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on the opsonins, so-called, are of special interest in this direction, inasmuch as they have in a measure converted many of our abstract theories into concrete facts. That certain constituents of the blood may be diminished without apparent decrease of the corpuscular elements or of the hemoglobin, is at last fairly well established, and while the specific properties of these constituents are not as yet definitely known, there is abundant reason for attributing certain phases of malnutrition, as well as a general lowering of organic resistance to bacteria, to their absence or decrease. The clinical expression of this blood weakness, or chemico-physiologic deficiency, is subject to great variation, but the symptom-complex usually consists of a general physical decline, loss of weight, increased tendency to fatigue, and a fickle or decreased appetite-all of which go to make up a picture of what is usually loosely termed general debility. In addition, when the blood dyscrasia is marked, two objective symptoms are frequently noted. These are slight transitory enlargement of the cervical lymphatics and a marked susceptibility of the skin to abrasions and infection. Simple injuries produce wounds that heal poorly and the processes of repair seem to be very feeble and inadequate.

This, then, in a general way, constitutes what may be called the borderland of disease, a condition which even if it does not always precede tuberculosis, typhoid fever, pneumonia and many other diseases, certainly favors their development and tends to increase their se verity.

The correction of this indefinite but none the less dangerous state of the blood is always urgent, particularly because of the favorable opportunities presented for increasing the resistance to those diseases to which it predisposes.

Regulation of the diet, careful attention to the personal hygiene, and as much outdoor living as possible are the essential features of the careful treatment of this condition of blood depravity. A good tonic is quite necessary in connection with the foregoing, and PeptoMangan (Gude) has been found very effective. Its pronounced hematogenic action is well known, and the rapid hematosis which result from its administration unquestionably has a decided influence in coincidently raising the relative immunizing power of the blood. Reparative processes in wounds are stimulated, simple glandulous swellings disappear, and tangible improvement in the general bodily nutrition rapidly follows. All this is accomplished, moreover, without placing the slightest tax on the digestive tract, and the patient is thus able not only to derive the fullest benefits from every effort in his behalf but the course of his recovery is progressive and unbroken. His vital resistance is materially raised and the balance of functional vigor restored to the normal. That the extent to which this is accomplished measures the decreased liability to infectious disease, can no longer be doubted.

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By James Tyler Kent, M.D., Professor Materia Medica Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Chicago,

The times of aggravation of the symptoms of this remedy are morning, forenoon, evening, night, and after midnight; he feels marked amelioration during the forenoon. Formation of recurrent abscesses; it relieves the pain and hastens the flow of pus in abscesses. AVERSION TO THE OPEN AIR; the symptoms are worse in the open air and he is extremely sensitive to a draft of air. The symptoms are worse from stimulants; he is sensitive to every change of weather from warm to cold and to cold damp weather. He feels all used up after coition. He is worse from cold in general, from cold air, from becoming cold, and after becoming cold; he is always taking cold. He feels worse and his symptoms are worse after eating; he is worse from slight exertion. He emaciates rapidly. Symptoms are worse after cold food, cold drinks, fat food, and milk. There is a marked lack of vital heat. Heaviness felt in body and limbs. Formication through the body. Induration of glands. Inflammation of external parts; of bone, excessive physical irritability and sensitiveness to jarring. Great lassitude and desire to lie down; lying ameliorates and motion aggravates. This remedy is full of pain; pain in the bones; the pains in the body are boring, burning, cutting, pressing, sore, stitching and tearing. Pressure ameliorates many symptoms. There is marked pulsation felt all over the body and in the limbs. Pulse fast in the evening. and until 2 a. m. There is marked sensitiveness in the remedy. The bones and glands become very sensitive. The symptoms are worse after sleep, worse from touch, when walking and after

wine. Trembling and twitching. Great weakness; in the morning, from walking; NERVOUS WEAKNESS. He is weary throughout the proving.

MIND: He becomes angry when contradicted; anxiety in the evening and during the night but especially before midnight; anxiety at night in bed; aften eating; on waking; during the night. Concentration of mind is difficult! He has lost all confidence in his own judgment. There is confusion of mind in the morning and in the evening; after eating; FROM MENTAL EXERTION; on waking. He is overconscientious and there are moments of being discouraged and sometimes despair; dullness of mind on waking; worse from reading or any mental exertion; all the mental symptoms are worse from mental exertion. He is very excitable. He wakes up with anxiety and fear. His memory is very weak; he forgets almost everything. He is easily frightened. The female provers become quite hysterical. The first stage of imbecility is the general character of many mental symptoms. His is very indifferent to his friends and surroundings; irresolution is a strong feature and he cannot conclude to do one thing or the other. Irritability in the evening; after coition; after sleep. He no longer desires to live and seems to loathe life. A high degree of mental prostration prevails. Restless during the night driving him out of bed and with it there is great anxiety. Sadness during menses, with weeping. Extreme sensitiveness to noise. Starting from fright; from noise; from sleep. Indisposed to take a part in any conversation. Vertigo at night; with headache; from mental exertion; while walking; when turning in bed.

The following particulars will always yield to this remedy. whenever the above generals strongly predominates:

HEAD: There is tension of the scalp and especially of the forehead; falling of the hair; hyperaemia, fulness and heat of the head at night, felt especially in the forehead; heaviness of the head and forehead. It is a wonderful headache remedy: the headaches are of many kinds and the circumstances numerPain morning, afternoon, evening or night; pain worse after eating; from motion; from exertion; MENTAL EXERTION;


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