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of hate and prejudice between enemies-the differences between nations can be lessened and a better understanding and greater co-operation will result.

Perhaps you say to me, "This would produce a dead level of life which itself would be deadly to progress, and why should we have democracy if it does not mean progress?" I reply that if we can once get the fortunate members of society to realize that their fortune, of whatever character it be, is the measure of their responsibility for service to their less fortunate fellow-beings, we shall be able then to use the differences that exist between men in natural ability, and even in education, for the welfare of all. This proposal of democracy does not contemplate the destruction of the superiority in equipment or of the natural-born leader. It means, on the contrary, that real superiority and the leader come into their own in the way of service.

These forces and perhaps others that I have not mentioned are struggling to bring to birth a better democracy than any we have ever had better even than that which characterized the society of primitive man. Theirs was largely the result of chance forces which they neither understood nor were able to control. The democracy that we enjoy in part, and that we seek to realize more and more, is a democracy that is built, not only upon the clash of natural forces, but upon the dreams of men who are able to direct forces for the realization of those dreams; upon ideals consciously and forcefully directed by human minds. Such was the dream that our Colonial forefathers realized, political in part, when they founded our great nation. Step by step this dream has been extended to ever wider reaches of our common American life. Let us hope that out of the present dreadful war there may come a greater consciousness of the value of democracy and a greater impetus toward the realization of democracy in all the wide range of our American social life.



On February 22, the forty-third commemoration day address was delivered by Dr. George Edgar Vincent, president of the Rockefeller Foundation.


Dr. Norman Ware, who recently returned from active service at the front, has received an appointment in the department of sociology.


Mr. G. A. Lundquist has been appointed assistant professor of rural sociology. He will devote part time to teaching and part time to community research and community organization.

Miss Almena Dawley, now with the Interdepartmental Bureau for Social Hygiene in Washington, and formerly on the staff of Bedford Hills Reformatory with Katharine B. Davis, has been appointed as teaching Fellow in sociology. She will give, in co-operation with the PsychoEducational Clinic, a course on mental case work, and also a course on methods of social investigation. In response to a strong demand from different quarters of the state plans are being made to organize within the department of sociology a Bureau of Community Surveys.


One Fellow and two Scholars will be making a rural church survey of three Missouri counties next year under the direction of Professor Carl C. Taylor. This survey is made possible by the granting of the fellowship and the two scholarships by the College of Agriculture for research and investigation in the field of rural sociology.


Professor Hutton Webster has just published a Medieval and Modern History, continuing his series of historical textbooks along historical lines.


In accordance with the policy of making the courses in sociology as practical as possible the following lectures were given before the class in "Cities" during the winter quarter: "City Planning" and "The Work of a Chamber of Commerce," by Mr. Aldo Leopold, secretary of Chamber of Commerce; "The Work of a City Manager" and "Municipal Finance," by Mr. A. R. Hebenstreet, city manager; "The Commission Form of Government," by Mr. C. F. Wade, chairman of City Commissioners; "City Charters," by Mr. W. P. Metcalf, author of the Albuquerque Charter; "City Charities," by Rabbi Bergmann, secretary of Bureau of Charities. Together with the class in "Introduction to Sociology" trips were made to the Bureau of Charities, county jail, district court and the state penitentiary, school for the deaf, and state legislature at Sante Fe. The one hundred and thirty mile trip over the mountains to Sante Fe was made by auto, thus adding picturesque scenery to a sociological trip.


Professor Ralph E. Heilman, who has been teaching economics and sociology, has recently been appointed dean of the School of Commerce.


Professor W. M. Burke, of the department of sociology, is at present overseas as an instructor in the "University of Khaki" in the Young Men's Christian Association. His place in Oberlin is being filled by Professor H. C. Beyle.


Dr. F. Stuart Chapin, professor of economics and sociology on the Mary Huggins Gamble Foundation, is director of the new training school for social work established at Smith College. The school is a graduate professional school offering work that falls into three divisions: a summer session of eight weeks of theoretical instruction, combined with clinical observation at Northampton, Massachusetts; a training period of nine months' practical instruction, carried on in co-operation with hospitals and settlements; and a concluding summer session of eight weeks of advanced study at Northampton.

In an endeavor to prepare workers for social reconstruction, the school will give a somewhat new emphasis to its teaching. The approach to

social problems will be psychological. A scientific as well as a technical basis of training for social work will be provided by instruction in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, biology, and sociology. The discussion method of teaching will be stressed in an effort to train for fearless and resourceful thinking about social problems. According to their interests, the students will be grouped in college dormitories during the summer session. The summer session begins July 7 and extends to August 30.


Professor J. L. Gillin, who for a year and a half has been on leave of absence in charge of the Civilian Relief of the Central Division of the American Red Cross, will resume his work in the University in September. Dr. Selig Perlman has been appointed instructor in sociology.


Patriotism and Religion. By SHAILER MATHEWS. New York: Macmillan Co., 1918. Pp. 161. $1.25.

This compact little volume does not disappoint those who are familiar with Dr. Mathews' crisp, sententious style and his swift stabs at the objects of his criticism. Written under the stress of war, there is an undercurrent of moral passion which must have made the original lectures, at the University of North Carolina, very effective.

After showing the intimate relation of the sentiments of patriotism and religion, he develops their mutual influence and interactions, historically rather than philosophically. "Religion," he says, "has always been a super-patriotism. Theology has been a super-politics." In his discussion of the moral values of patriotism he contrasts vividly the German and Entente types, closing with a fine challenge of the German slander that the Americans are a dollar-mad people.

In his chapter on "Religion and War" he coolly dissects the various types of pacifism, and after a skilful use of the story of the Good Samaritan who arrived early in the midst of the Schrecklichkeit he concludes: "Pacifism under such circumstances is anti-social, a misguided idealism, if not transcendentalized selfishness." He boldly says: "For an American to refuse to share in the present war . . . is not Christian." There is a keen handling of the question of what is involved in the Christian love for enemies, in considering "the service of religion to patriotism," and a strong argument for a League of Nations.



Economic Problems of Peace after War. Second Series. The W. Stanley Jevons Lectures at University College, London, in 1918. By W. R. SCOTT. Cambridge: University Press, 1918. Pp. xii+136. $2.00.

This is a suggestive and discriminating series of lectures. The first two, "Mare Liberum-Aer Clausus ?" and "A League of Nations and Commercial Policy," are of particular interest just now in connection with the vigorous debate on the subject of a League of Nations. The

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