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"I may be," said I, "and yet believe that

I am not. Answer me this. Did not some

one reason with you to-night against your marriage with me?"

"Yes," was the reply.

"And you listened patiently to all that was said?"

"To every word," she returned, in a calm and collected manner.

"You expressed also a determination?" "I did."

"You see," resumed I, in a sneering tone, "that I know more than you suspected."

"But not more than I wish you to know, Tom, or would have told you," said Mary. "You must think me but dull of feeling, then," I replied.

"Not if the whole truth be told," she rejoined.

"I would not have the whole repeated," returned I, significantly. "It was enough to hear it once."

"Some strange deception has been practised with you, Tom," said Mary. "Hearken to what I have to say."


"I'll not listen to a word," returned I, distracted. "Not a sentence will I hear ye speak. You'd turn, and twist, and twine the truth, with the subtlety of the devil, to serve your ends, and laugh to make me a dull, blind, and mole-eyed fool."

"Now, Heaven help me!" ejaculated Mary.

"But," continued I, getting more frantic in my rage, you shall not live to


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I could say no more. Three shadows now streaked before us; and one, with uplifted hand, pointed to the knife shining brightly at the foot of a newly-made grave.

Burying my face in my hands, I uttered a groan of anguish, and should have fallen, had it not been for Mary's support.

"Your brain's distraught," said Mary, soothingly. "Calm and compose yourself, Tom. Be assured that there is nothing in reality to give you trouble."

"Look!" replied I. "Do you see no

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Only our shadows," returned Mary, smiling.

"How many are there?" I inquired, with trembling voice..

"Two," she replied.

Assured by this, I hesitatingly raised my eyes; but there was the third, still in the same posture as before, pointing to the glittering blade on the green-sward.

"And cannot you see three?" asked I. "No," she returned. "There are, and cannot be, but two. And yet, while I look," continued Mary, "something shines upon the grass. Let me pick it up."


No," said I, trying to restrain her from stooping to seize the knife. "Touch it


" but ere I could prevent her, it was in her hand.

"What's this?" said Mary; "and how came it there?"

I could give no answer.

"It's a knife," continued she, in a tone betokening fear, "and one that I have often seen you use, Tom."

"Have you?" rejoined I, vacantly.

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