicis et historicis illustrentur, etc. 3 p. 1. 242 pp. 61. 180. Amstelodami, Jansson, 1708. s. Mastalier (Adolphus Edward). Ischel, [Switzerland. A hygienic essay, with special reference to the sanative advantages of Ischl]. 106 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, jun. 1850. Masters (Robert). History of the college of Corpus Christi and the b. virgin Mary in the university of Cambridge, of its principal members, etc. Part 1. 4 p. l. 212, 84, 54 pp. 6 pl. 40. Cambridge, (Eng.) J. Bentham, 1753. s.

The same. Part 2. History of its principal members. 3 p. 1. pp. 213-428. App. pp. 85-115.91. 1 pl. 4°. [Cambridge, 1755]. s. Mather (Cotton, D. D.) Ecclesiastes; or, the


life of Mr. Jonathan Mitchel. xxxii, 100 pp. 24°. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1697. [Imperfect; title p. and 2 p. 1. wanting.]

Essays to do good. 108 pp. 24°. New York, Am. tract soc. [about 1820].

India christiana. A discourse delivered unto the commissioners for the propagation of the gospel among the American Indians; [with] several instruments relating to the design of propagating our religion in the eastern as well as the western Indians. 120 pp. 180. Boston, B. Green, 1721.

The life of the renowned John Eliot. 4 p. l. 152 pp. 180. Boston, B. Harris and J. Allen, 1691.


[Manuductio ad ministerium.] Student and preacher; or, directions for a candidate of the ministry, [new ed. with] a literal trans lation of [the] Latin preface [by H. Welford]. xvi, 260 pp. 16°. London, T. Scollick & J. Matthews, 1789.

The present state of New England; a discourse on the necessities and advantages of a public spirit. 46 pp. 24°. Boston, S. Green, 1690.

Psalterium americanum; the book of psalms in blank verse. xxxv, 426 pp. 180. Boston, Benj. Eliot, 1718.

The wonders of the invisible world; being an account of the tryals of several witches, lately executed in New England, etc. and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. With observations upon the nature, number, and operations of devils. Narrative of a late outrage in Swedeland. Some councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done in New England. A discourse upon the more ordinary devices of Satan, Boston, 1693. [Reprint, 247 pp. ms. 40. Boston, 1866.]

[With DRAKE (S. G.) Witchcraft delusion in New England, v. 1.]

and others. The principles of the protestant religion maintained, and the churches of New England in the profession and exercise thereof defended, against all the calumnies of one George Keith. viii, 156 pp. 24°. Boston, Richard Pierce, 1690.

The same.

[Imperfect: wanting 4 pp. at end].

Mather (Rev. Eleazar). A serious exhortation to the present and succeeding generation in New England. 4 p. 1. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Cambridge, (Mass.) S. Green and M. Johnson, 1671. The same. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 31 pp. sm. 40. Boston, John Foster, 1678.

[With WALLEY (Rev. Thomas). Balm in Gilead. Cambridge, 1670].

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