Imágenes de páginas

not be fruftrated, and that you bee not deceayed, I thinke fitt to give you fome caracters of the man, and some intimations how things ftand. Hee is a man (as I am informed) full of craft and fubtiltye, very bould and refolute, hath a houfe at Langevie well ftored with armes, and very stronge, his neighbours about him very malignant and much for him, whoe are apt to rescue him if apprehended, much more to discover any thinge wch may prevent itt. Hee is full of iealofie, partly out of guilt, but much more because hee doubts fome, that were in the bufineffe have difcovered him, which indeed they have, and alfoe because hee knows that his fervant is brought hither, and a minifter to bee examined here, whoe are able to difcover the whole plott. If you should march directly into that countye and neere him, itts ods hee either fortefyes his houfe, or gives you the flip, foe alfoe if you fhould goe to his house and not finde him there, or if you at tempt to take him and miffe to effect itt, or if you make any knowen enquirye after him, itt wil be difcovered.

Wherefore to the firft you have a faire pretence of goeinge out of Brecknook fheire to quarter about Newport and Carleon, which is not above 4 or 5 miles from his houfe, You may fend to col. Herbert, whofe house lyeth in Munmouthfheire, whoe will certenly acquaint you where hee is. You are alfoe to fend to capt. Nicolas, whoe is at Chepstowe, to require him to affift you if hee fhould gett into his house, and ftand upon his guard. Sam. Jones, whoe is quarterm to col. Herbert's troupe, wil be very affiftinge to you if you send to him to meete you att your -quarters; both by lettinge you know where hee is, and alfoe in all matters of intelligence. If theire fhal be neede capt. Burge his troupe now quarteringe in Glamorgansheire hal be directed to receave orders from you. You perceave by all this, that wee are (it may bee) a little too much follicitous in this bufineffe, it's our fault, and indeed fuch a temper caufeth us often to overact bufineffe, - wherefore without more adoe wee leave itt to you, and you to the guidance of God herein, and reft

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June 17, 1648.


If you feize him bring & lett him bee brought with a ftronge guard-to mee. If capt. Nicolas thould light on him


at Chepstowe, doe you ftrengthen him with a good guard to
bring him.
If you
feize his perfon, difarme his house, but lett not
his armes bee imbeziled.

If you need capt. Burge his troupe, it quarters betweene Newport and Cardiffe.

Cromwell went into Wales the beginning of May, 1648; Chepflow caftle was furprized for the King about the fame time, but retaken the 25th. It does not appear whether Sir Trevor Williams was fecured, or not.

The fix following letters are in the poffeffion of Theo-. dofius Forreft, Efq; of George-street, YorkeBuildings, London.

Deereft Robin,

Nowe (bleffed bee God) I can write, and thou receave, freely. I never in my life fawe more deepe fense, and lefle will to fhewe itt unchriftianly, then in that, wch hou diddeft write to us when wee were at Windfor, and thou in the middeft of thy tentation, wch indeed (by what wee understood of itt) was a great one, and occafioned the greater, by the letter the generall fent thee, of wch thou waft not mistaken, when thou dideft challenge mee to bee the pener. How good has God beene to difpofe all to mercy, and although itt was trouble for the prefent, yett glory is come out of itt, for wch wee prayse the Lord with thee, and for thee, and truly thy carriage has biene fuch, as occafions much honor to the name of God, and too religion, Goe onn in the ftrength of the Lord, and the Lord bee ftill with thee. But (deere Robin) this bufineffe hath beene (I truft) a mightye providence to this poore kingdome, and too us all. The houfe of comons is very fenfible of the Kgs dealinges, and of our brethrens, in this late tranfaction, You fhould doe well (if you have any thing that may discover iuglinge) to search itt out and lett us knowe itt, itt may bee of admirable use at this tyme, becaufe wee fhall (I hope) inftantly goe upon bufineffes in relation to them, tendinge to prevent danger. The boufe of comons has this day voted as follows. First


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that they will make noe more addreffes to the K. 2. None shall applye to him without leave of the two houses upon paine of beinge guilty of high treason. 3dly, They will receave nothinge from the Kinge, nor fhall any other bringe any thinge to them from him, nor receave any thinge from the Kinge. Lastly the members of both houfes, whoe were of the committee of both kingdoms, are eftablished in all that power in themselves for England, and Ireland, we they had to act with both kingdoms, and Sr. John Evelin of Wilts is added in the roome of Mr. Recorder, and Rath. F. Fienis in the roome of Sir Phillip Stapleton, and my Lord of Kent, in the roome of the Earl of Effex. I thinke it good you take notice of this, the fooner the better.

