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Editorial Department.-College of Physicians and Surgeons, C. E.

spair of obtaining more or less relief even in the worst forms of disease.


spectable practitioner would indulge, we are content I therefore invite all persons indiscriminately, who may simply to disrobe him of his borrowed plumage, and to be in the least afflicted with either of the above named dis- allow his pretensions to public confidence to be estieases, to seek an early interview, in behalf of their Sight mated by the impudent imposition which he has pracor Hearing, and satisfy their minds in regard to the pros- tised, and which we have thus exposed. In doing this pects of obtaining ultimate relief; and any reasonable service such as an Examination or an Opinion, will at all times we think we have done enough. We warn the public, be cheerfully tendered, unaccompanied by expense to the in the first place, because the organs on which the applicant. Persons desirous of being waited upon at their

own residence will be obliged by sending their address to" operations" and "advice" are proposed are too importhe Subscriber; and those requiring Surgical Operations, tant to be trifled with; and we warn Dr. F. A. Cad. are recommended to make as early application as possible, well, in the second place, of the legal consequences to time in such cases being of the utmost consequence. Dr. Cadwell may be consulted Professionally through the day at his Office, No. 99, Craig Street, corner of St George, in the house occupied by Mr. Thornton, where may be seen letters and references from gentlemen of the highest respectability, both of this city and of the United States. N.B.-Strabismus or Squinting, cured in less than one minute, by a very slight and easy operation.

Also, Artificial Eyes inserted, made to move and rotate with the sound and healthy Eye, of which it will be an exact resemblance.

August 13."

Those who have now read Dr. F. A. Cadwell's titles

which he is subjecting himself, and to make the best use of his time in changing his "local habitation," which, together with a recommendation to pursue his profesis the most friendly advice which we could give him, sional career in a more legitimate and honourable manner, and the following of which he will have no cause to repent.


peal of all the existing acts or portions of acts referring to distributing medicines by retail. It shall pray for the rethese subjects; and it shall further pray for an Act of Inpended to the said petition, shall be embodied and incorpocorporation, by which the persons, whose names are aprated into a College, to be styled The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada East,' and that the said persons constitute the original Corporation of the said College.


The following ought to have been inserted immedi will take it for granted, that there is such an institution ately after our remarks on the College of Physicians as the "American Eye and Ear Institute of New York," and Surgeons, C. E., but was, by mistake, omitand that Dr. F. A. Cadwell was the "principal operator" | ted:at the same. The employment of titles of this description, when actually possessed, is perfectly legitimate, That a petition be presented to the Legislature, at its and not to be found fault with. While they are in ensuing session, signed by all the members of the Medical reality testimonials of merit, on the part of the possessors censes bear date at least twenty years, and who may Profession, resident in Canada East, whose Provinciai Liof them, they are also, as far as the public is concerned, feel disposed to become parties to it; based upon the inpassports to their favourable consideration. They natu- adequacy of the existing laws to regulate the Practice rally engender confidence, because it is presumable that of the Province; to establish a certain and fixed course of of Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, in this section the fortunate possessors must have secured the honour-study previously to obtaining license to practice these able confidence of those who granted them, of whose branches; and to regulate druggists and others vending or esteem they are undoubted tokens. We have now to apprise the public, and we do this on authority, that there is no such institution as the "American Eye and Ear Institute of New York," and that Dr. F. A. Cadwell could consequently not have been "principal operator" at it. The man who can, to serve his own mercenary ends, conveniently manufacture a title; who can forge, and therefore prostitute, the honourable distinctions of that profession, the integrity of which he is solemnly That power be granted to the Corporation to legislate in sworn to uphold and preserve (providing that he is "a all matters affecting the Medical Profession, whether in regraduate in medicine"), to subserve his own selfish bers from inroads of unlicensed practitioners, the regulation ference to education, practice, the protection of its memviews, of whatever nature they may be, has placed him- of the practice of midwifery, the supervision of druggists' self beyond its pale, and merits an exposure commen-establishments, and the protection of the public health, in surate with the impudent cheat which he has regard to Medical Police and Hygiene. practised. We have it in our power to say more of Dr. F. A. The Views of the Petitioners and the manner of carrying them Cadwell, but we forbear; we desire to let him, as well out are contained in the following statement :as all others of his class, know, that this community the former to constitute the Governing body of the ColThe College shall consist of Fellows and Members-only shall not be allowed to suffer at such hands if we can prevent it. Putting aside all notice of the style in which the advertisement is drawn up, a style which breathes the very essence of charlatanism, and in which no re

with all the usual powers and privileges granted to other That the Corporation of the said College be instituted corporate bodies, in regard to holding landed and other property, making by-laws, having a common seal, &c. &c.


The Corporation shall, at stated times, elect into their body such and so many of the members of the College as not less than fifteen years being eligible for election, withshall conform to their by-laws; those holding licenses of


Editorial Department.-Dictionary of Dental Science.

