Imágenes de páginas

1814. 3 Feb.

Proposed increase of quit rents.

Collection of quit rents.


for the new

Government to adopt the decision of raising the Quit Rent demand on all future Grants to the Sum of one Shilling per Acre, to be levied in the same manner and under the same limitations as that which has hitherto been paid. You will therefore regulate your Conduct accordingly, and insert a Clause to that Effect in all Grants, made subsequently to the receipt of this dispatch. I avail myself of this Opportunity of impressing upon you the Necessity of regularly exacting the Quit rents, whatever may be their amount, at the periods when they become due. An opposite Line of Conduct has been found in other Colonies to be most inconvenient, as giving rise to an Expectation on the part of the Land Holders, that the Crown either intended to abandon all Claims of this Nature, or acted harshly in enforcing arrears of very long standing.

I have, &c.,


(Despatch No. 26, per ship Broxbornebury; acknowledged by Governor Macquarie, 7th October, 1814.)


Downing Street, 3d Feb., 1814.

I have the honor to enclose you the Extract of a letter, courts of justice. which I have received from The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, previous to his departure from this Country, stating the inadequacy of the Present Courts of Justice in New So. Wales, and representing the difficulty of giving effect to the New Charter of Justice, unless some more appropriate Building be applied to this purpose. I have therefore submitted it to you in the hope that you may be able to find some Building at Sydney less inconvenient than the one now used. It appears to me, indeed, that one of the Wings of the New Hospital might with a very little alteration be converted into a Court of Justice, at least until the funds of the Colony be such as to admit of your erecting a separate Building for that specific purpose. Previous however to undertaking any such Work, you will be careful to submit a Plan and Estimate of the proposed Building for my Consideration. I have, &c.,



Application for suitable court rooms.

EXTRACT of a Letter from J. H. Bent, Esqr., to Henry Goulburn,
Esqr., dated Gray's Inn Square, 7th February, 1814.

ALLOW me to call your attention to the Necessity of erecting a
proper Court House in New South Wales. I find from My



3 Feb.


Letter that the only place for that purpose was a Room 20 feet Square, and which was also used as an Office for the Clerks employed in the Dispatch of the Business of the Courts and as for suitable a Repository for the Records of both Civil and Criminal Courts, court rooms. being at the same time destitute of every convenience for any One of the purposes to which the room was applied.


(Despatch No. 27, per ship Broxbornebury; acknowledged by Governor Macquarie, 7th October, 1814.)


Downing Street, 5 Feb., 1814.

5 Feb.

ation of

The favourable Representations, which have been made Recommendto me of the Character of a Mr. Browne, and of the means he Browne as possesses of undertaking with Advantage a plan of Settlement a settler. in New So. Wales, induces me to request you will grant him an Allotment of Land as near to Sydney as may be in your Power, together with such other Encouragements as are usually given to respectable Settlers. I have, &c.,



(Despatch No. 28. per ship Broxbornebury; acknowledged by Governor Macquarie, 7th October, 1814.)


Downing Street, 6 Feb., 1814.

6 Feb.

I have the honor herewith to transmit to you the Copy Proposed duties of a letter from Mr. Harrison, dated the 1st Inst., enclosing one on wool. from the Com'rs of the Customs respecting the duties which will be levied upon the Importation of Wool, the Growth and Produce of N. S. Wales.

I have, &c.,


[Enclosure No. 1.]



Treasury Chambers, 1 Feby., 1814.

I have it in Command from the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to transmit to you, for the information of Earl Bathurst, the enclosed Copy of a Report from the Commissioners of Customs, Dated 12th Ulto. respecting the Duties which will be levied upon the importation of Wool, the Growth of New South Wales.

I am, &c.,


* Note 32.

1814. 6 Feb.

Regulations for

importation of wool into England.

[Enclosure No. 2.]


May it please your Lordships,

In obedience to your Commands, Signified by Mr. Harrison on the annexed Letter from Mr. Goulburn, requesting to be acquainted for the information of the Right Honorable Earl Bathurst whether any or what Duties will be levied upon the Importation into this Country of Wool, the growth of New South Wales, and whether the Certificate of the Governor of the Colony, that such Wool is the Growth and produce of New South Wales, will be held sufficient to authorize such Importation. We Report,

That the Duties on the Importation of the Wool in question will amount to 7s. 11d. per Cwt., and that no document is required by law to prove the produce thereof.


Custom House, 12 Jan., 1814.

7 Feb.

Arrival of the transport

GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TO UNDER SECRETARY GOULBURN. (Despatch per ship Wanstead, via Batavia.)


Sydney, N. S. Wales, 7th Feby., 1814. I have the honor to inform you, that, since Sealing the General Hewitt. Duplicate of my Dispatch to Lord Bathurst, under date 19th of last Month, and which this Letter accompanies, the Ship General Hewitt Transport, with a Detachment of the 46th Regt.. and 267 Male Convicts from England, have arrived here, having only anchored in Port Jackson between 12 and 1 O'Clock this day. The General Hewitt parted Company with the Windham Transport, off St. Paul's, on the 4th of last Month, and may therefore be hourly expected to arrive here. These Ships touched at Rio Janeiro, where they remained 14 Days, and sailed from thence together on the 1st of December. The Troops are healthy. but the Convicts on board the General Hewitt have been and are convicts on the still very sickly, having lost no less than 33 of them during the

Health of



of the ship Wanstead.


