EIGHT SERMONS מה אהבתי תורתך כל היום היא שיחתי: O! how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Ps. cxix. 97. I have completed my work, her such as it is, of have the Aloasure of inform :ing you that the Subscription is full thre the Exertion of Mr Oldisworth's Friends m in the Country; & if I had printed off 50 Copies more. I might have disposed of them all, however I hope that I shall make it, t £100 for him & his Framily, which at one Time I despaired of doing. Whatnoble Things the warden of Wadham has done for has successor, the Colleges & the University His Benefaction amount to £1200 Our old Friend, Mr. wielle, called at my Lodgings Month ago, but I had not the Bloasure of seeing him. There are scorral Mistakes in the List of subsere bors af but I hope not many in the work, but one Jaccidentally saw yesterday, which is desat fordesict; but after the Proof is they will stile make mistahes. Lord Nelson's Victorios farnished me with Matter about a Month. |