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Addresses and Discussions at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

PAGES, 216. PRICE, PAPER, $1.00. CLOTH, $1.50.

The work is divided into four sections, which have also been published separately.

The Government of Dependencies.

CONTRIBUTORS-Theodore S. Woolsey, E. W. Huffcut,
A. Lawrence Lowell, W. Alleyne Ireland, Talcott Williams
and L. S. Rowe.

Militarism and Democracy.

Hon. Carl Schurz.

Pp. 74. Price, paper, 50 Cents.

Pp. 27. Price, paper, 25 Cents.

The Commercial Relations of the United
States with the Far East.

CONTRIBUTORS—Worthington C. Ford, Robert T. Hill,
John Foord, W. P. Wilson and Emory R. Johnson.

Pp. 54. Price, paper, 50 Cents.

The Political Relations of the United States
with the Far East.

CONTRIBUTORS-Hon. John B. Moore, His Excellency
the Chinese Minister, Wu Ting-fang, Lindley M. Keasbey
and Frederick Wells Williams.

Pp. 35. Price, paper, 35 Cents.

American Academy of Political and Social Science



Addresses and Discussions at the Fourth Annual Meeting
of the American Academy of Political and

Social Science, April 19, 20, 1900

Pages, 208. Price, $1.00; cloth, $1.50


PROFESSOR L. S. ROWE, University of Pennsylvania

HONORABLE BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller of New York City

PROFESSOR JOHN H. GRAY, Northwestern University

DR. FREDERIC W. Speirs, Philadelphia

HONORABLE William LindsaY, United States Senator from Kentucky

JAMES B. DILL, ESQ., New York City

HONORABLE JOHN Wanamaker, Philadelphia

WILLIAM H. BALDWIN, JR., President of the Long Island Railroad

HONORABLE NELSON W. ALDRICH, United States Senator from Rhode Island

HONORABLE ROBERT P. PORTER, Special Commissioner for the United States to Cuba and Porto Rico
CHARLES R. MILLER, ESQ., Editor-in-chief of the New York Times


The Control of Public-Service Corporations

The Influence of Corporations on Political Life

Combination of Capital as a Factor in Industrial Progress

The Future of Protection

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THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE was formed in Philadelphia, December 4, 1889, for the purpose of promoting the political and social sciences, and was incorporated February 14, 1891.

While it does not exclude any portion of the field indicated in its title, yet its chief object is the development of those aspects of the political and social sciences which are either entirely omitted from the programs of other societies, or which do not at present receive the attention they deserve. Among such objects may be mentioned: Sociology, Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law, Philosophy of the State, Municipal Government, and such portions of the field of Politics, including Finance and Banking, as are not adequately cultivated by existing organizations.

In prosecuting the objects of its foundation, the Academy has held meetings and engaged extensively in publication.


"Any person may become a member of the Academy who having been proposed by a member shall be approved by the Council."-Constitution, Article IV.

Persons interested in the study of political, social and economic questions, or in the encouragement of scientific research along these lines, are eligible to membership and will be nominated upon application to the Membership Committee of the Council, American Academy, Station B, Philadelphia. There is no Initiation Fee. Annual Dues, $5. Life Membership Fee, $100. MEETINGS.

Public meetings have been held from time to time at which the members of the Academy and others interested might listen to papers and addresses touching upon the political and social questions of the day. The meetings have been addressed by leading men in academic and practical life, a wide range of topics has been discussed, and the papers have generally been subsequently published by the Academy.

The first scientific session of the Academy was held on March 14, 1890; three other sessions were held in 1890; seven in 1891; five in 1892; five in 1893; six in 1894; four in 1895; six in 1896; eight in 1897; eight in 1898, and seven in 1899, or sixty in all.


Since the foundation of the Academy, a series of Publications has been maintained, known as the ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science and the Supplements thereto. These publications have brought home to members accurate information and carefully considered discussions of all the questions embraced within the field of the Academy's interests. The ANNALS is sent to all members of the Academy.


The ANNALS was first issued as a quarterly, but since the second volume it has appeared as a bi-monthly. At the present time, the ANNALS comprises two volumes of about 500 pages each per annum. The fifteen volumes thus far issued comprise 58 numbers, constituting with the supplements 10,435 pages of printed matter which have been distributed to the members of the Academy.

Besides the larger papers contributed by many eminent scholars both at home and abroad, especial attention has been directed to the departments. All important books are carefully reviewed or noticed by specialists. The department of Personal Notes keeps the reader informed of movements in the academic and scientific world. Notes upon Municipal Government and Sociology preserve a careful record of events and other matters of interest in these subjects, which at the present time claim so large a share of public attention.

To persons not members of the Academy, the price of Vols. I.-V., including supplements, is $6.00 a volume, and of Vols. VI.-XV., $3.00 each. Separate numbers $1.00 each. Special rates to Libraries: Vols. I.-V., $5.00 each; Vols. VI.-XV., $2.50 each.

Members are entitled to discounts varying from 16 per cent to 20 per cent on orders for back numbers or duplicate copies of publications. All current publications are sent to members free of charge.




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