Ford Orderly book (British). 1st Battalion Marines, Halifax, Apr.-May, 1777. 35 1. 12°. Ford Hayes, David. Record book of David Hayes, Justice of the Peace, Westbrook, Cumberland County, Maine, 1824-1858, containing records of marriages, oaths administered, deeds, mortgages, confession notes, etc. 60 р. sm. 4°. Hosack, Alexander. Receipt book. 17871801. 50 р. Emmet Hoskins, Capt. A. H., R. N. Letter copybook while in command of H. M. S. "Sultan," from Dec. 3, 1873, to Sept. 25, 1874. f°. Hudson-Fulton Celebration, New York City. Original manuscripts of the messages from twenty-one foreign delegates to the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, delivered at the official reception, Monday evening, September, 24, 1909. Human Freedom League. Papers relating to the "Human Freedom League," or "United States of Freedom," 1891-96. About 150 items. Unbound. Library Americana Jefferson, Thomas. Letters, subsequent to the revolution. Typewritten transcripts. 5 vols. f°. Ford Some of these letters are printed in Ford's Writings of Jefferson, N. Y., 1892. Jones, Caleb. Orderly book of Capt. Caleb Jones, Maryland Loyalist, 1778. 12°. Journal [log-book of a voyage of the ship "Eden," burthen 250 tonn & 13 men, Samuel Nicholson Comm'. from England to Maryland 1771 [and of the snow "Mercury," packet from New York to Falmouth, 1771. 19 1. f°. Calf. Ladies' Art Association. Documents, letters, etc., relating to this association and art education in the United States. 17 boxes. Laurens, Henry. Brief journal of his voyage, capture and confinement in the Tower, August, 1780-Dec. 1781. 14 1., written in pencil. 16°. Ford Perhaps the rough material from which his narrative printed in So. Car. Hist. Soc. Coll., vol. 1, was worked up. Lawrason and Fowle. Mercantile account and letter-books of this firm, of Alexandria, Va., about 1770-1830. 90 vols. fo. f°. Ford Lewis, Morgan. General Morgan Lewis's Vindication. The descent on the British shore at Fort George in Upper Canada in 1813. Typewritten transcript made about 1910 from the original manuscript in possession of Mrs. Maturin Livingston. 41 1. 4°. This seems to be the second part of a reply to a statement by Gen. Chandler, printed in Niles' Register, 19 Oct. 1816 (vol. 11, p. 116-119), "copied from an eastern paper.' Lewis County, N. Y. General observations on the "Brantingham Tract," accompanied by a large map of the tract as surveyed into lots, in 1806, by P. Benjamin Wright, etc. f°. Library Americana. Letters; Morton House Conference; American Flag Papers; Philadelphia Conference Papers; Letters to Col. Ethan Allen, 1862-1895; Columbian Liberty Bell. 15 letter files, 2 boxes, 32 vols., various sizes. Livingston, Henry Brockholst. Journal of the Canadian campaign. From Aug. 25, to Dec. 19, 1775. Obl. 12°. Log-book of the schooner "Yankee," of Newburyport, Nathaniel Stanwood commander, Aug. 15 - Sept. 2, 1812. 4 1. f°. Unbound. Ludewig, Hermann E. Bibliography of Spanish America. [1850?] 546 546 р., 4 1. 4°. Half russia. Ford McBride, James. Account books, day books, ledgers, etc. New York, mostly about 1802-1810; some entries to 1853. 8 vols. 4° & f°. Paper, and calf. Gift of Mrs. E. N. Vanderpoel, May, 1903. McDowell, William Osborne. Two letler-books containing copies of McDowell's letters, 1889-90; with loose drafts of his letters, and a mass of letters to him, some on business and personal matters, but the greater part relating to various so-called patriotic societies. 2 vols. f. 6 boxes. Library Americana MacGregor Collection. Copies of letters by MacGregor on business matters, etc., 1783-94. 4 vols. f°. Mackay, Hugh. Memoirs touching the Scots War, carried on for their Majesties Service, by Maj. Gen. Mackay, against Viscount Dundee, etc., 1689-90. Transcript. [1700?] 259 р. 4°. Hardwicke 101 Part I-"Manuscript Collections," continued. Maham, Hezekiah. Orderly book of Maham's Legion, South Carolina, 1781-82. 31 p. 8°. Sheep. "Marquis de Lafayette," privateer. Papers relating to the cruise of the brig "Marquis de Lafayette," 1781. 71 pieces. Unbound. Ford Mexico. Miscelanea de la Nueva España. Fragmentos de historia de Nueva España, copiados de un exemplar que poser Diego Panes; Informe de los meritos de la ciudad de Tlaxcala que sacó Boturini en 1740; Осtava Maravilla por Bartolomé de Gongora, 1628 [extracts from the poem, and contents of the book; Lista de los conquistadores de Nueva España; Cedula de Cortes, 1526. Transcripts. 