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evening. If you will increase the company, it will be very agreeable, in particular,



to your friend and servant George Mason.


With the greatest pleasure do I accept your invitation, as I am just now in no very good humour, and shall feel very happy to dispel it by being in your company and in that of merry friends. At 6 o'clock I shall call on you and am most sincerely,

To George Mason,
Esqr. etc. etc. etc.



Your very faithful friend
Hugh Carpenter.

To an acquaintance in Town.

I cannot possibly wait on you this evening, as I promised; some business I did not expect, and which requires my attendance, taking up my time. Pray, let me know by a line or two, whether you shall be in town to morrow; being in the mean time,


To a friend in the Country.

Yours Charles Willing.


I have executed your orders. Mrs. Primrose was glad to hear from you; she designs to pay you shortly a visit, at which I shall have the pleasure to accompany her. She wants to know if a good country-house was not to be met with at no great distance from you, for she should be glad to live in your neighbourhood for the summer season. Please to let me have your kind information, in expectation of which I remain Sir,

My Lord,

Your humble servant
William Hope.

Being deprived of the honour to wait on you in person, I humbly take this method of intreating your good offices at the ensuing election, as a good place in the city is become vacant, and to put in a good word with some of your friends in my behalf, for which favour I shall remain Your Lordship's

Honored Sir,

most humble and obedient servant Andrew Comeon.

I duly received your favour of the 5th. inst., which informs me of your having expected your cousin a week ago at Dublin, from which I am apt to think that either my Letter did not come time enough to your hands, or that some mistake happened; for I suppose to have mentioned that your cousin was first going to Bristol, after which he would set out on his journey for Dublin. But the roads being at present very bad, and, besides that, he having met with some business there he did not expect, he has acquainted me that he could not possibly arrive at Dublin till next month, which I thought myself obliged to inform you of, being with great esteem unalterably

Honored Sir,

Your humble servant
John Faulkland.

Dear Sir,

To W. Noman, Esqr.

Jon i

You will please to be so good as to arrange with Mr. Brooks respecting the Books I left in your hands in account current with Boosey and Sons of London. I am sorry that my time would not admit to call upon Mr. Brooks as it was my intention. I hope you will oblige



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Though my silence may have given you cause to think that I neglect my Palermo acquaintance, give me leave, at the same time, that I an nounce my return to this country, to assure you, that I do not forget my friends so soon, and that, notwithstanding I may not have been quite so punctual as you expected, in my correspondence since we parted, the grateful sense I brought away with me, of the numerous favours and attentions I received from every body at your place, has not diminished. On the contrary, that nothing will give me greater satisfaction, in the present situation, than to be able to render myself useful or agreeable to you or your friends.

You will excuse my writing in English; though I understand the Tuscan, I am not in the least practise of writing it with that correctness with which it ought to be written; and besides, I know you understand English equally as well. Though I address this to you in particular, I mean it to all your amiable family; and do not, therefore, desire you to remember me to them in particular, only to translate to them the subject of this letter; but give my respects to all the rest of my acquaintances, and you will believe me when I assure you how much I am,

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From London to Hannover. To

London, March 6th.

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God be thanked! here I sit, well and hearty, already quite at home, and perfectly happy in the receipt of your dear letter, which assures me that you and the children are well; what more or what better could I wish for? After sleeping well and paying well at Dover, we set out yesterday morning in the Express coach, a noble carriage drawn by four English horses, such as no prince need be ashamed of. With four perwithin, four in front, and four behind, we dashed on with the rapidity of lightning through this inexpressibly beautiful country; meadows of the loveliest green, gardens blooming with flowers, and every building displaying a neatness and elegance which form a striking contrast to the dirt of France. The majestic river, covered with ships of all sizes (among others the largest ship of the line, of 128 guns) the graceful country houses, altogether made the journey perfectly unique; and arrived in this famous town very well entertained.

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The whole day is mine till five, then dinner, the theatre or society. My solitude in England is not painful to me. The English way of living suits mine exactly, and my little stock of English, in which I make to lerable progress, is of incalculable use to me.

Give yourself no uneasiness about the opera (Oberon) I shall have leasure and repose here, for they respect my time. Besides, the Oberon

is not fixed for Easter Monday, but some time later; I shall tell you afterwards when. The people are really kind to me. I take great care of myself, and you may be quite at ease on my account. My cough is really a very odd one, it disappears for days, and then comes again.

