WAYS AND MEANS for answering the foregoing Services : Sums to be brought from the Consolidated Fund, per Act 3 Will. 4, c. 18 ... Ditto £. 8. d. ... 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 96 ... 6,000,000 00 6,000,000 0 0 ... 60,000 0 0 East India Company, per Act 3 Will. 4, c. 1 Repayments by the Commissioners for issuing Exchequer Bills for 3,000,000 0 0 161,939 6 8 20 1 6 £12,000,000 0 0 0 27,752,650 00 TOTAL Grants and Payments for Services not voted ... 42,999,725 210 42,995,337 3 24 UNFUNDED DEBT. AN Account of the UNFUNDED DEBT of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, and of the Demands outstanding on 5th January, 1834. Exchequer Bills, (exclusive of £.33,396 4s. 2d. issued for paying off £4 per cents) Sumns remaining unpaid, charged upon Aids granted by Parliament Ways and Means Exchequer Bills to be issued to complete the Charge upon the Consolidated Fund at 5th antary 1834 Total at £.3 per cent.. 496,733,987 0 531,562,346 7 6495,171,640 12 11 Annuities.... at £.3 per cent. 1818.. 12,218,850 12 1 Reduced Annuities.. do. 62,851,418 1 4 New 3 per cent Annuities .....137,488,501 10 3 316 4 9,118 19 8,088 14 712,218,534 7 6 Annuities created 1826, at 4 per cent 10,708,964 0 0 New £.5 per cent Annuities 462,736 13 4 10,708,964 0 0 462,736 13 The Act 10 Geo. IV. c. 27, which came into operation at the 5th July, 1829, enacts, That the Sum thenceforth annually applicable to the Reduction of the National Debt of the United Kingdom, shall be the Sum which shall appear to be the amount of the whole actual annual surplus Revenue, beyond the Expenditure of the said United Kingdom; And the following Sums have been accordingly received by the Commissioners to be applied to the reduction of the said Debt, including Sums on account of Donations and Bequests, viz.: |