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travelling on the Continent. To fill up these blanks some private letters addressed to other persons, a few autograph notes from distinguished people, the Prince Consort for instance, have been inserted in chronological order, and some political recollections have been added. Reviewing the fourteen years he passed in England these memoirs are still incomplete, for it was not the intention of the author to write his autobiography, still less the history of the period. He mentions only briefly the facts and impressions which came to his personal knowledge. The author being by birth neither a Whig nor a Tory, neither English nor French, neither Russian nor Italian, neither Austrian nor Prussian, his recollections are as free as possible from party feelings and national prejudices. He had no other object in view but to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in order to keep his Government as well informed as possible on European politics. Though he may have very decided opinions of his own, he scarcely puts them forward, preferring always to give faithfully the opinions of others. These 'others,' whose ipsissima verba are often quoted, are the leading men of the day. The events, therefore, are not so much commented upon by the representative of a minor German Court as by the Prince Consort, by Lord Derby, Lord Palmerston,

Lord Russell, Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Disraeli, and the most eminent statesmen of the time. Those, therefore, who like to look behind the curtain of our parliamentary struggles and diplomatic transactions will find in these volumes facts not to be gathered either from newspapers or from blue-books.

March 1887.


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