Imágenes de páginas

Linnean Society of London.

Transactions. Vol. XXIII., Pt. 1. 4to. London. 1860.

Journal of the Proceedings. Botany.

Vol. IV. No. 16, and

Supplement to Vol. IV.; Vol. V. Nos. 17-20, and 1st and 2d Suppl. to Vol. V. - Zoology. Vol. IV. No. 16; Vol. V. Nos. 17 20. 8vo. London. 1860–61.

List of the Linnean Society. 8vo. London. 1860.

Society for the Advancement of the Physical Sciences, Marburg.

Schriften der Gesellschaft für Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Band VI. VIII. 8vo. Marburg. 1848, 1849,


Der Wetterauer Gesellschaft für Naturkunde zur Feier ihres Funfzigjährigen Bestehens am 11 August, 1858, im Namen der Gesellschaft. . . . . . 4to. Marburg.

Guilielmus Scheffer.

Beitrag zur Geschichte des Fœtus im Fœ1860.

tus. 4to pamph. Marburgi.

Schell Wilhelm, Dr. Prof. - Allgemeine Theorie der Curven doppelter Krümmung in Rein Geometrischer Darstellung. pamph. Leipzig. 1859.

Royal Academy of Sciences, Naples.

Degl' Insetti che attaccano l' Albero ed il Frutto dell' Olivo del Ciliegio del Pero del Melo del Castano e della Vite e le Semenze del Pisello della Lenticchia della Fava e del Grano. . . . . . Per Achille Costa. Opera Coronata dalla Reale Accademia delle

Scienze di Napoli. 4to. Napoli. 1857.

Esame Critico di Cio che l'Arago ebbe Scritto sulle Invenzioni, Scoperte, ed Opere di Galileo Galilei poi publicato nel Vol. III. delle sue Biographie nel 1855. Lettura fatta all' Accademia delle Scienze di Napoli nelle tornate del Novembre del 1855. 4to pamph. Napoli. 1856.

Sulla Notizia di un Viaggio del Sig. Mailly fatto in Sicilia e nel Meggogiorno dell' Italia. - Nota letta alla Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Napoli nella tornata del 9 Aprile, 1859. 8vo pamph. Napoli.

California Academy of Natural Sciences.

Proceedings. Vol. 1860. pp. 45-124. 8vo. 1861. Dartmouth College.

Catalogus Senatus Academici, etc., in Collegio Dartmuthensi Hanoveræ in Republica Neo-Hantoniensi. 8vo. Hanover. 1860.

Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Dartmouth College for the Academical Year 1860-61. 8vo pamph. Hanover. 1861. War Department.

Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River; upon the Protection of the Alluvial Region against Overflow; and upon the Deepening of the Mouths; based upon Surveys and Investigations made under the Acts of Congress directing the Topographical and Hydrographical Survey of the Delta of the Mississippi River. Prepared by Captain A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Abbot, Corps of Topographical Engineers, United States Army. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia. 1861.

Batavian Society of Sciences.

Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederl. Indie. Deel XXII. 5 Serie, D. II. Afl. 3-6; Deel XXIII. 5 Serie, D. III. Af. 1–3. 8vo. Batavia. 1860-61.

G. J. Adler.

Notes on Certain Passages of the Agamemnon of Eschylus. 8vo pamph. Chambersburg, Pa. 1861.

Daniel Treadwell.

Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1824-26.

Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool.

Proceedings. No. XV. 1860-61. 1 vol. 8vo. Liverpool.


Royal Society of Sciences, Upsal.

Nova Acta Regia Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Seriei Tertiæ. Vol. III. 4to. Upsaliæ. 1861.

Årsskrift utgifven af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Upsala. Andra Årgången. 8vo. Upsala. 1861.

Royal Danish Academy.

Oversigt over det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger i Aaret, 1860. 1 vol. 8vo. Kjobenhavn.

Royal Academy of Sciences, Turin.

Mémorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Serie

Seconda. Tomo XIX. 4to. Torino. 1861.

Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève.

Mémoires. Tom XVI. 1e Partie. 4to. Genève. 1861.

Board of Trade, London.

Meteorological Papers published by Authority of the Board of



Trade. First and Fourth Numbers. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1857, 1860.

Report of the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1857.

Meteorological Register kept by the Earl of Gifford in his Yacht "Fair Rosamond." 4to pamph. London. 1857.

Great Circle Sailing (Robert Fitzroy). 16mo pamph. London. 1858.

Natural History Society in Augsburg.

Vierzehnter Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins, im Jahre 1861. 8vo. Augsburg. 1861.

Dr. Carl Rokitansky.

Lehrbuch der Pathologischen Anatomie

Erste u Zweite Lief. 8vo. Wien. 1859-61.

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Ueber Bindegewebs Wucherung im Nervensysteme. 8vo pamph. Wien. 1857.

Ueber das Auswachsen der Bindegewebs-Substanzen und die Beziehung desselben zur Entzündung. 8vo pamph. Wien. 1854. Royal University of Norway.

