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Part II - Historical Texts, continued.

Caldwell, James. Letter dated Albany, June 11, 1776, to Elias Boudinot, relative to the Canada Campaign. Bull. III: 360361.

Calhoun, James C. Letters to Samuel L. Gouverneur, 1823-1836. Bull. III: 324333.

Cameron, Simon. Two letters to Horace Greeley, dated Jan. 15, 1862 and May 20, 1863, on American affairs. Bull. VIII: 366367.

Campbell, Arthur. Two letters to Arthur Lee, dated Jan. 17, 1779 and June 9, 1782. Bull. VII: 162-163.

Campbell, John. Letter dated London, May 15, 1761, on Humes' views of Queens Elizabeth and Mary. Bull. Ix: 199-200.

Campbell, William. Letter to Charles Cummings, dated Aspen-Ville, March 28, 1781, on the battle of Guilford Court House. Bull. ix: 464.

Capers, Le Grand G., and V. W. KINGSLEY. Two letters to Horace Greeley, dated March 20 and 24, 1865, on peace negotiations. Bull. VIII: 227-229.

Charles I., King of Great Britain. Letters relating to his expedition against the Covenanters in 1639. Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. 111: 53-55; rv: 260-282.

Clark, Abraham. Letter to John Hart, dated Baltimore, Feb. 8, 1777. Bull. 11: 247-248.

Clay, Henry. Letter dated London, March 25, 1815, on Napoleon's return from Elba. Bull. VIII: 259-260.

Clay, Henry. Letter to Theodore Freylinghuysen, dated Ashland, May 22, 1844, on the presidential campaign of that year. Bull. VII: 127-128.

Columbus, Ferdinand. Petition to Charles v. for a national library. Printed from the transcript in the N. Y. P. L. made about 1780 for Muñoz, the Spanish historian. Bull. III: 356-359.

Confederate States of America. - Attorney General. Opinions of the Attorney General, Apr. 1, 1861 1861-M May 3, 1864. Bull. 1: 341-342; 11: 196-199, 389-390.

Cornell, Samuel. Papers relating to Samuel Cornell, North Carolina loyalist. [A selection. Bull. XVII: 443-484.

Cromwell, Oliver. Letter to Rev. John Cotton, of Boston, Mass., written on Oct. 2, 1651, after the battle of Worcester. Bull. IV: 13-14.

Cushing, Thomas. Letter dated June 3, 1773, to the House of Representatives of

Maryland, being proposals for colonial committees of correspondence. Bull. 11: 288.

Davenport, John. Letters of Davenport to John Winthrop, draughts of letters by Winthrop, and other letters and documents, 1638-1693, relating mostly to the colony of Connecticut. Bull. III: 393-408.

Dawson, William. Letter to James Monroe, dated New York, June, 2, 1814, on British war plans. Bull. vI: 246.

Deane, Silas. Letter dated Wethersfield, [Conn.), June 13, [1774, to the Committee of Correspondence of Virginia, regarding a conference to be held by representatives of the colonies. Bull. 1: 185.

Dobell, Peter. Letter dated Macao in China, Nov. 28, 1820, relative to the massacre of foreigners in Manila. Bull. VII: 198200.

Drayton, Percival, Captain. Naval letters from...1861-1865. Bull. x: 587-625, 639-681.

Duffield, George. Letter dated Phila., June 25, 1776, to Rev. David McClure, on the defences of Philadelphia. Bull, 11: 200.

Ford, John. Letter dated New York, Aug. 22, 1816, to his father, on New York wages and prices. Bull. xvII: 866-868.

Franklin, Benjamin. Letter to Hon. Thomas Cushing and others, dated London, Feb. 2, 1774, on the Boston Tea Party. Bull. 1: 244.

Letters on public affairs, 1773-1787. Bull. x: 13-22.

Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. Letter dated Dec. 30, 1772, on the requirements for the Prussian army officer. Bull. Χιν: 522.

Fulton, Robert. Letters and documents by or relating to him. Bull. XIII: 567-584. Letters and essays to Napoleon Buonaparte on canals for France and freedom of trade, 1798. Bull. v: 348-365.

Gallatin, Albert. Letter to James Monroe, dated Paris, August 6, 1816, on affairs in France. Bull. XIII: 75-76.

Greene, Nathanael. Letter to Samuel Adams, dated Middle Brook, May 28, 1777, on American affairs. Bull. xv: 514.

Gregory, Frank. Letter to David Porter, dated July 3, 1823, on piracy in the Gulf of Mexico. Bull. IX: 122-123.

Hamilton, Alexander. Letter to John Laurens dated September 12, 1780. Bull. 11: 49-50.

Hand, Edward. Letter to Jasper Yeates, dated Oct. 12, 1781, on the siege of Yorktown. Bull. VI: 286.

