Imágenes de páginas







Page 14, line 16 from bottom, for Zeuker read Zenker.”
“22,"10" top, for February read August.

":55," 23

< 117, 66 16

154, 66 12 157, 66 4 "169, "

"bottom, for Plumus read Plumos.

[blocks in formation]



[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

"for isoscoles read isosceles.
"for joints read points.

"bottom, for papulus read Passalus.
66 for gulus read Julus.


[ocr errors]

212, CC 21

for 8 read 13, and for 34 read 54.

224,10 and 11 from bottom, for Aspidagaster read Aspidogaster. "227, " 2 from bottom, insert John H. Brinton.

“256, CC 5


"259, "

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

❝ 275, 66 10
"276," 19

[blocks in formation]

for Sowerly read Sowerby.
for Statisque read Statistique.
top, for Longstreth read Langstroth.
"for robustum read priscum.

66 for i. read i. 1.

"bottom, before "by" insert "read."
top, for were read are.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

"295, 66 8
❝ 296, "
❝ 297, "

"for Silliquaria read Sigillaria.
for Ireland read Iceland.

"297, bottom line, for Arctos read maritimus.
301, line 21 from bottom, for cinge read cinque.
"345, top line, for puncticollis read poricollis.
"357, line 21 from top, for Coaco read Cocoa.
"357,"11" bottom, for Borneo read Africa.
"357, bottom line, for Fiuns read Finns.

you. to mus., 331.

Boston Soc. of Nat. History, don. to lib., 40, 41, 63, 162, 231, 298, 301, 358. Boguslawski, Dr., don. to lib., 232.

Cantor, Dr. Theodore, don. to mus. 255;
don. to lib. 256.

Christman, J., don. to mus., 71.
Chipman, Isaac, don. to mus., 358.


Abert, Col. J. J., don. to lib., 17, 101; | Board of Health of Philadelphia, don.

don. to mus., 107, 229, 257.

Acad. C. L. C. Naturæ Curiosorum,
don. to lib., 230.

Adams, Prof. C. B., don. to lib. 18, 39,
47, 62, 162, 232.

Agassiz, Prof. L., don. to lib., 136, 257.
Akin, Wm. E. A., don. to lib. 302.
Alder, Joshua, don. to lib., 52.
American Acad. of Arts and Sciences,
don. to lib. 17, 194.

American Antiquarian Soc., don. to lib.,

Amer. Philosoph. Soc. don. to lib., 160,
257, 301.

American Association, don. to lib., 196,


Brinley, Lieut. E., don. to mus., 256.
Bridges, Dr. Robert, don. to mus., 230;

elected Vice-President, 83; remarks
on occasion of decease of Dr. S. G.
Morton, 203.

Browne, Peter A., don. to lib., 62, 230;
on the tegumentary appendages of the
Ornithorynchus paradoxus, 2; pecu-
liarities of the hair in the mammalia,
56, 145.

Burnett, Dr. don. to lib., 358; on the
Cicada septendecim, 211.

Budd, Dr. Chas. T.,don. to mus.,13, 229.
Burtt, Dr. J. L., don. to mus., 297, 358.

Charleston Med. Journal and Review,

don. of by Editors, 232, 257, 301,

302, 361.

Coates, Dr. B. H, don. to mus., 133.
Coleman, Dr., don. fo mus., 357.
Committees, standing, for 1850, 2; for
1851, 144.

Committee on Mr. Conrad's description

of new species of Eocene shells, 2;

on P. A. Browne's description of te-

gumentary appendages of the Orni-

thorynchus paradoxus, 2: on Mr.

Conrad's new species of fresh water

shells from Arkansas and from Aus-

tralia, 7; on Dr. Lewis R. Gibbes'

Catalogue of Crustacea in the Cabi

net of Academy, 22; on P. A.

Browne's description of hair of head

of Albinos, 22; on Dr. Leidy's new

species of Entophyta, 33: on Dr. Lei-

dy's new American species of Anne-

lida abranchia, 34; on Mr. Cassin's

new sp. of Vidua, Hirundo, &c., 56;

on Mr. Moss's new Carpolite from

Arkansas, 56; on Mr. Cassin's new

sp. of Pastor, Paridisea, and Buceros,

66; on Drs. Owen and Shumard's new

Crinoidea from lowa, 66, 235; on Dr.

Leidy's description of a new species

of Ligula, 83; on Dr. Deane's fossil

footprints of Connecticut river, 95;

on Dr. Townsend's description of

Lupus gigas, 95; on Mr. Cassin's de-

scription of new Birds from Califor-Correspondents elected:

nia, collected by J. G. Bell, 95; on

Dr. Leidy's description of three Fi-

lariæ, 117; on Dr. Leidy's new ge-

nera of Vermes, 119; on Dr. T. C.

Henry's new species of Centrarchus,

121; on Mr. Cassin's new species of

duck, 123; on Dr. Woodhouse's descr..

of Canis frustror, 139; on Mr. R.

C. Taylor's Notes of a geolog. exam.

in the aurif. porphyry region next

the Caribbean Sea, in Veraguas and

the Isthmus of Panama, 139; on Dr.

B. H. Coates's paper on the antiquity

of Tin, 142; on Dr. Leidy's new En-

tozoa, 142, 201; on Mr. Cassin's

sketch of the genera Vireo and Vireo-

sylvia, 149; on Mr. Cassin's new

species of Bucco, 149; on do.'s Notes

on the Caprimulgidæ in Mus. A. N. S.

173; on Col. M'Call's paper on the

Birds of Western Texas and New

Mexico, 210; on Dr. Leidy's Contri-

butions to Helminthology, 212, 237,

275, 331; on Prof. J. D. Dana's Con-

spectus of the Crustacea of the Am.

Explor. Exp., 237, 264; on Dr. Fish-

Committee to solicit subscriptions for

enlarging Hall of the Academy, 355.

Conrad, T. A., don. to mus., 159, 191;

description of new fresh-water shells

from Arkansas and from Australia, 10.

Cooke, John, don. to mus., 160.

Couper, J. Hamilton, don. to mus., 159.

Bartlett, John R., New York, 66.

Diesing, Dr. C. M., Vienna, 147.)

Dewey, H. Bond, Para, Brazil, 54.

Evans, Dr. John, Indiana, 106.

Girard, Charles, Washington, 157.

Haidinger, Wm., Vienna, 157.

Henry, Dr. T. C., New York, 66.

Hough, Dr. F. B., do., 209.

Hyrtl, Prof. Joseph, Vienna, 157.

Lagos, Chev. Manoel Ferreira, Rio

Janeiro, 4.

Malherbe, M. Alfred, Metz, 30.

McMichael, Capt. Wm., New York,

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