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heard in the adjoining towns; the bells of which were tolled and the flags on the various gun-houses, &c. were hoisted half-staff.

The relatives of the deceased, the Societies, and others, assembled at the late President's mansion. The citizens of Quincy met in the town hall, organized, and moved in a body to the vicinity of the mansion-house, when, about 4 o'clock, the Funeral Procession was formed under the direction of several Marshals, composed of gentlemen of Quincy.

[blocks in formation]

Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives.
Secretary and Treasurer.

Hon. Messrs. Lloyd, Silsby, Webster, Crowninshield, Bailey, and Everett.

Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of Boston.
City Auditor, Clerk, and Marshal.
Professors and other officers of the University,
Members of the Cincinnati.
Clergy of a large number of towns.
United States Navy and Army Officers.
Militia Officers.

United States Civil Officers.


Citizens of the towns in the vicinity of Quincy.

Twelve mourning coaches, with female relatives, closed the


The procession was of a great length. When the front arrived at the meeting-house, the citizens of Quincy opened ranks, while the corpse, the relatives, and others, entered the church, the pulpit and galleries of which were dressed in mourning. The house was thronged.

The service commenced and closed with anthems. Rev. Mr. Whitney, pastor of the Society, addressed the Throne of Grace in prayer, and delivered an impressive sermon, in which he gave a summary of the eminent services, distinguished talents, amiable life, and Christian virtues of his venerable parishioner.

The body was then borne to the burial ground, and deposited in the family tomb.

Death of Thomas Jefferson.

Another Great Man is no more! THOMAS JEFFERSON closed his eventful and eminently useful and patriotic life on the ever memorable Fourth of July, at ten minutes before one o'clock, at Monticello, aged eighty-three years, three months, and two days. The subjoined is from the hand-writing of Mr. Jefferson, which we take from the Richmond Enquirer, showing the important offices he has held in his long, useful, and active life.

"I came of age in 1764, and was soon put into the nomination of Justice of the county in which I live, and at the first election following, I became one of its Representatives in the Legislature.

I was thence sent to the Old Congress.

Then employed two years with Mr. Pendleton and Mr. Wythe, on the revisal and reduction to a single Code of the whole body of the British statutes, the acts of our Assembly, and certain parts of the common law. Then elected Governor.

Next to the Legislature, and to Congress again.
Sent to Europe as Minister Plenipotentiary.

Appointed Secretary of State to the new Government. Elected Vice-President and President.

And, lastly, a Visiter and Rector of the University. In these different offices, with scarcely any interval between them, I have been in the public service now 61 years, and during the far greater part of the time in foreign countries, or in other States.

If legislative services are worth mentioning, and the stamp of liberality and equality, which was necessary to be impressed on our laws, in the first crisis of our birth as a nation, was of any value, they will find that many of the leading and important laws of that day were prepared by myself, and carried chiefly by my efforts, supported, indeed, by able and faithful coadjutors.

The prohibition of the further importation of slaves was the first of these measures in time.

This was followed by the abolition of entails, which broke up the hereditary and high-handed aristocracy, which, by accumulating immense masses of property in single lines of family, had divided our country into two distinct orders, of nobles and piebeians.

But, further to complete the equality among our citizens, so essential to the maintenance of republican government, it was necessary to abolish the principle of primogeniture; I drew the law of descents, giving equal inheritance to sons and daughters, which made a part of the Revised Code.

The attack on the establishment of a dominant religion, was first made by myself. It could be carried at first only by a suspension of salaries for one year, by battling it again at the next session or another year or so, from year to year, until the public mind was ripened for the bill for establishing religious freedom, which I had prepared for the Revised Code also. This was at length established permanently, and by the efforts chief

ly of Mr. Madison, being myself in Europe at the time that work was brought forward.

I think I might add the establishment of our University. My residence in the vicinity threw of course, on me, the chief burden of the enterprize, as well of the buildings as of the general organization and care of the whole. The effect of this institution on the future fame, fortune, and prosperity of our country, can as yet be seen but at a distance. But an hundred well educated youths, which it will turn out annually, and ere long, will fill all its offices with men of superior qualifications, and raise it from its humbled state to an eminence among its associates, which it has never yet known, no, not in its brightest days. Those now on the theatre of affairs, will enjoy the ineffable happiness of seeing themselves succeeded by sons of a grade of science, beyond their own ken. Our sister States will also be repairing to the same fountains of instruction, will bring hither their genius to be kindled at our fire, and will carry back the fraternal affections, which, nourished by the same Alma Mater, will knit us to them by the indissoluble bonds of early personal friendships. The good Old Dominion, the blessed mother of us all, will then raise her head with pride among the nations, will present to them that splendor of genius which she has ever possessed, but has too long suffered to rest uncultivated and unknown, and will become a centre of ralliance to the States, whose youths she has instructed, and, as it were, adopted.

I claim some share in the merit of this great work of regeneration. My whole labors, now for many years, have been devoted to it, and I stand pledged to follow it up through the remnant of life remaining to me."

From the Christian Register.

MIRACLES WROUGHT BOTH BY CHRIST AND HIS APOSTles. Mr. Editor.-In a late sermon on the Trinity I read with surprise the following sentence, "To forgive sin is a divine prerogative, which was claimed and exercised by Jesus Christ." Our Lord did indeed say to the sick of the palsy, "thy sins are forgiven thee." And when accused therefor with blasphemy, he asked, "whether it is easier to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say, arise and walk? but that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy) arise, take up thy bed and walk." The historian adds, "when the multitude saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men." A very different conclusion from the Trinitarian's. Whatever meaning or force we give our Lord's words, we have his own authority for the déclaration that it is no "easier" to say "arise and walk” to one before incapable of so doing, than to say "thy sins be forgiven thee." That is, no more of divine power is implied in the latter than in the former. The miracle he had wrought was as great an evidence of his possessing divine power, as the subsequent address to the man he had cured, was of his exercising a divine authority. But we know that such miracles were not performed exclusively by Jesus. The Apostles wrought similar, if not greater. And if Christ himself assures us that these miraculous works were no "easier" than the "forgiveness of sins,” implying no less of divine power and authority, we are warranted in saying that the Apostles could have as well declared the sins forgiven, as the diseases removed when they miraculously healed. This accords with what Jesus affirms to themselves. "Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained." John xx. 23. I suppose however that we attach to the words


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