Imágenes de páginas

Birchen twigs break no ribs.

Beauty draws more than oxen.

Birds of a feather flock together.
Better be envied than pitied.

Better late than never. Better leave than lack.

Beauty is potent, but money is omnipotent.
Better are small fish than an empty dish.

Buy at a fair and sell at home. Bought wit is best.

Charity begins at home. Care is no cure.

Children are certain cares but uncertain comforts.

Constant dropping wears away stones.

Creditors have a better memory than debtors.

Courts have no almanacks.

Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
Confession of a fault makes half amends for it.
Comparisons are odious.

Common fame is seldom to blame.

Do well and have well. Do no ill and fear no harm.
Debtors are liars.

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. Do what you ought and let what will come on it. Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals. Deeds are males and words are females. Desert and reward keep seldom company. Desperate cuts have desperate cures. Delays are dangerous. ·

Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.

Every ass thinks himself worthy to stand with the king's horses.
Enough is as good as a feast.

Ever drink ever dry.

Every Jack must have his Gill.

Every one should sweep before his own door.

Eaten bread is soon forgotten.

Early to bed and early arise, makes man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Experience keeps a dear school.

Evil gotten evil spent. Every cock is proud of his own dung hill.
Every thing is good in its season.
England is the paradise of women.

Empty vessels make the greatest sound.

Exchange is no robbery.

Every one may be as a may not be.

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Empty hands no hawks allure.

Every man's nose will not make a shoeing horn.

Every shoe fits not every foot.

Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches.

Essex stiles, Kentish miles, Norfolk wiles, many men beguiles.

Friends may meet but mountains never greet.

Far fetched and dear bought is good for ladies.

First deserve and then desire.

bad masters.

Fire and water are good servants but

Foxes when sleeping have nothing fall into their mouths.

Far from court, far from care.

Fair feathers make fair fowls.

Fair and softly goes far in a day.

Fancy may boult bran and think it flour.

Good words cost nought.

Good looks buy nothing in the market.

Giving is going a fishing.

Gentility without ability is worse than plainbeggary.

Gaming shows what metal a man is made of.

Gossips and frogs drink and talk.


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He who has thriven, may sleep till seven.

Goose and gander and gosling

He that blows in the dust fills

Harm watch harm catch. Health is better than wealth.

He who lives in hopes, dies a fool (dances without a minstrel).

He that will deceive the fox must rise betimes.

He that wears black must bear a brush at his back.

He that gropes in the dark, finds what he would not.

Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.

Hunger is the best sauce (never fails of a good cook).

He that handles thorns will prick his fingers.

He that buys a house ready wrought, has many a pin and nail for nought.

He gives twice that gives in a trice.

I once had, is a poor man.

I heard one say so, is half a lie.

If ifs and ands were pots and pans.

It is not the gay coat makes the Gentleman.

Industry is fortune's right hand and frugality her left.

It is merry in the hall when the beards wag all.

John Do- little, was the son of good wife Spin little.

If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.

Idle folks never lack excuses. Ill weeds grow apace.
It is too late to spare, when the bottom is bare.

Ill tongues should have a pair of scissars.

Italy to be born in, France to live in, and Spain to die in.

Keep counsel thyself first.

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

Keep some, till furthermore come.

Live and let live.

Lawyers houses are built on the heads of fools.
Little said sooner mended. Light cheap lither yield.
Love, knavery and necessity make men good orators.
Like with the like looks well and lasts long.

Like to like and Nan for Nicolas.

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Look not a gift horse in the mouth.

Let them laugh that win. Lightly come, lightly go.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

Little said soon amended.

Marry in haste and repent at leisure. Many ventures make a full freight. Many kinsfolks few friends.

Many hands make light work.

Misfortunes seldom come alone. Much coin much care.
Make not thy tail broader than thy wings.
Make a bridge of silver for a flying enemy.
None is a fool always, every one sometimes.
None knows the weight of another's burden.
No man can flay a stone.

