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to the building numbered



HE Library's purchases include the original manuscript of "A Map of the Survey & Partition of Oriskany otherwise called Oriskany Patent, made under the direction of Abraham Ten Eyck, Peter Schuyler and Christopher Peak, Agents, by G. Lansing, Surveyor, the 19th January in the year 1786," on a scale of forty chains to one inch. This patent, granted April 18, 1705, by the then Governor of New York, is the earliest known transaction of land now lying within the limits of Oneida County, covering 32,625 acres, lying along the Mohawk River and including the present city of Rome, which is the site of Fort Stanwix and Fort Schuyler, where the battle of Oriskany was fought during the American Revolution. The survey of 1786 was made pursuant to the legislative requirements growing out of lands held under forfeiture of persons attainted. Ten Eyck, Schuyler and Peak were appointed agents to partition and Lansing as surveyor, by Colonel Frederick

Visscher, of Oriskany battle fame, then first judge of Montgomery County.

Another purchase of local interest is a release of a lot of land on the east side of Maiden Lane, dated November 19, 1730, from John Miln and his wife Mary, a daughter of Stephanus Van Cortlandt, the first lord of the Manor of Cortlandt, to William Vesey, first rector of Trinity Church, witnessed by James Alexander and James Lyne. It is interesting to call attention to the two autographs of James Lyne, who made a survey of the city at this time, which is better known as the "Bradford Мар."

New York City is also represented by a purchase of a collection of about sixty pieces of the papers of Captain Noah Scovell, merchant of Saybrook, Conn., and New York City, 1794-1825, largely relating to the origin, etc., of the New York Dry Dock Company, which was chartered, with bank privileges, on April 12, 1825. Also by the original minute book of the Democratic Anti-Abolition, State Rights Association of the City of New York, 1863-1868.

British military history is strengthened by a purchase of four volumes which were at one time in the library of Sir Charles Frederick, who was Surveyor of the Ordnance of England. Three of the volumes have his large armorial bookplate, while one has embossed on its sides the arms of the Prince of Wales. One volume consists of engrossed records and letters relating to the British military establishment and its equipment in Europe and America, from 1642-1766; another consists of precedents and orders for firing guns upon triumphal and thanksgiving days, occasions of peace, royal coronations, birthdays, deaths, etc., from 1683 to 1759; a third volume shows allowances and wages in the military and civil service of the ordnance of England, about 1759-1764; and a fourth volume is a record copy of letters written or received by Sir Charles Frederick from 1761 to 1766, among the exchanges being those of the Duke of Newcastle; the Lords of Ligonier, Lorne, Loudoun, Stanhope, and Holland; the Earls of Cathcart, Bute, Albermarle, Shelburne, and Denbigh; the Marquis of Granby; Count La Lippe; Generals Michelson and Napier; the Lord Mayor of London, and George Grenville.



Adkins, Frank James. The war: its origins and warnings. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1914.] 227 p. 12°. BTZE

Allen, J. W. Germany and Europe. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1914. vii(i) p., 1 1., 133(1) p. 12°. BTZE

Armeen, Die, unserer Feinde. Wie sehen sie aus, und was muss man von ihnen wissen?... Leipzig: M. Ruhl [1914]. 32 p., 4 col'd pl. 12°. VWE

Barclay, Sir Thomas. Law and usage of war; a practical handbook of the law and usage of land and naval warfare and prize. London: Constable and Co., Ltd., 1914. xv, 245 p. 12°.


Barnard, Charles Inman. Paris war days; diary of an American. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1914. x, 226 p., 11., 1 fac., 16 pl., 7 port. 8°. DOL

Battle, The, of "The Bight"; being the official narrative of the naval engagement between the British and German fleets in the Heligoland Bight on Friday, August 28th, 1914; with drawings by Frank Mason & Arthur Briscoe, and Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The destroyers." London: "The Yachting Monthly," 1914. 2 p.1., 20 p. illus. ob. 8°. (Battle souvenirs, no. 1.) VYC

Beck, James Montgomery. Germany's case tried in court. London: G. Newnes, Ltd. [1914. 2 p.1., vii-viii, 9-63 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.23, no.2 Benedict, Clare. Six months, MarchAugust, 1914. [Cooperstown, N. Y., 1914.) 68 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.27, no.7

Bernhardi, Friedrich Adam Julius von. Deutschland und der nächste Krieg. Sechste Auflage, unter Berücksichtigung der veränderten militärischen und politischen Verhältnisse neu bearbeitet... Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1913. viii, 345 p.. 1 1., 1 fold. map. tables. 8°. EAR

Bonsels, Waldemar. Das junge Deutschland und der grosse Krieg. Aus Anlass des Briefwechsels Romain Rollands mit Gerhart Hauptmann über den Krieg und die Kultur. München: W. Schmidkunz, 1914. 33 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 8°.