18th century. 2451. f°. MoRich госсо. A vol. in half morocco, with same lettering, contains another copy of the "Fragmentos" and "Informe"; also Dos cantares del Emperador Nazahualcoyotl, traducidas de lengua Nahuatl. 276 1. f°. Mexico. Rich Mexico. Ordenanzas de Intendentes de N. España, 1800. Transcript. 19th century, 217 1. fo. Half sheep. Ford Army. Relacion yndividual en que se expresan por menor los presidios de la Nueva España terrestres y maritimos, sus situaciones y de que numero de militares se compone cada una. 1722. 30 1. f°. Half morocco. Rich In vol. lettered: "Mexico. Relaciones Varias. 1720-1811." Mexico. Real Hacienda. Certificacion geral dada al... Virrey Conde de Galve de lo producido y distribuido de la Real Hazienda en la Rl. Casa de Mejico en todo el tiempo de su gouierno...1688-1696... 12 1. Followed by other accounts of the Real Casa de Mexico and of the Real Armada de Barlovento, to 1712. 18 1. Sheep. f°. Ford With the above is bound Spain. - King. Merced à Ernando Cortes. Mexico. - Real Hacienda de Nueva España. [1812?」 66 1. f°. Half morocco. Rich In vol. lettered: "Mexico. Relaciones Varias. 1720-1811." Mexico. - Real Hacienda. Relacion general del producto y valor de toda la Real Hacienda... de la Nueva España y provincias de la Nueva Galicia, Nueva Viscaya, Yucatan, y Tabasco... 1716-1720. 80 1. f°. Half morocco. Rich In vol. lettered: "Mexico. Relaciones Varias. 1720-1811." Middlebury College, Vermont. Address by Prof. John Hough at the semi-centennial celebration, 1850. 671. Unbound. Ford A memorandum by Ford refers to "Semi-Centennial of Middlebury, 1850, page 43." Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel de Riquetti de, Count. Brief wegens den inval des Pruijssische Troupes in de Vereenigde Nederlanden, aan den Graaf de Mirabeau en antwoord op denselven. 1787. Contemporary copies? 16 p. 8°. Boards. Modern Historic Records Association. A sealed concrete cylinder. Also a box. Monroe, James. Account of his journey to Spain, 1804-05, with description of Madrid, the people, etc., notes and account of expenses. About 100 p. 12°. Calf. Diary, Mar. 1804-May 1805, containing notes of his mission to England and his negotiations with Spain. 183 р. 8°. Pigskin. Letter-book, Nov. 18, 1804-May 12, 1805, containing the correspondence of Monroe and Charles Pinckney with Pedro Cevallos, Madison, and Gen. Armstrong on the subject of indemnification for Spanish spoliations, etc., the demarcation of the boundaries of Louisiana, and the cession of Florida. Copies, with corrections in Monroe's hand. 446 р. 4°. and others. Historical letters, 17771802; the greater part from Monroe to Madison and others on public affairs; a few military letters by Lafayette, etc. Typewritten transcripts. 4871. f°. Cloth, roan back. Ford The Monroe letters are printed in Hamilton's Writings of Monroe, N. Y., 1898. Moreno y Escandòn, Francisco Antonio. Descripcion y estado del virreinato de Santa Fee, Nuevo Reino de Granada, y relacion del govierno y mando de... D. Pedro Mesia de la Cerda Marquès de la Vega de Armijo. 1772. Transcript? 18th century. 107 1., followed by a description of New Granada, 12 1. f°. Half morocco. Rich Another copy. 149 1. Both are in vol. lettered: "Papeles Varios. Santa Fee Venezuela Amagua, Etc.” Morris, Robert. Letters, 1777-1802; the greater part being on matters of business, to Tench Tilghman, 1784-'86, and to John Nicholson and William Cranch, 1794-99; with accounts and other papers. About 400 items. Unbound. Mostly Ford. Mormonism. History of, from its commencement to 1880. Scrapbooks, containing clippings, portraits, autograph letters, etc. 2 vols. Myer, Isaac. Papers. 36 boxes, and 4 boxes of Molitor's Philosophy of History; also an Index rerum. 1 vol. Nazahualcoyotl. [Dos cantares del Emperador Nazahualcoyotl, traducidas de lengua Nahuatl en la Castellana, que redujo á poesia D. Fernando de Alva; tambien un Another copy is bound in: "Mexico. Miscelanea de la Nueva España," and another in: "America. - Spanish Colonies" (lettered: "Indias. Relaciones Varias.") Netherlands. Een voorslag spoedig toe ...verschillen tossen den Koning van Groot Brittannie en de Staaten Generael der Vereenigde Nederlanden. 