The Ship Wanstead bound for Batavia, and by which this Letter goes, being under dispatch and determined to sail very early to-morrow morning, precludes my replying to the Dispatches I have received this day per the Genl. Hewitt; but I deemed it my duty to seize this opportunity of acquainting you with the safe arrival of this Ship, for the information of the Right Honble. the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

I have, &c.,


EARL BATHURST TO GOVERNOR MACQUARIE. (Despatch No. 29, per ship Broxbornebury; acknowledged by Governor Macquarie, 7th October, 1814.)

Downing Street, 13 Feb., 1814.


13 Feb.

Sir, This Dispatch will be delivered to you by Mr. J. H. Bent,* Charter of justice in The Chief Justice of the Colony, to whom I have also entrusted custody of the Care of the New Charter of Justice, which has lately passed judge Bent. the Great Seal. I am sure that it will be unnecessary for me either to recommend Mr. Bent to every attention which you may have it in your Power to shew him, or to impress upon you the importance of giving early effect to the Provisions of the New Promulgation of Charter, and consulting with the Judge Advocate as to the best new charter. mode of its promulgation. The Anxiety, which has been manifested by yourself, and by Mr. Bent, The Judge Advocate, for the Improvement of the Judicial Establishments, is in itself sufficient to ensure your Exertions in carrying these Improvements into Effect.

constitution of

The Reasons, which have induced H.M.'s Government to with- No change in hold for the present any Change in the Establishment of the criminal court. Criminal Court, have been sufficiently detailed in my Dispatch,

No. 13, and I therefore forbear entering again upon that part

of the Subject.

and salaries of two solicitors.

I have, at the Recommendation of Mr. Bent, selected two Appointment Solicitors of highly respectable Characters to proceed by an early Opportunity to the Colony. The Salaries, which I have led them to expect, are £300 per ann., as under that amount I find it impossible to obtain the Services of any Persons of Respectability and Knowledge. These Salaries must, under present Circumstances, become a Charge upon the Colony, and you are hereby authorized to defray those Payments out of the Police fund, dating their Commencement from the 1st Feb., 1814. I have, &c., BATHURST.


(A circular despatch per ship Indefatigable; acknowledged by Governor Macquarie, 24th June, 1815.)


Downing Street, 27th April, 1814.

27 April.


I have the honour to inform you that a Convention for the Cessation of Cessation of Hostilities with France by Sea and Land was with France. signed at Paris by Viscount Castlereagh on the 23rd instant.

I shall transmit to you for your information a Copy of that instrument as soon as the Ratification shall have been exchanged. I have, &c.,


* Note 33. † Note 34. ‡ Note 35.

1814. 28 April.



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(Despatch marked No. 3 of 1814," per brig James Hay; acknow ledged by Earl Bathurst, 25th November, 1815.) Government House, Sydney, New South Wales, My Lord, 28th April, 1814. 1. Since the Date of my last Dispatch per the Phoenix acknowledged. Whaler, which Sailed on the 23rd of August last (the Duplicate whereof was transmitted by the Atalanta, Whaler, on the 10th of September), I have been Honored with Your Lordship's several Letters as per Margin,* as also with those of the Under Secretary, likewise enumerated in the Margin, with the Various Documents referred to in them Severally.

Arrival of
Earl Spencer,

General Hewitt,
and Windham.

Inquiry into treatment of

convicts on the

2. Since the Date of my Dispatch above referred to, the following four Ships have arrived from England with Troops and Convicts; namely, The Earl Spencer on the 9th of October, with a Detachment of the 73rd Regt. and 196 Male Convicts, all in good Health-Four Convicts died during the passage. The Wanstead arrived on the 9th of January last with 117 Female Convicts also in good health-two Women died on the passage. The General Hewitt arrived on the 7th of February with a Detachment of the 46th Regt., and 266 Male Convicts-these Convicts arrived in a very Weak and sickly State, and I am sorry to add that Thirty-Four of these unfortunate people died on the passage hither; and the Ship Windham Transport arrived on the 11th of February with the 46th Regt. under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel George Molle.

3. Having Reason to apprehend from the Sickly State of the Convicts who arrived, and from the alarming Extent of the General Hewitt. Mortality during the Passage, that proper Attention had not been paid by the Master and Surgeon of the General Hewitt to the Health and Comforts of the Convicts on board that Vessel, I appointed a Court of Enquiry to Examine into and report on the Conduct of those Officers. The Result of which Enquiry is, that the Conduct of the Commander has been highly Culpable in some Instances; Under this Consideration I feel it my Duty to transmit the Proceedings of that Court by the present Opportunity to the Commissioners of the Transport Board, in order to their Adopting such Measures for the Punishment of the Commander as the Circumstances of the Case will admit.

Arrival of the brig Kangaroo.

4. On the 10th of January the Government Colonial Armed Brig, Kangaroo, Commanded by Lieut't Charles Jeffreys, R.N.. arrived from England, and I am fully of Opinion that she will prove highly Useful to the Colony.

* 11th and 31 Janry.; 15 February; 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22d, & 26th March; 2, 6. & 30 April; 8, 19, 25, & 26 May; 18 June; 3d & 31 July; 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 16, & 19 Augt., 1813.

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