Part II - Historical Texts, continued.

Harper, Robert G. Letter to Gen. Dayton, dated Baltimore, July 2, 1800, on American politics. Bull. IV: 115.

Mobile, Ala. Safety Committee. Minutes of the executive committee, 1862-1863. Bull. VIII: 596-621.

Howden, John-Hobart Caradoc, Baron. Letter dated London, June 12, 1843, on Irish affairs. Bull. XVI: 454.

Monroe, James. Letters of, 1798-1823. Bull. iv: 41-61; v: 371-382, 431-433; νι: 210230, 247-257.

Howe, Samuel Gridley. Letter written in the Berlin prison March 26, 1832. Bull. VII: 90-94.

India affairs in 1765-1766. Letters relating to...from Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. VIII: 215-227.

Isle de Bourbon, Réunion. Documents, 1701-1710. A selection. Bull. XIII: 7-63.

Jackson, Andrew. Letter to James Monroe, dated Nashville, Dec. 20, 1817, on the presidential message of 1817. Bull. Ix:


Letters to William Berkeley Lewis of Nashville, Tenn., 1813-1825. Bull. Iv: 154-162, 188-198.

Jefferson, Thomas. Two letters to John Page, one dated Annapolis, May 25, 1766, and the other Monticello, July 26, 1803. Bull. 11: 176-177.

Jeffrey, Francis. Letter to James Monroe, dated New York, October 9, 1813, on American affairs. Bull. x: 95-97.

Johnston, Joseph E. Letter dated Macon, Ga., Aug. 13, 1864, on the Georgia campaign. Bull. VI: 170.

Laurens, Henry. Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Hillsborough, etc., secretaries of state, dated Tower of London, June 23, 1781. Bull. II: 44-48.

Lee, Charles, Major General. Plan of operations against the Americans, 29th March, 1777. Document written to Lord and Sir William Howe. Bull. 1: 92-95.

Livingston, James. Letter probably written at Chamblée in August, 1775, to Philip Schuyler, in command of the forces designed for the invasion of Canada. Bull. 111: 359-360.

McKean, Thomas. Letter to Caesar Rodney, dated Phila., July 24, 1780, on American affairs. Bull. 11: 333-334.


Letters to... 1812-1816. Bull. XII:

Montagu, John, Admiral. Letters to Nathaniel Coffin, of Boston, Mass., on American affairs, 1774-1776. Bull. IV: 1517, 80-82, 358.

Newcastle, Holles, Duke of. Correspondence between him and Admiral Lestock and General St. Clair, relating to the expedition against L'Orient in 1746. Selections from contemporary transcripts. Bull. x: 303-328.

Newell, Thomas M. Letter to David Porter, dated June 25, 1823, on piracy in the West Indies. Bull. Ix: 48-49.

New Haven, Conn. Plea of a committee of New Haven to the merchants of Wethersfield and Hartford for non-importation, 1770. Bull. 1: 184.

New York, Colony. Oath Rolls, 175357, with 200 signatures; accompanied by a descriptive comment. Bull. 1: 44-50.

New York. Journal of an unidentified soldier during the campaign around New York and the retreat through New Jersey from July to December, 1776. Bull. VIII: 547-549.

Nisbet, Charles. Letters from Charles Nisbet, president of Dickinson College, to Charles Wallace in Edinburgh, on America and American society, 1790-1797. Bull. 1: 116-120, 180-183, 312-315; 11: 80-83, 284-287.

Reed, Joseph. Letter (to Henry Laurens, dated June 15, 1778, relative to peace negotiations. Bull. II: 16-17.

Roane, Spencer. Letters of, written from 1788 to 1822, on American affairs. Bull. x: 167-180.

Rush, Benjamin. Letter to Rev. William Gordon, dated Phila., Oct. 10, 1773, on the authorship of "Scaevola" and "Hampden," two newspaper writers. Bull. 11: 434.

St. Clair, Arthur. Letter to Col. James Wilson, dated Fort Edward, July 14, 1777, on evacuation of Ticonderoga. Bull. Iv:

62. Letter to Jared Ingersoll, dated Pittsburg, Aug. 29, 1794, concerning the Whiskey rebellion. Bull. III: 500-501.

Madison, James. Letter to James Monroe, dated Montpelier, July 26, 1816, on West Indies' slavery. Bull. ix: 463.

Letter to James Monroe, dated Sept. 22, 1816, on alleged Spanish intriguing. Bull. ix: 448.

Sandwich, Earl of. Letter to Lord Chesterfield, dated the Hague, April 29, 1747, N. S., on the choice of William Iv. as stadtholder of Holland. Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. IV: 389-390.

Savage, John. Depositions concerning the plot against Queen Elizabeth, dated Aug. 15, 1586. Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. IV: 249-251.