1672. 16 р. 8°. Unbound. Newcastle, Duke of. Thomas PelhamHolles, JAMES SINCLAIR, and others. Letters between the Duke of Newcastle, etc., on the one hand, and Admiral Lestock and General Sinclair on the other, with regard to an invasion on the coast of France, at Port L'Orient, 1746. Copies, probably contemporary. 2 vols. f°. Selections are printed in Bulletin, vol. 10, p. 303. New England. - Revolution, The, in New England in the time of Governor Andros, 1688-1690. A collection of important historical manuscripts collected and transcribed with a view of compiling and printing a...history of that Revolution, comprising all the papers that could be found relating to that subject in the Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, British Museum, etc. Brought together by Henry Stevens of Vermont. 268 1. f°. New Orleans. Journal de Depense de la Colonie de la Nouvelle Orleans, année 1766, manuscrit appt. à M. Monteil. 174 1. f°. Newport, R. I. Diary kept by some unknown person in the British garrison of Newport, R. I., July 29-Oct. 4, 1778, describing the arrival and departure of the French and English fleets, and the land operations of the campaign. 27 p. 8°. Ford New York City. Journal of acts of the City. legislature concerning the City of New York, Feb. 1898-May, 1901. 421. f°. Half russia. New York City. - Chamber of Commerce. Proceedings of committees appointed to hear and determine disputes on mercantile and maritime matters, etc. July 6, 1779-Oct. 2, 1789; with a few copies of letters at the end of the volume, concerning the New York post office and the construction of a light-house on Montauk Point. 69 1. f°. Pigskin. This manuscript has been printed recently by the Chamber of Commerce. New York City. - Democratic Anti-Abolition, State Rights Association. Minute book, 1863-1868. 1 vol. f°. New York City. - Hotels. Fifth Avenue Hotel. Store ledgers, cash books, etc., of the chef and kitchen. 5 shelves; Sinclair House Registers, 1893, 1894, 1898-1908. 13 vols. f°. New York City. - Militia. Orderly book of troops on duty in New York City, 1812, kept by C. K. Gardner and others. 16 entries. New York State. Correspondence between Azariah C. Flagg, Silas Wright, W. L. Marcy, Michael Hoffman, R. H. Walworth and others, relating to New York affairs, political and financial, from 1821 to 1847. 8 vols. 4°. Disposition of the real estate of James R. Smith in 1829. Contains details about New York City lots, colored plans of lands in Broome, Tioga (Chemung, Marion Manor), Ulster (Hardenburgh Patent), and Clinton counties, etc., 1 vol. Governors. Autograph letters of Governors of New York, 1889-99, chiefly to T. B. M. Mason. In a portfolio. Myers Northumberland, George Fitzroy, duke of. A declaration of the household expenses of his Grace, George, Duke of Northumberland, &c...from January 1st. 168/ [December 31th, 1696.1 4 vols. f°. The stable accompt of the Duke of Northumberland, from July first, 1687 [to December 31, 1692.j n. p., 1687-93. 80 p. f°. Noticias de los servicios que ha hecho a los señores Reyes Phelipe Tercero, y Quarto. El exmo. señor Don Antonio Sancho, Davila y Toledo, Marques de Velada y de San Roman, gentilhombre de la camara de su mgd. de sus conselos de estado y guerra... [Madrid, 1659. 45 1. f°. Osorio y Redin, Miguel Alvarez. Con estos dos memoriales, se descubren, medios para quitar los tributos, y sustentar... quatro millones de personas pobres... Segd Memorial, Oct. 11, 1686. Discurso universal, de las causas que ofenden esta monarquia. Memorial ajustado...del valor que tuvo la R1. Hazda. de España, reynando Phelipe III. Transcripts. [1800?] 1291. 8°. Half sheep. Ford Palmer, Benjamin F. Journal of the times; or The prisoner's journal. [War of 1812. Dec. 6, 1813-June 9, 1815.1 272 р. f°. Half calf. Also two typewritten transcripts of the above. Pan-Republic Congress. Letters, etc. relating to a proposed "Pan-Republic Congress," 1891-93, the greater part addressed to William O. McDowell. About 300 items. Unbound. Library Americana Paul, Sir George Onesiphorus. Extracts from his addresses on prison reform, 17831792. Transcripts. 100? 1. f°. Unbound. Part I - "Manuscript Collections," continued. Peace Convention held at Washington, D. C. in February, 1861. Minutes and proceedings... 