Imágenes de páginas
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The natives and the compass, etc.-Makaba's visit to the wagons-
Description of the town-Character of Makaba -Bold hyenas-
Conversation with Makaba-An attempt at instruction-Makaba's
astonishment at the doctrine of a resurrection-Great excitement
-Tsusane's rebellion-His visit to the Kuruman-A stratagem-
Tsusane's affecting end-Unfounded alarms-Preparations for
defence-Precipitate departure The Author's last interview—
Return to the Barolongs-Threatened attack on Pitsana-A man
escapes-His tale-A frightful savage-Dangerous position-Wag-
ons attacked-A battle-A heathenish scene-Christian conduct-
An explosion-Divine interposition-Affairs at the station-A
midnight alarm-Concluding remarks .

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Moselekatse's ambassadors-Their astonishment-Danger attending
their return-The Author accompanies them-Their reception by
Mahura-A lion attacks the oxen-Arrive at the Bahurutsi-
Country and game-The inhabited tree-Singular expedient-The
lions and the oven-An urgent appeal-Indications of former pros-
perity-Traces of great industry-The ravages of war-An inte-
resting recital-Heavy rains-Meet a hunting party-Savage
pomp-Moselekatse afraid-Warriors described-A grand ball

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progress of civilization-The foundation of the chapel laid-De-
scription of the station-Learning to print-Introduction of the
printing press-Seasonable supply-Berend's commando-The ca-
tastrophe-Mission to the Bahurutsi-A daughter's compassion-
The Scripture Lessons-The dying grandmother-Another in-
stance-Polygamy-The Word Blessed-Difficulties-Dr. A.
Smith's kindness-The Author accompanies the expedition-
Arrive at Moselekatse's--Curious ceremony-Superstition-The
lost horse-Escape from a lion-Return to the Kuruman

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