Lett us knowe how its with you in point of ftrength, and what you neede from us, fome of us thinke the Kinge well with you, and that itt concernes us to keepe that ifland in great fecuritye, because of the French, et. And if foe, where can the Kinge bee better. If you have more force you will fuer of full provifion for them. The Lord bleffe thee, pray for

Thy deere friend and fervant

My L Wharton's Jan. 30.

neere tenn at night, 1647.


For Col. Robert Hamond Governor

of the ifle of Wight theife

For the fervice of the kingdom haft post haft.




7EE have received yo' letter of the 28th inftant, wherein you defire to have the approbation of this committee concerning the fower gentlemen by you appointed to watch in their courfes at the Kinges chamber dore, Wee thinke it fitt that in this bufineffe you fhould make your application to the houses, from whom wee doubt not you will receive orders in that particular. For the money appointed for the fortification of the castle it was to be furnished by the committee of the army by the


appointm' of this committe wch accordingly they presently did, & defired them to send thither with all speed, and of this, informacon hath beene given to the gentleman you mention, who follicits yo' bufineffe wch is all that can be done at this committee for it.

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YOU fee by thefe inclofed votes how great a burthen the parliam' hath laid uppon mee. I doe hereby fend to you, That you would inftantlie fend mee a lift of fuch as are att present about the Kinge who are pfons fitt to be Confided in, if you have any in the island worthy of that truft, I would defire you to fend their names alfo in the fame lift: and if you cannot fill upp the number of thirtie with you, which I fhould be glad you could, then I defire you to fend mee the qualitie of those that will be wanting, that foe they may be fupplyed from hence: It will be neceffarie, That you haften this bufineffe seeing the parliam' expects a fpeedy & effectuall obfervance of their command herein. I propose foe foone as I have received yo lift to make the number uppe, and lay it before the parliam' to receive their approbation and allowance for my indempnitie; you fee by the votes, That the number of thirtie (of all fortes) gentlemen and their fervants, cookes, butlers, etc. may not bee exceeded, and therefore itt will bee fitt, That a refpect bee had to all occafions and neceffities of the household; wifhing you all fuccefle in yo' great trust and charge:

Queenstreete. 5°.

1 reft: Yor affured friend

Februarij 1647.

For Colonell Robert Hamond Governo

of the ifle of Wight.


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WEE have received informacon that there are now fome defines in agitation concerning the Kings efcape, who is to be carried into France; and that there are two of thofe yt now atend the King upon whom they rely for efecting this fcape. Who they are we cannot difcover, nor yet what grounds they have to expect their service in it. Yet wee thought fitt to give you this advertizement that you might the more carefully watch against it.

Darbie Houfe
13°. Martij

Signed in the name & by ye warrant of the comitee at Derby House by yo very loveing friend


Note, all thofe parts that are in Italic, are in cypher in the original, and were decyphered by Col. Hammond.

Sweete Rebin,


R relation is fo nigh upon the best accompt, that nothing can concerne you or us, but wee believe they are of a mutual concernm1. And therefore wee hold ourfelves much obliged to tranfmitt you this inclofed (coming from a fure hand to us) not onely as relating to yours or of particular, but likewife as a matter of vaft importance to the publick.

Itt hath pleafed God (and wee are perfwaded in much mercy) even miraculously to difpofe the hearts of yo freinds in the army, as one man (together with the concurrence of the godly from all parts) to interpofe in this treatie, yet in fuch wife both for matter & manner, as, we believe, will not onely refresh the bowells of the faints, and all other faithful people of this kingdome, But bee of fatisfaction to every honeft member of parliam when tendred to them and made publick wch wil bee wthin a very few dajes; and confidering of what a confequence the efcape of the King from you (in the interim) maie proove, Wee haft this dispatch to yow together with or moft earneft requeft, That (as yow tender the intereft of this na

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