BTZE p.v.27, no.6 Book, A, of British heroes. London: G. Richards, Ltd., 1914. 3 p.l., 5-171 p. 12°. BTZE

Borkowsky, Ernst Otto. Unser heiliger Krieg. Teil 1., Weimar: G. Kiepenheuer, 1914. 8°. BTZE

Botha, Louis. Redevoering van Generaal Botha gehouden te Bank op 28 September 1914. [Bank,, 1914. 14 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.27, no.11

Braun, Max. Gott geht durchs Land! Schlichte Andachten fürs deutsche Haus während der Kriegszeit. Berlin: Vaterländische Verlags- und Kunstanstalt, 1914. 32 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.23, no.1

Brereton, Frederick Sadleir. With French at the front; a story of the great European war down to the battle of the Aisne. Illustrated by Arch. Webb. London: Blackie and Son, Ltd. [1914.] v p., 1 1., 292 p. 6 pl. (incl. front.) 12°. NCW

Buchner, Eberhard, compiler. Kriegsdokumente; der Weltkrieg 1914 in der Darstellung der zeitgenössischen Presse. Bd. 1. München: A. Langen (1914). 8°. BTZE Bd. 1. Die Vorgeschichte; der Krieg bis zur Vogesenschlacht.

Buchwald, R., compiler. Der heilige Krieg; Gedichte aus dem Beginn des Kampfes... Jena: E. Diederichs, 1914. 1 p.l., 90 p., 1 1. 24°. BTZE p.v.25, no.1

Nachwort signed: R. Buchwald.

Bulletin des armées de la République. Extraits du Bulletin des armées de la République. [fasc.] 1. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1914. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914. [fasc.] 9.) BTZE p.v.24, no.9 The "Bulletin" is published daily for the French First issue, August 15, 1914. [fasc.] 1. Les premier - Paris, du 15 août au 3 septembre 1914.


Butler, Nicholas Murray. The great war and its lessons. New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1914. 8 p. 12°. (International conciliation, published monthly by the American Association for International Conciliation. Special bulletin.) BTZE p.v.23, no.6

Carlé, Erwin, editor. Der grosse Krieg; ein Anekdotenbuch, hrsg. von Erwin Rosen [pseud.). Teil 1. Stuttgart: R. Lutz [1914. 12°. (Anekdoten-Bibliothek. Bd. 14.) BTZE

Teil 1 is 9. ed.

Chesterton, Cecil Edward. The Prussian hath said in his heart. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1914. vii, 240 p. 12°. BTZE

En guerre, du 5 au 7 août; 4e, 5e et 6e jours de la mobilisation. Paris: BergerLevrault, 1914. 80 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914. [fasc.] 5.) BTZE p.v.24, no.5 La bataille de Liége. Escarmouches en Lorraine. Premières prises navales.

En mobilisation, ler, 2e et 3e jours. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1914. 91 p., 1 1. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914. [fasc.] 3.) BTZE p.v.24, no.3

Les violations de frontière. Les ultimatum allemands.

Evans, Charles Seddon, compiler. Our glorious heritage; a book of patriotic verse for boys and girls, compiled by Charles Seddon Evans. Introduction by the Very Reverend H. C. Beeching... London: W. Heinemann [1914]. xv, Ï53(1) p. 12°.


Child's book of the great war. Junior.
Cardiff: Educational Pub. Co., Ltd. [1914.]
32 p., 6 pl. 12°.
BTZE p.v.23, no.3
Child's book of the great war.
Cardiff: Educational Pub. Co., Ltd. [1914.]
48 p., 6 pl. 12°.
BTZE p.v.23, no.4

Chisholm, Cecil. Sir John French; an authentic biography with an introduction by Sir Evelyn Wood...and a portrait by J. R. L. French. London: H. Jenkins, Ltd., 1915. viii, 151 p., front. (port.) 12°. AN

Church, Leslie F. The story of Servia; her birth, her death, her resurrection. London: C. H. Kelly [1914]. 136 p. 12°. GIVI