Part II - Historical Texts, continued.

Sibbald, George. Letter dated Aug. 11, 1802, relating to the Yazou purchase. Bull. VIII: 151-154.

Smyth Papers. Virginia papers, 16131634. The manuscript collections of John Smyth of Nibley, Gloucestershire, the author of the "Lives of the Berkeleys," one of the original Adventurers in the promotion of plantations and settlements in the second Virginian colony. Selections. Bull. 1: 68-72; II: 160-171, 208-223, 248258, 276-295.

Sullivan, James. Letter dated Boston, Oct. 20, 1796, to Dr. William Smith on the North-East Boundary. Bull. 1: 244-246.

United States. Constitution. First twelve amendments, printed from the official manuscript on vellum in N. Y. P. L. Bull. IV: 9-12.

Uscan, Petrus, and LORD CLIVE. Letters to the directors of the East India Company, on India affairs in 1750-1767. Hardwicke mss. in N. Y. P. L. Bull. VI: 337373.

Wadsworth, Peleg. Letter to Jacob Burnet, dated City of Washington, Dec. 10, 1800, on American politics. Bull. VII : 393.

Wagner, Joseph. Letter to Col. Read, dated Trenton, N. J., Sept. 30, 1798, on American affairs. Bull. VII: 279-280.

Waine, Benjamin. Letter to Capt. Joseph Bainbridge, dated May 14, 1814, giv

ing an account of the capture of U. S. Ship Frolic by the Orpheus Frigate, Capt. Hugh Pigot, 19 April, 1814. Bull. VII: 278.

Walsingham, Francis. Letter to Earl Leicester, dated Hampton Court, Nov. 25, 1576, on the Netherlands. Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. IV: 346.

Letter to Robert Bowes on Scotch affairs in 1580. Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. IV: 283-284.

Plea to Queen Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1574. Hardwicke papers in N. Y. P. L. Bull. IV: 17-18.

Washington, George. Letter-press copies of letters written between June 30, 1792, and December 21, 1794. Bull. 1: 208-211, 276-279; 11: 10-15, 116-119.

Washington, Samuel. Letter to Wm. Lee, dated May 26, 1769, relative to the dissolution of the Virginia Assembly. Bull. 11: 332.

Weare, Meshech. Plan for colonial union, 1754. Bull. 1: 149-150.

Wilkinson, James. Letter dated Mexico, April 17, 1823, [to Thomas Aspinwall, on the Mexican revolution. Bull. III: 361364.

Winwood, Ralph. Letter to Earl Salisbury, dated the Hague, May 8, 1610, on the assassination of Henry Iv. Hardwicke mss. in N. Y. P. L. Bull. VI: 479-480.

Wool, John Ellis, Major-General. Letter to W. L. Stone, dated Troy, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1838, on the battle of Queenstown Heights in October, 1812. Bull. Ix: 120





MONG the more important gifts received by the Library during the month of January may be mentioned the following:

From Mr. Howard Townsend of New York a further lot of papers of Major Patrick Campbell, Thomas Pearsall, and William Bayard, as well as of the firm of Leroy, Bayard and McEvers, consisting of letters, invoices, and checks, written mostly in the first quarter of the nineteenth century, but with some of earlier dates. In this collection there were 25 manuscript volumes, 10 printed pamphlets, and about 2,050 separate pieces.

From Hon. Charles S. Fairchild of New York came a collection of 275 letters, petitions, etc., from the papers of the Hon. Perry G. Childs, of Cazenovia, N. Y., 18171822, principally of the year 1822 while Mr. Childs was a member of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, and while he was State Senator for the Western District, 1819-1822. These papers cover nearly every section of the old Western District of the State, and are recommendations by party meetings or committees for appointments to various public offices.

From the Estate of Samuel Isham came a continuation of the gift of last month, consisting of 100 volumes mainly works on art-360 prints, and 12 photographs.

Judge Peter Townsend Barlow of New York gave the Library 95 volumes, for the most part bibliographies, works on history, etc., published during the eighteenth century.

From Mrs. Mary D. Conner of Philadelphia came a portrait of Commodore D. Conner, engraved by Samuel Sartain; a photograph of Octorara, Cecil County, Md., photographed and printed by P. S. P. Conner, 1873; photograph of the study in Octorara House; manuscript note by P. S. P. Conner, Octorara, July 26, 1890; three blue prints of the Conner pedigree; and three pamphlets, the "Castle of San Juan de Ulloa" by P. S. P. Conner, Philadelphia, 1897, "The Home Squadron under Commodore Conner in the War with Mexico," Philadelphia, 1896, and the "Syng family of Philadelphia," Philadelphia, 1891.