Index Scholarum in Universitate Regia Fredericiana, 1861. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Aarsberetning for 1859. 16mo pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Det Kong. Norske Frederiks Universitets Stiftetse fremstillet i Anledning af dets Halvhundredaarsfest af M. J. Morrad. 16mo pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Solennia Academica Universitatis Literariæ Regiæ Fredericianæ ante 1 Annos Conditæ Die II. Septembris Anni 1861 celebranda indicit Senatus Academicus. 4to pamph. Christianiæ. 1861.

Cantate ved det Norske Universitets Halvhundredaarsfest den 2den September 1861. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Generalberetning fra Gaustad Sindssygeasyl for Aaret 1860. Ved Ole Sandberg. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Aarsberetning for 1859 fra Overlægerne for den Spedalske Sygdom O. G. Hoegh og C. J. Loberg til Departement for det Indre. 8vo pamph. Christiania. 1860.

Karlamagnus Saga ok Kappa Hans. - Fortællinger om Keiser Karl Magnus og Hans Jævninger, i Norsk Bearbeidelse fra det Trettende Aarhundrede. Udgivet af C. R. Unger. II. 8vo pamph. Christiania. 1860.

Om Siphonodentalium Vitreum, en ny Slægt og Art af Dentalidernes Familie af Dr. Michael Sars, Prof. ved Christianias Universitet. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Om Kometbanernes Indbyrdes Belliggenhed, Besvarelse af Universitetets Prisopgave for 1860, af H. Mohn. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861.

Résumé du Programme de l'Université de Christiania pour le 1er Semestre 1861. Introduction par M. le Professeur C. Fearnley. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861.

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Om Cirklers Beroring. Besvarelse af Universitetets Prisopgave for 1859, af C. M. Guldberg. 4to pamph. Christiania. 1861. Isaac Lea, LL. D.

Observations on the Genus Unio. Vol. VIII. Pt. 2. 4to. Philadelphia. 1862.

Remarks on the Number of Unionidæ, etc. 8vo pamph. Philadelphia. 1862.

Check-List of the Shells of North America, Unionidæ. 8vo pamph. Philadelphia. 1862.

Publications of Isaac Lea on Recent Conchology. Extracted from a List of American Writers on Recent Conchology, by George M. Tryon, Jr. 8vo pamph. Philadelphia. 1861.

Society of Physical Sciences of Saint Gall.

Bericht über die Thätigkeit der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft wahrend des Vereinsjahres 1858-60 und 1860-1861. 2 vols. St. Gallen. 1860-61.

Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Algengattung Lemanea. Von B. Wartmann, Dr. Philosophiæ. 4to pamph. St. Gallen. 1854.

H. de Saussure.

Orthoptera Nova Americana. (Diagnoses Præliminaires.) (Series 1 and 2.) Extr. de la Revue et Mag. de Zoologie. 16mo. 2 pamph. Paris. 1859 - 61.

Description d'une Série d'Hyménopteres Nouveaux de la Tribu des Scoliens. Extr. de la Gazette Entomologique de Stettin. 16mo pamph. Stettin. 1859.

Note sur Quelques Oiseaux du Mexique. (Extr. de la Revue et Mag. de Zoologie, 1850, No. 3.) 16mo pamph. Paris. 1859. J. S. Newberry.

Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857

and 1858, by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives, Corps of Topographical Engineers, under the Direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys, A. A. Humphreys, Captain Topographical Engineers in Charge. By Order of the Secretary of War. [Ex. Doc.] 1 vol. 4to. Washington. 1861..

City of Frankfort.

Statische Mittheilungen über den Civilstand der Freien Stadt Frankfurt und ihrer Landgemeinden im Jahre 1858. 4to pamph. Frankfurt. 1859.

Royal Institution for the Blind, Dresden.

Jahresbericht über die Königliche Blinden-Anstalt zu Dresden, auf das Jahr. 1858 und 1860. 8vo. 2 pamph. Dresden. 1859-61. Dr. J. Marcy.

Recherches sur le Pouls au Moyen d'un Nouvel Appareil Enrigstreur le Sphygmographe, presenté a la Société de Biologie. 8vo pamph. Paris. 1860.

Society of Physical Sciences, Luneburg.

Jahresbericht über die Thatigkeit des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Luneburg. Erster-Zehnter. 4to pamph. Luneburg. 1852-61.

Die Ostfriesischen Marschen und die Veränderungen der Ostfriesischen Kuste. 16mo pamph. Luneburg. 1861.

Verein für Naturkunde in Herzogthum Nassau.

Jahrbucher. Funfzehntes Heft. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 1860.

Das Festland Australien. Geographische, Naturwissenschaftliche und Kulturgeschichtliche Skizzen von Fr. Odernheimer. (Beilage zu den Jahrb. des Ver. für Naturk. im Herzog Nassau.) Heft XV. 1 vol. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 1861.

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