Imágenes de páginas

Sunderland, earl of, secre-
tary, 237. Advocates
the Exclusion bill, 239.
Supremacy, Act of, 135.
Surrey, earl of, minister
of Henry VIII., 122.
Defeats the Scots at
Flodden, 124. Lands at
Calais, 127. (See Nor-

earl of (son of Nor-
folk), executed, 143.
Surajah Dowlah, 285.
Sussex, earl of, 167.
Sweyn of Denmark, 22.
--, son of Canute, 25.

son of Godwin, 26.
Swift, attacks Wood's half-
pence, 274.
Sydenham, proposes Crom-
well's protectorate, 224.


Talavera, battle, 307.
"Talents," party so called,
in office, 305.
Tallages, 53.
Tallard, marshal, 264.
Tangiers, dowry of Cathe-

rine of Braganza, 231.
Tea duties, American, 290.
Ships, how treated in
America, ib.
Teignmouth burnt, 253.
Temple, sir William, forms

the Triple Alliance, 234.
Plans a new privy coun-
cil, 237.
Tenants in capite, 51.
Number of, ib.
Tenchebray, battle, 37.
Test Act, 231, 235.

and Corporation Acts
repealed, 314.
Tewkesbury, battle, 108.
Thanes, 19.
Thanet, isle of, 10.
Thelwall, prosecution of,

[blocks in formation]

Tilsit, peace of, 306.
Toleration Act, 251.
Tone, Theobald Wolfe,

Tonnage and poundage,
what, 95.
Tories, name, 238. Sup-

port William III., 252.
Torres Vedras, lines of,

Torrington, earl of, at

Beachy Head, 253.
Tosti, son of Godwin, 26,

Toulon, siege of, 266. Oc-

cupied by English 301.
Toulouse, battle of, 309.
Tourville, 253, 254.
Townshend, lord, dis-
missed, 273. President
of the council, 274. Se-
cretary, ib.

Charles, chancellor
of exchequer, 290. Ame-
rican taxes, ib. Death,

Towton, battle, 105.
Tracy, William de, 45.
Trade, 327.
Trafalgar, battle, 304.
Treason, high, law of, 85.
Amended, 255.
Treasurer, lord high, office
extinguished, 272.
Tredings (ridings), 19.
Tresham, Francis, joins
Gunpowder Plot, 184.
Trevor, sir John, speaker,
expelled, 255.
Triennial Act bill, passed,
255. Repealed, 273.
Trimmers, party of, 246.
Trinity College, Cambridge,
founded, 142.
Trinobantes, 2.
Tromp, admiral, combats
with Blake, 223.
bravado, ib. Killed,
Troyes, treaty of, 94.
Tudor, sir Owen, 95.


house of, 115.
Tunis, dey of, chastised by
Blake, 224.
Turks declare war, 305.
Tyler, Wat, 86. Slain by
Walworth, ib.
Tyndale's New Testament,

Tyrconnel, earl of (Talbot),
246. Violence in Ire-

land, 252.
James II., ib.


[blocks in formation]

Valentia, 5.
Valentine holds the speaker
in the chair, 197.
Vane, sir H., an Inde-
pendent, 212. Excepted
from indemnity, 229.
Trial, ib. Execution, ib.
Vansittart, Mr., chancellor
of the exchequer, 308.
Varangians, 31.
Vassalage, Scotch, 36, 49.
Sold by Richard I., 57.
Vassals, condition of, 50.
Vaudois, the, supported by
Cromwell, 225.
Venables, admiral, 224.
Vendôme, marshal duke
de, 266.

Vere, earl of Oxford, go.
verns Richard II., 87.
Vere, sir Horace, defends
the Palatinate, 189.
Vernon, admiral, takes
Porto Bello, 277.
Versailles, treaty, 282.
Peace of, 294.
Verulamium taken by
Cæsar, 2.
Vicar-general, Cromwell
appointed, 137.
Victor Emmanuel, 326.
Victor, marshal, 307.

VICTORIA, reign of, 320.
Vienna, treaty of, 274.
Entered by Napoleon,
305. Congress of, 309,
Vienne, John de, 84.
Vikings, 17. Flag, ib.
Ville de Paris taken, 293.
Villeins protected by Mag-
na Charta, 62.
Villenage, Anglo-Norman,
Villeneuve, admiral, 304.
Villeroi, marshal, defeated
at Ramillies, 265.
Villiers, George (see Buck-

Vimeira, battle, 306.
Vinegar Hill, battle, 302.
Virginia, colony, 177, 186.
Vittoria, battle of, 308.
Vortigern, 6, 10.
Vortimer, 10.