Clutton-Brock, Arthur. Thoughts on the


London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1914.)
4 p.1., 86 p. 4. ed. 16°. BTZE p.v.25, no.2
Colijn, H. Over den volkerenkrijg.
Utrecht: G. J. A. Ruys, 1914. 48 p. maps.
2. ed. 8.°
BTZE p.v.27, no.13
Collis, W. S. The war and prophecy.
Dublin: E. Ponsonby [1914]. 16 p. 8°.
BTZE p.v.27, no.1

Communiqués, Les, officiels depuis la déclaration de guerre. [fasc. 1-3. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1914. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914. [fasc.] 6-8.) BTZE p.v.24, no.6-8 I. Du 5 au 14 août. II. Du 15 au 31 août. III. Du 1er au 30 septembre.

Currey, Edward Hamilton. The man-ofwar, what she has done, and what she is doing. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack [1914]. x, 297 (1) p., 17 pl. (incl. col'd front.) illus. 8°. ("Romance of reality" series. [V.] 2.) VXR

Dawson, William Harbutt. What is wrong with Germany? London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1915. xii, 227 p. 12°. EAM

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. The war and the way out. London: Chancery Lane Press [1914). 47(1) p. 12°.

BTZE p.v.25, no.6

Dyson, Taylor, editor. La guerre, A.D. 1914. A selection of leading articles on the great war in its early stages, culled from the French and Belgian newspapers, and arranged as a book of French unprepared translations for middle and upper forms. With notes on the idiomatic expressions. London: G. Gill & Sons, Ltd., 1914. 2 p.1., 122 p. 12°. BTZE

Edelsheim, Franz Wilhelm Leopold Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig, Freiherr von. Operations upon the sea; a study. Translated from the German. New York: Outdoor Press, 1914. 107 p. 12°. VXM The war and the British dominions. Oxford: University Press, 1914. 23 p. 12°. (Oxford pam

Egerton, Hugh Edward.

phlets, 1914.)

BTZE p.v.18, no.9

Fleming, Noel. other war stories. Unwin, Ltd. [1914.]

Killed in action, and London: G. Allen & 149 p. 12°. BTZE

Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie. The Germans.. Oxford: University Press, 1914. 2 nos. map. 12°. (Oxford pamphlets, 1914.) BTZE p.v.18, no.11-12 Part 1. Their empire, how they have made it. Part 2. What they covet.

Frantzius, Fritz von.

Germans as ex

ponents of culture. In answer to an article
by Professor Brander Matthews of Colum-
bia University in the New York Times
of Sept. 20, 1914. Chicago, 1914. 1 p.l., 22
p., 1 1. 3. ed.] 8°.
EAG p.v.33, no.7

French, Sir John Denton Pinkstone. Sir
John French's despatches; official records
of the great battles of Mons, the Marne,
and the Aisne, as told in his despatches by
Field-Marshal Sir John French to Field-
Marshal Lord Kitchener, secretary of state
for war. London: The Graphic [1914).
47(1) p.
maps. ob. 12°. ("The Graphic"
special, no. 1.)

Geerke, H. P., and G. A. BRANDS. De oorlog; geïllustreerde geschiedenis van den wereldoorlog. v. 1. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff & Co. (1914. fac., illus., port. 16°. (De Meulenhoff-editie, een algemeene bibliotheek.) BTZE

German, The, spy system from within, by Ex-intelligence officer. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914. viii, 198 p. 12°. VWE

Goodchild, George, compiler. England, my England; a war anthology. London: Jarrold & Sons, 1914. ix p., 1 1., 13-223 (1) p. 16°. NCI

Gore, Charles, bishop of Oxford. The war and the church, and other addresses, being the charge delivered at his primary visitation, 1914. London: A. R. Mowbray & Co. (1914. vii, 139(1) p. 12°. ZPE

Gore-Browne, Frank. The effect of the war on commercial engagements. London: Jordan & Sons, Ltd., 1914. xx, 103 p. 8°. TLV

Guard, William J. The soul of Paris; two months in the French capital during the war of 1914. Random notes of an American newspaper man. (New York: H. Rogowski, 1914. 149 p. 8°.

BTZE p.v.26, no.7 Guet-apens, Le; 23-24-25 juillet. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1914. 40 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914. [fasc.) 1.) BTZE p.v.24, no.1

Le choix du moment. L'ultimatum autrichien. L'émotion en Europe.

