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" the protestant episcopal establishment in Ireland exceeds the spiritual wants of the protestant population ; and that, it being the right of the state to regulate the distribution of church property in such... "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Página 50
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the Year ..., Volumen156

1834 - 774 páginas
...distribution of Church property in such manner as Parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this House, that the temporal possessions of the Church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced." — Mr. Grate seconded the resolution, which he conceived to be conformable with the strictest and...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volúmenes156-157

1834 - 734 páginas
...distribution of Church property in such manner as Parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this House, that the temporal possessions of the Church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced." — Mr. Grate seconded the resolution, which he conceived to be conformable with the strictest and...
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Hansard's Parliamentary Debates

Great Britain. Parliament - 1834 - 692 páginas
...Church property in such manner as Parliament may determine ; " and then he assumes, that it is expedient that the temporal possessions of the Church of Ireland, as now established by law, should be reduced," that is, in other words, " because as a sacred trust, you have a right to superintend...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1835 - 926 páginas
...distribution of church property in such manner as parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this house, that the temporal possessions of the church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced." The motion having been seconded by Mr. Grote, one of the members for the city of London, who said the...
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Annual Register, Volumen76

Edmund Burke - 1835 - 950 páginas
...distribution of church property in such manner as parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this house, that the temporal possessions of the church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced." The motion having been seconded by Mr. Grote, one of the members for the city of London, who said the...
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On National Property: And on the Prospects of the Present Administration and ...

Nassau William Senior - 1835 - 148 páginas
...of church 31 property in such a manner as parliament may determine,) it is the opinion of this House that the temporal possessions of the Church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced." It is well known how opposed the ministers of the time were to the bringing forward this resolution...
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Encyclopaedia Americana: A Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences ..., Volumen14

Francis Lieber, Edward Wigglesworth - 1846 - 686 páginas
...because they could not assent to a motion made by Mr. Ward, in the House of Commons, May 27th 1834, "that the temporal possessions of the church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced," the surplus, beyond what was necessary for supplying the spiritual wants of the Protestant population,...
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The Life and Times of Daniel O'Connell, Volumen1

William Fagan - 1848 - 708 páginas
...distribution of Church property. in such manner as parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this house that the temporal possessions of the Church of Ireland, as now established by law,ought to be reduced." This notice was the subject of discussion in theCabinet, and it was resolved...
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The Speeches of the Duke of Wellington in Parliament, Volumen1

Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington - 1854 - 824 páginas
...distribution of Church property in such manner as Parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this House that the temporal possessions of the Church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced.' It will be seen, therefore, that this Commission goes not only to inquiry as to numbers, as to revenues,...
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John Cassell's Illustrated History of England, Volumen7

John Frederick Smith - 1863 - 648 páginas
...distribution of church property in such a manner as parliament may determine, it is the opinion of this house that the temporal possessions of the church of Ireland, as now established by law, ought to be reduced." The motion was seconded by Mr. Grote. When he had concluded, lord Althorp rose and moved that the house...
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