3 vols. They cover the first eleven sessions, from Feb. 4-18, and seem to be the minutes kept at the time by L. E. Chittenden, from which he worked up his "Report of the debates and proceedings," printed at New York in 1864. Pell, Ferris. Record of the agency of Ferris Pell for settling the claims of the State of New York against the United States for expenses incurred during the War of 1812, containing a transcript of his official correspondence, reports, accounts, etc. 1817-1821. 388 p. f°. Calf. Penfield, E. G. Miscellaneous papers connected with the Panama canal. Unbound. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Caius. Historia natural de Plinio traducida por Francisco Hernandez. Libros 1-3, 9-25. Transcripts, partly from the original draft, partly from a copy made in the time of Hernandez. Madrid, 1785. 5 vols. f°. Boards, calf backs. Ford Poppleton, Thomas. Journal, while engaged as commissioner to prepare a plan for drawing the Collect and Lispenard Meadows, with letters to Poppleton from Anthony Bleecker, and other papers, 18121813. 8 pieces. Unbound. Quigg, Lemuel E. Letter-books. April, 1894, to January, 1895. 3 boxes. Reed, Joseph. Remarks on a late publication in the Independent Gazetteer. 1783. Transcript. 174 1. Bancroft Russia. Autograph letters, etc., of more than fifty eminent Russians, including Tolstoi, Vereshchagin, Count Perovsky Petrovo Solovovo, the Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna, Maksim Gorki, and correspondence relating to the Russian famine of 1891-1892. Saratoga, N. Y. - Journal de la campagne de Sarastaugue, 1745. Expedition against Saratoga by French and Indians under Marin. The original journal, accom panied by a 19th century translation and a transcript. 11% 1. f°. Unbound. Schuyler The journal was found in the archives at Quebec after the capture, 1759, and was placed in the hands of Philip Schuyler as the one most interested. There is another transcript in the Bancroft volume "New York and miscellaneous." Sacramento. Extracto sucinto de los asuntos comprehendidos en los tres resumenes generales de la expedicion de la colonia del Sacramento Rio de la Plata); Extracto en que se resumen varios instrumentos que se hallan en la Secretaria del Despacho de Indias...tratados de paz, y convenciones entre... España y Portugal colonia del Sacramento [18th century. 29, 67 1. f°. Rich In vol. lettered: "Brazil. Relaciones Varias, 1543 1760." San Martin, Juan de, and ANTONIO DE LEBRIJA. Relacion hecha à Su Magd. del descubrimiento y conquista del Nuevo Reyno de Granada que hizo el Licenciado Gonzalo Ximenez... desde 6 de Abril de 1536. Transcript. 18th century. 141. f°. Half morocco. Rich In vol. lettered: "Papeles Varios. Santa Fee Venezuela Amagua, Etc." Savage, Nathaniel Lyttleton. Accountbook, containing miscellaneous business transactions of a Virginia planter, 1768-85, dealing with bonds, certificates, loans, rents, tobacco, corn, negroes, horses, etc., a statement of damages inflicted by the British forces in 1781, and a memorandum concerning the privateer "Northampton." 145 1. 8°. Calf. Schuyler Account-Book, with various persons, for provisions, merchandise, cash, etc., 1698-1729. Mostly in Dutch. About 220 1. f°. Schuyler The first 18 1. are missing. The greater part of the entries are in 1711. Schuyler, Mrs. Cornelia. Papers relating to the settlement of the estate of Mrs. Cornelia [Van Cortlandt, Schuyler, [mother of Gen. Philip Schuyler, consisting of accounts with various persons, 1760-'93. 20 items. Unbound. Schuyler Schuyler, John Bradstreet. Papers of John B. Schuyler as commissioner of highways and of excise and justice of the peace, etc., for the town of Saratoga, comprising tax-lists, petitions for the laying out of roads, tavern licences, constables's rants, records of trials, etc., 1790-95. About 225 items. Unbound. Schuyler war Schuyler, John Cortlandt. Papers relating to the settlement of the estate of John C. Schuyler, deceased 1793,, consisting of letters, notes of hand, accounts, inventories, etc., 1785-1802. About 85 items. Unbound. Schuyler Part I-"Manuscript Collections," continued. Schuyler, Philip. Account-book for rent of lands to numerous tenants at Saratoga, Cosby's Manor [now Utica], etc., 1769-1805. 