Hall, Cyril. Modern weapons of war by land, sea, and air. Illustrated by actual war pictures. London: Blackie & Son, Ltd., 1915. 192 p., 17 pl. (incl. col'd front.) illus. 12°. VWW

Hamund, St. John. The Rubáiyát of William the War Lord. London: G. Richards, Ltd., 1915. 20 1. illus. 8°. EDD

Hanna, Henry. The war and suspension of legal remedies. Dublin: E. Ponsonby, Ltd., 1914. 59 p. 8°. THG

Hansen, Hans Jacob. Den store Krig. København: Lehmann & Stage, 1914. 48 p. BTZE p.v.23, no.12


Harrison, Austin. The Kaiser's war. With an introduction by Frederic Harrison. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1914.] 251(1) p. 12°. BTZE

12 p.

Hassall, Arthur. "Just for a scrap of paper." Oxford: University Press, 1914. 12°. (Oxford pamphlets, 1914.) BTZE p.v.18, no.14 Hawkins, Anthony Hope. The new (German) testament, some texts and a commentary, by Anthony Hope [pseud.]. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1914.] 61(1) P. 12°. BTZE Helfferich. The condition of Belgium under the German occupation; impressions of a voyage by Dr. Helfferich. Berlin: Liebheit & Thiesen [1914]. 11 p. 8°.

BTZE p.v.17, no.10 Herdman, T. Some geographical factors in the great war. London: A. Brown & Sons, Ltd. [1914.] 71 p., 2 maps (incl. front.). illus., maps. 12°. BTZE p.v.25, no.4 Hess, Ludwig, editor. Die Kriegsgesetze zur Abhilfe wirtschaftlicher Schädigungen; mit ausführlicher Inhaltsübersicht und kurzen Erläuterungen, hrsg. von Dr. Ludwig Hess... Stuttgart: J. Hess, 1914. 87 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.23, no.5

Holmes, Ernest Edward. The colours of the king; red, white and blue. Four addresses given in St. Paul's Cathedral on the Sunday afternoons at the beginning of

the war with Germany. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1914. 5 p.1., (1)14-78 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.26, no.6

Houten, Samuel van. Onze internationale stelling. Haarlem: H. D. T. Willink & Zoon, 1914. 16 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.27, no.3 Hurra! Über die Grenze! Berlin: Ullstein & Co., 1914. 46 p., 1 1. illus. 12°. (Die Kriegstaschenbücher. Heft 1.) BTZE p.v.26, no.5

Die Vorgeschichte des Krieges. Die Mobilmachung. Der Aufmarsch. Grenzschutz und Grenzschutzkämpfe.

In the trail of the German army... London: The Daily Chronicle, 1914. 47(1) p. illus. f°. † BTZE

Ingpen, Roger. The fighting_retreat to Paris. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914. vii(i), 9-192 p., 1 fold. map. illus. 12°. (The Daily Telegraph war books. BTZE [no. 14.))

Jane, Lionel Cecil. The nations at war; the birth of a new era. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1914. vii, 228 p. 12°.


[blocks in formation]

King Albert's book; a tribute to the Belgian king and people from representative men and women throughout the world. [London: The Daily Telegraph in conjunction with The Daily Sketch, The Glasgow Herald, and Hodder and Stoughton [1914]. 188 p., 24 pl. (partly col'd.), 2 port. (incl. front.) 4°. BTZE

Kleerekoper, A. B. De Sociaal, Demokratische Arbeiders, Partij, en de oorlog. Uitgegeven door de Commissie voor de Schriftelijke Propaganda. Amsterdam: Brochurenhandel S. D. A. P. [1914]. 24 p. BTZE p.v.27, no.2


Klette, Werner, editor. Unsere Feinde; wie sie einander lieben; kritische Äusserungen berühmter Franzosen, Engländer, Russen, Belgier, Japaner über ihre Verbündeten, hrsg. von Dr. Werner Klette... München: Delphin-Verlag, 1914. 186 P., 21. illus. 8°. BTZE

Knight, William Stanley Macbean. The history of the great European war; its causes and effects, by W. S. M. Knight...

assisted by eminent naval and military experts. v. 1. London: Caxton Pub. Co., Ltd. (1914. pl. (partly col'd), port. 8°. BTZE Kriegs-almanach. 1915. Leipzig: InselVerlag (1914). 12°. BTZE

Kriegsalbum. Berlin: A. Scherl, G.m.b.H. [1914. 24, 183 p. illus., maps, port. fo. (Die Woche. Sonderheft [no.] 22.) † BTZE Listen and think; a sermon on the war, by a soldier (pro tem.). Manchester: C. H. Barber, 1914. 4 1. 12°.

