SOME OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PRICE Facts for the public. A pamphlet of general information about the Library - free $ .05 REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Bulletin. Published monthly. $1.00 per year; current single numbers, ten cents. .10 Catalogue of paintings .10 5.00 Catalogue of the Emmet collection of manuscripts, prints, etc. Sheets Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. Facsimile of the pictorial edition, Letter of Columbus. Second edition, without the Latin appendix. paper Voyages of Hulsius. paper The Jesuit relations Voyages of Thevenot Works of Milton The Waltonian collection Catalogue of the Astor Library. 8 volumes. sewed. per volume .50 .25 .50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 5.00 Publications of the Historical Printing Club. List and prices upon application to the Director's office CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Publications to be had without charge upon application at any branch, unless otherwise stated. Branch library news. Published monthly Favorite stories of the library reading Journeys to foreign lands clubs Heroism. 5 cents JOHN W. ALEXANDER FREDERIC R. HALSEY JOHN HENRY HAMMOND J. P. MORGAN MORGAN J. O'BRIEN STEPHEN H. OLIN HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN GEORGE L. RIVES CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL GEORGE W. SMITH FREDERICK STURGES HENRY W. TAFT WILLIAM STEWART TOD JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, mayor of the City of New York, ex officio OFFICERS President, GEORGE L. RIVES, LL.D. First Vice-President, LEWIS CASS LEDYARD. Second Vice-President,1 Secretary, CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL, 476 Fifth avenue. Assistant Treasurer, UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, 45 Wall street. Chief Reference Librarian, H. M. LYDENBERG, 476 Fifth avenue. Chief of the Circulation Department, BENJAMIN ADAMS, 476 Fifth avenue. MANHATTAN BRANCHES CENTRAL BUILDING. 476 Fifth avenue. 40th CHATHAM SQUARE. 33 East Broadway. HAMILTON FISH PARK. 388 East Houston HUDSON PARK. 66 Leroy street. BOND STREET, 49. Near the Bowery. TOMPKINS SQUARE. 331 East 10th street. EPIPHANY. 228 East 23rd street. Between 67TH STREET, 328 East. Near First avenue. WEBSTER. 1465 Avenue A. Near 78th street. ST. AGNES. 444 Amsterdam avenue. 81st street. Near MOTT HAVEN. 321 East 140th street. HIGH BRIDGE. 78 West 168th street. Corner MORRISANIA. 610 East 169th street. McKinley Square. TREMONT. 1866 Washington avenue. Corner of 176th street. KINGSBRIDGE. 3041 Kingsbridge avenue. Near 230th street. RICH MOND ST. GEORGE. 5 Central avenue. Tompkins- PORT RICHMOND. 75 Bennett street. TOTTENVILLE. 7430 Amboy road. Near Pros- 1 Vacant because of the election of Mr. Ledyard to the office of First Vice-President. The arrangement of branches, with the exception of the Central Building, is from south to north in Manhattan and The Bronx. |