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of high treafon, p. 90-93. Of the diffimulation of

Cromwell. Proofs of it. Its reconcileab enefs with en-

thufiafm, aud other principles held by him. Politicians

difpenfe with the rules of morality. Reflections thereon,

P. 94-106. Of the felf-denying ordinance-Reafons

in which it was founded-Cromwell's Speech in its fa-

vour-Whitlock's against it-Reflections thereon,

p. 107-119. Cromwell by various votes exempted

from the felf-denying ordinance-Miftakes of Lord

Clarendon, p. 120-126. Of the battle of Nafeby—

Copies of original letters relating to it-Fatal to Charles I.

p. 127-133. Rewards beflowed by the parliament on

Cromwell for his fervices-Complaints of offices and

preferments being shared among members of Parliament

Reflections thereon, p. 134-138.

Character of Fairfax-Ambition of Cromwell-Major

Huntington's account of his principles and practices-

Vindicated by Milton, p. 139-155. The army, by

the inftigation of Cromwell, grow mutinous-Refuse to

difband-Caufe the parliament to erase out of their jour-

nals what was difpleafing to them, p. 156-166.

Cornet Joyce feizes the King at Holmby-His Majefty

refufes to return back-Relies on his fuppofed interest in

the army. Miftakes of Clarendon and Perincheif,

p. 167–170.

Cromwell breaks off all thoughts of friendship with Charles

- Reafons of it-Reflections thereon, p. 171-180.

Cromwell defeats the Welch and Scots who appeared in

behalf of the King-His Majefty by the army is feized at

Newport, and carried to Hurst Castle-The house of

commons purged-Petition of Colonel Pride's regiment to

Fairfax-Spirit of the English royalists-Cromwell

thanked by the parliament, p. 181-190.

The reafons alledged for purging the house of commons by

Goodwin, Milton, and others. Reflections thereon.

An apology for Cromwell, p. 191-203.

Cromwell has a principal hand in the death of Charles.

Proofs of it, p. 204-207.

The execution of Charles loudly exclaimed

Cromwell reproached on the account of it.

by his advocates in defence of the deed.

parliament. The steps taken by them in it. Their plan

excellent, p. 288-293.

Parliament attempts to reform the law, enact all law-pro-

ceedings to be in the English tongue, p. 294–296.

The best pens fought out and rewarded by the parliament for

writing in behalf of civil and religious liberty. Of

Milton, Nedham, the Parkers and others, p. 297-305.

Of the provifion made for the ftate clergy and univerfuies-

Bishops, and dean and chapters lands fold-Of ecclefiafti-

cal Revenues-Produce of the fale of the bishops lands in

the province of York. Chancellor Oxenftiern admires

the great actions of the parliament, Mr. Hume cenfured,

p. 306-315.

Cromwell puts a period for a time to the commonwealth-

Difcourfe between him and Whitlock concerning his

taking on him the Kingship. Account of his turning the

members out of the house-Cenfured by Whitlock, and

Ludlow, p. 316-323.

Fuftifications of Cromwell by himself and his apologists on

this head Remarks thereon-Cromwell and the com-

monwealth leaders characterised by Dr. Warburton,

P. 324-329.

Cromwell conflitutes a council of ftate and calls a parlia-

ment Account of their proceedings. Lord Clarendon's

reprefentation of them virulent and falfe.-Hatred of ec-

clefiaftics--Parliament refign back their power into the

kands of Cromwell. Remarks thereon, p. 330-340.

Cromwell affumes the title of Lord Protector-Of the in-

frument of government-The Protector endeavours to

justify himself to the army-Reajons given for the new

fettlement-His government, at first, almost universally

acquiefced in, p. 341-351.

Cromwell rivals the greatest of our monarchs in glory, and

makes himself courted and dreaded by the nations around

him. Proofs of it, p. 352-361.

Cromwell gives peace to the Dutch-Conditions of it,

p. 362-365.

Of the medals ftruck by the Dutch, and the poetical pane-

grics made on Oliver on this occafion by the universities

of Oxford and Cambridge, p. 365-369.

Of the negotiations between England, France and Spain-


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