No living man all things can.

No smoke without some fire.
No cross, no crown. No longer foster, no longer friend.
No joy without annoy. No woman is ugly when she is drest.
No mill, no meal. No companion like money.
Necessity has no law.


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Necessity is coal-black.

Opportunity makes the thief.

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One ounce of discretion is worth two pounds of wit.
Once a knave and ever a knave. One fool makes many.

One nail drives out another.

One to-day is worth two to-morrows.

One sword keeps another in the scabbard.

One flower makes no garland (one swallow makes no spring, nor one woodcock a winter).

Of two devils choose the least. Out of debt, out of danger.

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Of young men die many, of old men escape not any.
One beats the bush and another catches the bird.

Of saving comes having.

Out of sight out of mind.

A Pitcher never goes so often to the well, but it comes home broken at last. Pride goes before and shame follows after.

Patch and long sit, build and soon flit.

Patience is a flower that grows not in every one's garden.

Patience perforce is a medicine for a mad dog.

Pen and ink is wit's plough.

Penny and penny laid up will be many.

Pour not water on a drowned mouse.

Quick believers need broad shoulders.

Reason governs the wise man and cudgels the fool.

Repentance always cost dear.

Suspicion is the virtue of a coward.

She will not set the Thames on fire.

Set a rogue to catch a rogue.

Suppers kill more than the greatest doctor ever cured.

Six feet of earth make all men of one size.

Strike while the iron is hot. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Sadness and gladness succeed each other. Seeing is believing.

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Self do, self have. After sweet meat comes sour sauce.
Silence is consent. Soft fire makes sweet malt.

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Silks and satin put out the fire in the kitchen.

Step after step the ladder is ascended.

Stretch your arm no further than your sleeves will reach.
Send a fool to the market and a fool he'll return again.
Set hard heart against hard hap.

Standers-by see more than gamesters.

Sorrow comes unsent for.

Sorrow is always dry.

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Soon ripe soon rotten.

Sloth is the key to let in beggars.

Saying and doing are two different things.

Teach granny to give sack. The table robs more than the thief.

That groat is ill saved that shames its master.

Three may keep counsel if two be away.

The first dish pleases all. The highway is never about.

'Tis good sleeping in a whole skin.

Then plough deep, while sluggards sleep.

To crow well, and scrape ill, is the devil's trade.

The devil goes shares in the gaming.

The best armour is to keep out of gun-shot.
The worst pig often gets the best pear.
The young pig grunts like the old sow.
Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
Thought is a nimble footman,

To fright a bird is not the way to catch her.

That great saint, Interest, rules the world alone.
The absent party is still faulty.

The beggar is never out of his way.
Though the fox runs, the chicken have wings.
The greatest strokes make not the best music.
The morning sun never lasts a day.

Time and tide tarry for no man.

Though the sun shines leave not your cloak at home.

The tongue breaks bone, though itself has none.

The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman.

The cat loves fish, but she is loath to wet her feet.

There are more ways to kill a dog than hanging.

The proof of the pudding is the eating.

The second blow makes the fray.

Too much of one thing is good for nothing.

Too much pudding may choke a dog.
Two dry sticks will kindle a green one.
The hole in the wall invites the thief.
Threatened we eat bread still.

Though old and wise, yet still advise.
The gallows will have its own at last.
To the grave a pall and that's all.

Use legs and have legs.

Unminded, unmoaned.

Up the hill favour me, down the hill beware thee.

Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

Welcome is the best cheer..- Well may he smell fire whose gown burns. What you sow, you must mow.

When it rains potage you must hold up your dish.

When prayers are done my lady is ready.

Wine ever pays for his lodgings.

Wit once bought is worth twice taught.

Well begun is half done.

When the ship is sunk, every man knows how she might have been saved. When a thing is doing, advice comes too late.