[blocks in formation]

Wardship (feudal), 53.
Warham, archbishop of
Canterbury and chan-
cellor, 125.
Warrenne, earl, governor
of Scotland, 73. Defeated
by Wallace, 74.
Warwick, earl of, tutor of
Henry VI., 97. The
King-maker, 102. Flies
to Calais, 103. Captures
Henry VI., ib. Defeated
at St. Albans, 104. Vic-
torious at Towton, 105. |
Alienated by Edward
IV.'s marriage, 106.
Agreement with queen
Margaret, 107. Invades
England, ib. Proclaims
Henry VI., ib. Regent,
ib. Slain at Barnet, ib.


Edward Plantagenet,
earl of, imprisoned, 116.
Led through London, ib.
Beheaded, 118.

earl of (Dudley), op-
poses Somerset, 149. Be-
comes duke of North-
umberland, ib. (See
Washington, George, ap-
pointed commander-in-
chief by the Americans,

American capital,
taken, 309.
Waterloo, battle 310.
Waters, Lucy, 238.
Watling street, 6, 18.
Wedderburn, solicitor-ge-
neral, 294.
Weights and measures,


Wellesley, marquess (lord
Mornington), foreign se-
cretary, 307.

(see Wellington).
Wellington, duke of (sir
Arthur Wellesley), in
Peninsula, 306. Super-
seded, ib. Resumes
command, 307. Invades
Spain, ib. At Talavera,
ib. Made viscount Wel-

lington, ib. Occupies
Torres Vedras, ib. De-
feats Massena, 308.
Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo,
308. Advance into Spain,
ib. Defeats Marmont, ib.
Enters Madrid, ib. Re-
tires, ib. Re-enters
Spain, ib. Enters France,

ib. Pursues Soult, 309.
Made duke, ib. Grant
to, ib. Defeats Bona-
parte at Waterloo, 310.
Premier, 314. Duel with
lord Winchelsea, 315.
Death, 326.
Wentworth, sir Thomas,
leader of the commons,
194, 197. Made earl of
Strafford and minister,
200. (See Strafford.)
Wergild, what, 20.
Wessex, 8.
Westminster Abbey, 7, 14,


Hall, 36.
Westmoreland, earl of, con-
spires to liberate the
queen of Scots, 168.
West Sexe (Wessex), king-
dom of, 11.
Wharton, earl of, 267.
duke of, 274.
Whig, origin of name, 238.
Whitgift, archbishop of
Canterbury, character,
Whitworth, lord, insulted
by Bonaparte, 303.
Wickliffe, John, account
of, 89.
Wihtgar, II.
Wilberforce, William, 305.
Wilkes, writes against lord
Bute, 289. Arrested, ib.
Outlawed, ib. Returned
for Middlesex, ib. Po-
pularity, ib.
WILLIAM I., duke of Nor-
mandy (the Conqueror),
27. Obtains an oath
from Harold, ib. De-
mands the crown from
him, ib. Defeats Harold
at Hastings, 28. Enters
London, 30. Reign of,

II., reign of, 35-36.
III., reign of, 250-


[blocks in formation]

Windebank, sir F., secre-
tary, absconds, 203.
Windsor castle, how built,

Winter, Thomas, engages
in Gunpowder Plot, 185.
Winton Ceaster (Venta

Belgarum), 11.
Witena-gemôt, 19.
Witt, De, pensionary, 235.
Massacred, ib.
Woden, 9.

Wolfe, general, 283. Ex-
pedition against Quebec,
283. Killed, 284.
Wolsey, cardinal, history,

122. Obtains the reve-
nues of Tournay, 124.
Archbishop of York, &c.,
125. Treaty with Fran-
cis, ib. Gained by Charles
V., 126. Expostulates
with the commons, 127.
Inclines to Francis I., ib.
Disgraced, 129. Con-
demned, but pardoned,
ib. Charged with high
treason, ib. Death, ib.
Wood's halfpence, 274.
Woodstock, labyrinth, 55.
Manor, conferred
Marlborough, 265.
Woodville, Elizabeth (lady
Grey), marries Edward
IV., 106. Takes sanc-
tuary, 110.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of Mortimer's

Cross, 103.
king, 104.


York, Richard, duke of, son
of Edward IV., murder-
ed, 110. Inquiry into
his death, 117.

duke of (James II.),
marries Ann Hyde, 233.
A Roman Catholic, 234-
Defeats the Dutch at
Southwold Bay, ib. Re-
signs command, 235.
Marries Mary of Modena,
ib. Retires to Brussels,
237. High commissioner
in Scotland, 238. Cru-
elty, 240. Indicted by
Shaftesbury, 238. Con-
spiracy against, 240.
Restored as admiral, 241.
(See James II.)

Frederick, duke of,
son of George III., 300.
Expedition to Holland,
and capitulation, 302.
--Town capitulates,



Killed at Wakefield, 103. Zutphen, battle, 174.
York, Edward, duke of Zuylestein, 247, 251.
(Edward IV.), gains the

[graphic][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed]





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