The period of apprenticeship for a Druggist's Clerk, shall out examination; those holding licenses of not less than seven years, yet under fifteen, being required to petition be not less than four uninterrupted years, during which the Corporation, with a view to be admitted into that body; time, he shall be required to have attended at least two and they will be required to submit to and pass an exami-courses of lectures on Chemistry and Pharmacy; two on Materia Medica, and one on Botany, if obtainable, as nation, to be prescribed in the by-laws.

There shall be two half yearly meetings of the Corpo-above. ration, viz: on the second Tuesday of May and October, in the cities of Quebec and Montreal, alternately, to receive reports of the proceedings of the College for the half year expired; to arrange for the ensuing; to examine Candidates applying for license to practise, and consequently for membership, and to attend to the general business of the College.

Females may practice as Midwives, in this section of the Provice; but after the expiration of one year from the passing of this Act, no woman shall be permitted to praefor gain or profit, who shall not have obtained a license from this College, either by examination, or based upon a certificate granted to her by two Fellows or Members of this Corporation, practising in the district in which she resides. Any person practising Medicine, Surgery or Midwifery, ing or compounding drugs to be distributed, by him, without license in this section of the Province, shall be subject to proseeution by and at the instance of the College, under certain stipulations.

At the May meeting, only the Corporation shall elect its own officers; receive application of members for fellow-without being duly licensed so to do, and any person vendship, and modify or alter by-laws as circumstances may require.

The officers to be annually elected at the May meeting, shall consist of one President, (to be chosen alternately from among the Fellows resident in the cities of Quebec and Montreal,) and for each city, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Any person presenting a degree legally obtained from any University, or a Diploma from any College or Faculty of Physicians or Surgeons in Her Majesty's dominions; and any person possessed of a license to practice in either section of the Province of Canada, provided he shall satisfy the Corporation that he has obtained the said degree, diploma, or license, in conformity with the curriculum hereafter prescribed, shall be eligible for membership without further examination.

to be

Committees shall be annually appointed for the Districts of Montreal, Three Rivers and Quebec, to act in the capacity of Health Officers.

There shall be a Committee appointed annually, for each District, whose duty it shall be twice in every year, or at any other time, when from information, they have good grounds for so doing, to visit and inspect the quality of all or any portion of the stock, and the weights and measures, used in any shop purporting to be either entirely or partially devoted to the sale of Drugs.

The Entrance Fee of every Fellow shall beDictionary of Dental Science. We have received hat of every Member shall be- -, independently of the license fee, which shall beand an annual sub-from Dr. Harris, of Baltimore, a printed circular, proscription of ; or a commuted sum ofpounding several inquiries, for the purpose of eliciting paid to the Treasurers, for the establishment and maintenance of Libraries,-free access to, and the advantages de- information on various subjects connected with Den rivable from which, will be common to all members. tistry, to be embodied in a Dictionary of Dental Science, Every person purposing to commence the study of Medicine or Pharamacy, shall be required to register his name, which he is preparing for the press. The collecting age, place of birth, and the name of the Practitioner or of materials for a work of the kind is a laborious duty; Druggist with whom he purposes to study, in a book to be and as the originator's intention is to render it as com. kept by the Secretary of the College, in the District in which he resides; he will also be required to undergo an ex-plete as possible in its various parts, without which its amination, as to his general and classical acquirements. utility as a work of reference and study would be nulliFrom and after the year 1850, he must also prove himself fied, we have decided on making the subject as exten to be generally conversant with the English and French languages.

sively known as possible in this colony, by publishing in this Journal the inquiries themselves, that the profession may be generally cognizant of them, and perchance assist in furnishing the information sought for. A work of the kind is evidently much required, and we anxiously anticipate its debut :

The period of study to be accomplished by every Student of Medicine, before he can become a Candidate for license, shall not be less than four uninterrupted years, under a duly qualified practitioner, or practitioners; and during that time he shall be required to have attended the following lectures and hospital practice, namely :-two courses of Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry and Pharamacy, Theory and Practice First. Have you knowledge of any deceased Dentist or of Medicine, Principles and Practice of Surgery, Materia Medica, Institutes of Medicine, and Midwifery and Dis- Dentists, whose contributions to Dental literature, superior skill, seases of Women and Children; each course consisting of or remarkable character, entitle him or them to biographical notice at least one hundred lectures of one hour's duration, (an ex-in such a work as the one proposed? amination, per week, of the same length of time considered equivalent to a lecture,) delivered in an University, College or Incorporated School of Medicine; also, two courses of Practical Anatomy, each of six month's duration: also, one course of Chemical Medicine and Chemical Surgery, each of six month's duration; Medical Jurisprudence and Botany, if obtainable; also the Medical and Surgical Practice of a Hospital, containing at least fifty beds, and attendded by at least two Medical Officers, during a period of one year, or two periods of six months each.