202 1. f°. Calf. Schuyler Lettered on back, "Ledger," on side, "No. 2." Account-book, with various persons, for transactions in land, etc., cash, mortgages, bonds, interest, sundries, etc., 17561798. 136 1. nar. f°. Sheep. With an index of names. 13 1. nar. f°. Boards. Schuyler Lettered on side "L." Account-book, with various persons, for cash, merchandise, provisions, peltries, labor performed, etc., 1774-1796. 323 1. f°. Calf. With an index of names. 12 1. nar. f°. Boards. Schuyler Lettered on side, "No. 1." Accounts of private and household expenses, bills and receipts for provisions, clothing, merchandise, freight charges, etc. 1757-1803; military accounts of public moneys, cattle and provisions furnished by his estate, damages done by troops, etc. 1775-'81; accounts with Stanton Teft, 1768'78, and with several New York commission merchants, 1785-'87, for timber and boards; papers of his schooner "Saratoga," 1763-'68. About 500 items. Unbound. Schuyler Bonds, promissory-notes and powers of attorney drawn to Gen. Schuyler, 17611804, with a few miscellaneous papers relating to his estate, 1806-1809. About 75 items. Unbound. Schuyler Canal Papers. Letters to and from Gen. Philip Schuyler on the affairs of the Northern and Western Inland Lock Navigation Companies; minutes of meetings of boards of directors; reports of surveyors and contractors, and other papers relating to the construction and operation of canals in New York State. 1792-1803. About 740 items. Unbound. Schuyler These papers are arranged in chronological order. They have been indexed on two sets of brown cards, one set filed according to names of authors, the other according to dates. Draughts of various public papers, Draughts mostly subsequent to the Revolution; papers relating to the New York-Massachusetts boundary line, 1773-1787; plans, etc., of New York State prison, 1795-1796. About 50 items. Unbound. Indian Papers. Papers of Gen. Philip Schuyler as one of the commissioners of Indian affairs in the Northern Department, and agent of the State of New York, comprising speeches made at Indian councils, notes of proceedings, minutes of the commissioners' meetings, accounts of supplies, expenses of Indian delegates and of the commissioners, letters, resolutions of congress, acts of the New York legislature, and various papers relating to the lands of the Six Nations, including numerous claims filed in 1795 by white settlers on the Cayuga reservation, etc.; 1764-1797. About 550 items. Unbound. Schuyler Land Papers. Letters, deeds, leases, mortgages, maps, surveys and field-books, etc., relating to lands in Albany, Saratoga, New York, Claverack, Cosby's Manor [now Utica], Hoosick, the Beeckman Patent, Dutchess, Montgomery and Westchester Counties, and the Champlain valley, with signatures of the Schuylers, Van Rensselaers, Livingstons, Beeckmans, Bleeckers, John Morin Scott, Simeon DeWitt, etc., 1720-1840. About 850 items. Unbound. 11 boxes, 1 portfolio. Schuyler Letter-book. Copies of letters and instructions from Gen. Washington and the Continental Congress to Gen. Philip Schuyler, June, 1775-June, 1778. 14-383 р. Schuyler f°. Calf. See also drafts and copies of letters by Gen. Schuyler, unbound, among the Schuyler Papers. Letters from Gen. Schuyler to his son, John B. Schuyler, and to other members of his family, mostly on personal or business matters, 1787-1795; also letters between Gen. Schuyler and John C. Cuyler, 1798, concerning the settlement of the estate of John B. Schuyler. About 60 items. Unbound. Schuyler Letters to Gen. Schuyler, military and miscellaneous, not entered in the Schuyler Calendar; including 32 letters to him as a member of the New York Council of Appointment, 1788, recommending certain persons for various public offices. About 70 items. Unbound. Schuyler Letters and military orders of Gen. Schuyler and his aides de camp (John Lansing and Richard Varick); with some miscellaneous letters of Gen. Schuyler to various correspondents, 1769-1804. About 160 items, mostly drafts or copies. Unbound. Schuyler Copies of some of these letters are also found in the Schuyler letter books. MS. Calendar of letters to Gen. Philip Schuyler, 1761-1802, made by M. Ε. Allison? in 1851. 2 vols. fo. Calf. Schuyler The arrangement of the Calendar is alphabetical, according to names of writers. The letters them |