From Mrs. Philip Schuyler of Irvingtonon-Hudson came 160 volumes and 2 pam

phlets, chiefly works on American history, geography, etc.

Dr. William Paul Gerhard of New York gave the Library 33 volumes and 9 pamphlets, among which were the Proceedings of the 1912 International Congress of Hygiene and Demography (9 volumes), works on sanitary engineering, and miscellaneous works in German and English.

From Mr. Frank M. Armington of Paris came a collection of prints and etchings, 49 in number, all his own work; and from the Chicago Society of Etchers came a copy of "The etching of landscapes by Henry Winslow, with two original etchings by Franklin T. Wood, Allen Lewis", 1914.

Copies of their works were presented to the Library by the following authors: Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn.; Mr. Charles Carpenter, London; Mr. C. J. Charles of New York (copy No. 737 of the 1st edition of 800 copies of "Elizabethan interiors"); Dr. George Van N. Dearborn of Boston; Major-Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, Council Bluffs, Ia. ("Personal recollections of President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman," Council Bluffs, 1914); Mr. Robert J. M. Gallaudet Erwin of New York; Mr. Mantle Fielding of Philadelphia; Rev. Gifford H. Johnson of Croydon, Eng.; Rev. William C. Knowles of Ponsett, Conn.; Mr. W. S. Lovell-Smith of Christchurch, New Zealand; Mr. Augustus Meyers of New York ("Ten years in the ranks, United States Army," New York, 1914); Dr. G. Delgado Palacios of Caracas, Venezuela; Mr. Edmund Deacon Peterson of Philadelphia; Mr. George F. Stacpole of Riverhead, N. Y.; Rev. Henry Otis Thayer of New York; Mr. Wilson Waters of Marietta, Ohio; Mr. G. W. Wood of London, Eng.; Rev. Henry Woods of Washington, Pa.; and Mr. Sidney Withington of New Haven, Conn.

[blocks in formation]




This list, originally undertaken in the fall of 1914 to meet the immediate needs of the Division of Economics and Sociology, makes no pretension to completeness. Time has not been available to look up documentary sources or to examine thoroughly the literature of individual wars. Effort has been made, however, to give the list value by confining it to material of some actual merit. The European war of 1914-15, it will be noted, has been excluded from its scope.

Mr. George S. Maynard assisted in the preliminary work upon the list.







Blaustein, Arthur. Versuch einer Bibliographie zur Kriegswirtschaftslehre. (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. Jena, 1914. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 506-519.)


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Division of Economics and History. Report of the director John Bates Clark). 1911-1913/14. (In: Carnegie Endowment... Year book, 1911-1913/14. Washington, D. C. [cop. 1912-14.] 3 v. 8°.) YFXA

Report for 1911 outlines the work assigned to the division, namely, the study of the causes and effects of war; report for 1912 gives a list of the collaborators and their subjects; report for 1913/14 gives a list of works completed or in preparation. None of these studies, however, had been published up to the time of the compilation of this list.

Robinson, Edward Van Dyke. War and economics in history and in theory. (Political science quarterly. Boston, 1900. 8°. v. 15, p. 581-628.) SEA

Bibliography, p. 623-628.

Serrigny, Bernard. Les conséquences économiques et sociales de la prochaine guerre, d'après les enseignements des campagnes de 1870-71 et de 1904-1905. Paris: Giard et Brière, 1909. 478 p. 8°.


Allen, Arthur W. The drain of armaments. A series of tables showing their present cost, their growth in thirty years, and their relation to national indebtedness. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1912. 12°. 19 p. (World Peace Foundation. Pamphlet series. no. 5, part 1.) YFXA Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1913. 2. ed. 12°. YFXA Cairnes, W. E. The cost of British and foreign armies. (Contemporary review. London, 1901. 8°. v. 80, p. 13-23.) * DA

Cobden Club. The burden of armaments. A plea for retrenchment. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1905. 228 p. 8°. YFXC Excellent review of British armament policy from 1841 to 1904.

Dilke, Sir Charles W. The defence expenditure of the empire. With discussion.] (Royal Statistical Society. Journal. London, 1900. 8°. v. 63, p. 410-420.) SDA

Great Britain. - Admiralty. Naval expenditure (principal naval powers). each of the last ten years. YFX Annual, 1906, 1909, 1913. London, 1906-13. fo. †† VYBB

With special reference to French conditions.
Bibliography, p. 469-476.

Sombart, Werner. Krieg und Kapitalismus. München: Duncker & Humblot, 1913. viii, 232 p. 8°. (In his: Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des modernen Kapitalismus. Bd. 2.)

Bibliography, p. 211-232.


Great Britain. - War Office. Army estimates of effective and non-effective services, together with... statement showing the net army expenditure for ten years... [Annual. 1909/10-1914/15. London, 190914. f°. †† TIB

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