If so, the undersigned would be glad to have names and such items of history as your judgment may select. If your information concerning them wil. state when and where they were born; the enable you to do so, character of their early pursuits, extent of their education, with whom they studied and served their professional apprenticeship; when they commenced practice; their skill in the several branches of the Dental Art, the improvements they made either in theory or practice, or in Dental instruments; their contributions to the literature of Dental Science, the place or places where they practised; their standing in society, and when and where they died, with the disease which caused their deaths,

Second. Have you invented any Dental instrument or appliance We presume this is a misprint. It ought to be read, Clinical of any kind which upon full trial you consider valuable to the profession? If so, please describe it. of Chemical.

[ocr errors]

Editorial Department.-Report of Montreal General Hospital.

Third. Have you improved any instrument previously known?

If so, please transmit a description of it.



Crime in the District of Montreal" will appear in the November number.

Fourth. Have you performed any remarkable or extraordin- Mr. Justice M'Cord's valuable paper "On the Statistics of ary operation upon the mouth? If so, describe it, pointing out any particulars which entitle you to the award of originality in conception, or superior dexterity in operating. Do not confine Your answer to operations on the teeth, but include the whole buccal cavity.

Fifth. Do you know of any such operation performed by any other than yourself, not yet reported?

Sixth. Have you met with any remarkable cases of disease or deformity of the organs in question? If so, describe them, with mode of treatment adopted, and any other information with re. gard to them.

Seventh. Have you remarked serious results from the use of unscientific preparations, awkward operations? &c. &c.

Eight. Have you made observations which you think vauable upon the causes of Dental disease, and their prevention ? If so, please transmit them in such form as you may think proper. Ninth. What are the names and addresses of the best dentists in your vicinity?

It would be very desirable, if you could do so conveniently, to accompany any description, which you may have the kindness to furnish, of any newly invented instrument or appliance, or of any improvement on any previously in use, with an accurate drawing,

By answering the above queries or any of them, you will confer a favor upon the undersigned, and may render valuable service Very respectfully, &c. &c.

to science.


Apothecaries' Shops.-Since the issue of our last number the Medical Hall has been opened in Great! St. James Street, and in the splendid manner in which it is fitted up, may challenge comparison with any shop in this Province-we were going to say on this continent. Montreal has become noted for the splendour of its shops; but we think the Apothecaries' shops bear off the palm. If the Medical Hall has a rival, it is to be found in the shop of S. J. Lyman & Co. (lately Mr. Macdonald's). We think this shop unequalled for chasteness of design, and the strictness with which it has been carried out. It is not so large as the Medical Hall, nor are its fittings so gorgeous. Mr. Savage's, and the Old Medical Hall in Notre Dame Street, are also beautiful shops, although probably less attractive, which is due rather to their situations, than to any want or deficiency in intention. We hope that, however emulous in beauty their shops may be, the worthy proprietors will always maintain, as they have hitherto done, the high character they have severally borne for the genuineness of their medicines-a matter of vital interest to the profession at large.

The letter of "S. W." on the Proposal of the Delegates at

the late Medical Convention is under consideration. We must have the author's name, however. He will find the matter discussed in this number; and, if necessary, we may corroborate our position by the arguments of our friend. We acknowlege receipt of two letters from Dr. Grasset. The last accompanying the rough draft of a Bill to create a College of Physicians in Upper Canada. When the details of the measure are finally agreed to, we shall be happy to insert it. Will Dr. Grasset inform us of this when it takes place.


Seventh Annual Announcement, Baltimore College of Dental
Surgery, 1846.

Dublin Medical Press, August 5, 12, 19, 26, September 2d.
Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, August 5, 26.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7.
Philadelphia, August, 1846.
Summary of the Transactions of the College of Physicians of

The American Journal of Science and Arts, September.
The Medical News and Library, Philadelphia, September.
The Medical Examiner, September.

Southern Medical and Surgical Journal, September.
The Western Globe, September 4, London, C. W.
Wiley and Putnam's News Letter, September.

A Review of Homeopathy, Allopathy, and Young Physic, by
L. M. Lawson, M. D., Professor of General and Pathological
Anatomy and Physiology in Trannsylvania University, Lexington,
Ky., 1846.
The Northern Journal of Medicine, March, April, and May,
1846, Edinburgh.

The American Journal of Insanity, July.

The Southern Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy, September.
The New York Medical and Surgical Reporter, 24.
Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science,-New Series,
vol. 1.

The Western Lancet, September.

The New York Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences,

The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, September.
Annual Circular of the Massachusetts Medical College, with a

History of the Medical Department of Harvard University, &c.,
Boston, 1846.
Report of G. S. DeRottermund, Esq, Chemical Assistant to the

Geological Survey of the Province, Montreal, 1846.

Buffalo Medical Journal, September.






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Belonging to Montreal,













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Notice to Subscribers-We take the opportunity of reminding our subscribers of the terms of subscrip. tion to the Journal. A very large sum is due the Jour-Belonging to Montreal, Immigrants, nal, causing a very considerable inconvenience to the Seamen, publisher. We hope our friends will pay attention to this hint. The amounts due by each are mere trifles, but the gross amount forms a considerable sum, the deprivation of which becomes a serious matter,

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BILL OF MORTALITY for the CITY of MONTREAL, for the month ending AUGUST 31, 1846.

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