[ocr errors]

BTZE p.v.26, no.4

Lock, Bella Sidney Woolf. Right against might; the great war of 1914. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd., 1914. 4 p.l., 43 p., 8 pl. (incl. front.), 4 port. 12°. BTZE

Lotsy, Johannes Paulus. De aanstaande vrede en Prof. van Vollenhoven's denkbeeld tot instelling eener internationale politie-macht. 's-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1914. 32 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.27, no.9 McCabe, Joseph. Treitschke and the great war. London: T. F. Unwin (1914). 286 p., 1 1. 12°.

AN Macnutt, Frederic Brodie. The reproach of war; addresses given in St. Saviour's Cathedral, Southwark. London: R. Scott, 1914. 80 p. 12°. BTZE

Molster, Frederik Adriaan. Oorlog en handelsovereenkomst. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het buitengewoon hoogleeraarsambt aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op den 30sten November 1914. Amsterdam: Uitgevers-Maatschappy "Elsevier," 1914. 32 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.27, no.8

Muehlestein, Hans. Deutschlands Sendung. Ein neuer mitteleuropäischer Völkerbund. Weimar: G. Kiepenheuer, 1914. 55 p. 12°. EAG p.v.33, no.4

Murray, Marr, editor. The Christian's war book, edited and arranged by Marr Murray. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914. 192 p. 12°. BTZE

Newton, W. Douglas. War. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1914.) xvi, 236 p. NCW


Noder, A. Das Soldatenbuch; neue schöne und lustige Soldatenlieder, von A. De Nora pseud.j... Leipzig: L. Staackmann, 1914. 108 p., 1 1. 24°. BTZE

O Deutschland hoch in Ehren! Neue vaterländisch Lieder aus dem Kriegsjahre 1914 für den Schulgebrauch... Leipzig: O. G. Zehrfeld, 1914. 48 p. 16°.

BTZE p.v.25, no.5 Osler, Sir William. Bacilli and bullets. Oxford: University Press, 1914. 8 p. 12°. (Oxford pamphlets, 1914.)

BTZE p.v.18, no.15

Pflugk-Harttung, Julius Albert G. von. Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht; Ereignisse und Stimmungsbilder 1914. [Bd. 1.) Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1915. 8°. BTZE

Bd. 1. Der westliche Kriegsschauplatz.

Rawlins, Margaret A. Wicked Willie; written by Margaret A. Rawlins, with illustrations by Gwen Forwood and Florence Holms. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914. 35 p., front. (col'd. pl.) illus., pl. fo. † NAS

Real Kaiser... London: A. Melrose, EDD Ltd., 1914. viii, 179 p. 12°.

Riegelsberger. Japan und Deutschland; ihre kulturellen und politischen Beziehungen und die japanische Gefahr für China, Amerika und Europa; ein Vortrag im Zyklus der Kriegsvorträge gehalten zugunsten des Roten Kreuzes im Kollegienhaus zu Heidelberg am 27. Oktober 1914. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1914. 38 p. 8°.

EAG p.v.33, no.1 Roosevelt, Theodore. America and the world war. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1915. xv p., 1 1., 277 p. 12°. BTZE

Roscoe, James Ernest. The ethics of war, spying, and compulsory training. London: D. Nutt [1914]. 33 p. 12°. VWE

Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose. War! "A fight to the finish;" a martial call to the Scots by Lord Rosebery. Stirling: E. Mackay [1914). 32 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.23, no.11 Sadler, Michael Ernest. Modern Germany and the modern world. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1914. 16 p. 8°. EAG p.v.33, no.2

Schuster, Ernest Joseph. The effect of war and moratorium on commercial transactions. London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd., 1914. viii, 166 p. 2. ed. rev. and enl. 8°. THG

Seton-Watson, Robert William, and others. The war and democracy. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1914. xiv, 390 p., 1 fold. map. 12°. BTZE

Sommerfeld, Adolf. "How Germany crushed France" (the story of the greatest conspiracy in history), by Adolf Sommerfeld; a translation from the German, with preface by L. G. Redmond-Howard... London: Everett & Co., Ltd. (1914., 158 p., NGL 1 1., 2 port. 12o.

Speenhoff, J. H. In de forten. Overste Speenhoff en zijn Adjudante gemobiliseerd in de forten. Rotterdam: W. L. & J. Brusse, 1914. 48 p., 2 pl. 12°.

BTZE p.v.23, no.10

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