Who begins with a thing must go on with it.

Who will not keep a penny, shall never have many.

Who spends more than he should, will not have to spend when he would.

When bale is hext (highest) boot is next.

Wishers and woulders are never good householders.

When the pear is ripe it must of course fall.

When a man is tumbling down every saint lends a hand.

Wishes never can fill a sack. Wide will wear, but narrow will tear.

What cannot be cured must be endured.

When knaves fall out, true men come by their goods.

Yawning is catching.

You cannot catch old birds with chaff.

Young men may die, old men must.

You dance in a net and think nobody sees you.

Young men think old men fools, but old men know young men to be so.

2. Ausdrücke für besondere Verhältnisse und Geschäfte des gewöhnlichen Lebens *).

1. Asking, entreating, and requesting. I have a question to ask you (zu thun). Ask him what he wants (wünscht). I come to ask your opinion. I ask your pardon. Somebody asks for you. I have a favour to ask of you. Will you have the goodness to reach me that book? Will you be so kind as to tell him that I shall certainly be there. Will you do me the favour? You would render me a particular service, by giving me leave (erlauben) to go to him. I beg (ich bitte) of you. Oblige me so far. I should be extremely sorry were you to refuse me. Dare I ask it of you? May I beg you for it. Will you grant me a favour? I am sorry (es thut mir leid) to trouble you for it. Pray excuse this importunity of mine (daß ich Ihnen lästig falle). I humbly request this at your hands (inständigst). I shall ever be grateful for it. Tell me, if you please. Pardon me for interrupting you in your discourse. Have the goodness to listen to (hear) me (Gehör zu geben). Allow me to observe that. Be so kind as to give it me. Do you want nothing else?

2. For offering, refusing, consenting and granting. What can I offer you that will be agreeable? I cannot accept of any thing. Take it for my sake. That is impossible for me. With all my heart, most heartily. I offer it willingly. You are welcome to it (es geschieht gern). Take it without any ceremony (weitere Umstände). Excuse me for refusing it to you. I offer it to you cheerfully (von Herzen gern). I am very sorry; but that is quite impossible. I hope you will excuse me. Do me the favour to accept that trifle. With pleasure. The little I have is at your disposal (Verfügung). I am delighted (es freut mich) to have an opportunity of serving you. You have anticipated (zuvorgekommen) my wishes. I am much flattered with the honour you show me. Will you consent to do it? Most cordially. I consent to it. I have no objection (nichts dagegen). That is not to be refused. I agree to it. Agreed! (Es bleibt dabei.)

3. Returning and receiving thanks. I return you a thousand thanks. I thank you very much for your kindness. You have done me a great service. I feel very grateful to you. Accept my most grateful thanks. Your kindness overpowers (beschämt) me. I cannot express my gratitude to you. I am sorry to give you so much trouble. No trouble at all, I assure you. I shall be most happy to return you the favour. You are too obliging, I am afraid I abuse (mißbrauchen) your friendship. I am wholly yours. I don't know how to requite (erwiedern) so much civility. Thank you. I am obliged to you. You jest (scherzen). I am under a great obligation to you (sehr verbunden). It is not worth mentioning (des Erwähnens). You do me too much honour. Don't mention it. Accept my respectful thanks. Very glad to have been of service to you. I am most sensible (fühle tief) of your kindness. I am as glad of it (es freut mich) as yourself. I have a pleasure in serving you. You are too good (kind, complaisant). May God bless you for it.

4. Expressing one's joy, admiration, astonishment, despair, sorrow, or pain. What a pleasure! What (welche) joy! What a happy moment! What unexpected fortune (luck). You cannot imagine how happy I am to see you. It is an inexpressible joy to meet here. What a prodigy! What a wonder! It is above all praise! It is indeed wonderful (charming,

*) Bevor diese Uebungen gelernt werden, muß der Schüler fie mündlich überseßen.

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