At seven o'clock in the evening we went to Covent Garden, where Rob Roy, an opera after Sir Walter Scott's novel, was played. The house is handsomely decorated, and not too large. When I came forward to the front of the stagebox, that I might have a better look of it, some one called out, Weber! Weber is here! and although I drew back immediately, there followed a clamour of applause which I thought would never have ended. Then the overture to the Freyschutz was called for, and every time I showed myself the storm broke loose again. Fortunately, soon after the overture, Rob Roy began, and gradually things became quiet. Could a man wish for more enthusiasm, or more love? I must confess that I was completely overpowered by it, though I am of a calm nature, and somewhat accustomed to such scenes. I know not what I would have given to have had you by my side, that you might have seen me in my foreign garb of honour. I can assure you, that you may be quite at ease, both as to the singers and the orchestra. Miss Paton is a singer of the first rank, and will play Reiza divinely. Braham not less so, though in a totally different style. There are also several good tenors, and I really cannot see why the English singing should be so much abused. The singers have a perfectly, good Italian education, fine voices, and expression. The orchestra is not remarkable but still very good, and the choruses particularly so. In short I feel quite at ease as to the fate of Oberon.

March the 12th.

Through God's grace and assistance I have this evening met with the most complete success. The representation of Oberon has rewarded me for all toils and vexations. The brilliancy and affecting nature of the triumph is indescribable. God alone be thanked for it! When I entered the Orchestra, the whole of the house, which was filled to overflowing, rose up, and I was saluted by huzzas, waving of hats and handkerchiefs, which I thought would never have done. They insisted on encoring the overture. Every air was interrupted twice or thrice by bursts of applause.

To Miss Sophia B.

London, 18th. March 1833.

My dear Niece, the receipt of your kind favour of the 24th. June, has been doubly gratifying to me. I was truly delighted to find that though absent from you for a series of years, I have not been obliterated from your recollection (a circumstance, which, considering your very tender age, when I was last at Dresden, is highly flattering to myself) and sincerely pleased by your so ably addressing me in English. I can assure you that the small specimen of your progress in your studies is highly creditable to your master as well as to your application, and I have no hesitation in saying, if you continue with the same ardour, a short period will suffice to make you perfectly Mistress of a Language, the beauties of which will amply repay you for all the time and labour devoted on its study. Whatever books, my love, you may require and perhaps not be able to obtain there, I beg you will freely name to me, and I shall gladly procure them for you. I trust at any rate, that you will from time to time continue your letters to me and so afford me the satisfaction of hearing from you and at the same time of noticing your progress.

I have no occasion to describe to you, how deeply I regretted the impracticability of my coming over to assist in the celebration of a fa

mily festival as interesting as it is rare, the jubilee Nuptials of my dear and much revered parents. You may easily imagine how serious the motives must have been to prevent me from doing it, nay, almost of an unsurmountable nature. I have, however solemnized the day the 1st. of June in the circle of my family and though I was not personally among you, my mind and thoughts were. I am anxious to hear the exact description how that truly memorable day was past with you, and shall deem it a particular favour if you will give me in your next letter a detailed account of every thing that happened. My dear wife (oder Mrs. Ivanhoe) has thanks to heaven quite recovered. My eldest daughter Fanny, a fine intelligent girl of about 7 years and a half, is the favorite and most engaging little darling you can imagine, full of life and spirit, begins to talk French and German under my own tuition, and is continually speaking of her cousins in Germany, which she is most anxious to be personally acquainted with. My second is a boy George, about 5 years old, a fine hearty fellow, my third a girl 15 months old, who only begins now talk. We all desire to visit you and at the same time to see the delightful environs of your fair town. And now good bye, my dear Sophia, write to me as soon as your leisure will permit, and give me a full account of every thing that is occurring in the extended circle of our relatives. You shall find me a punctual correspondent. Give my best love to your good and dear parents, sisters and brothers, whose names I confess I am unacquainted with and accept that of

My dear Sophia,

Your truly affectionate uncle and friend.

My wife (oder Mrs. Ivanhoe) desires kindly to be remembered.

II. Titulaturen.

An den König.

Anrede: (Commencement) nach altem Styl: Dread Sovereign! am gewöhnlichsten: Sire, oder May it please your Majesty!

Im Briefe: abwechselnd Sire, Your Majesty, Most Gracious Sir, May it please your Majesty.

Zum Schlusse: (Conclusion) I remain, With profound veneration Sire
Your Majesty's most faithful and devoted (auch loyal) Subject.
Als Aufschrift: (Superscription) oder bei Zueignungen über dem Briefe: To His
Most Excellent Majesty, the King of Prussia; oder auch: To His
Majesty Frederic William the IV., King of Prussia, Margrave of
Brandenburgh etc.; an den König von England: King of Great Bri-
tain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc.; oder auch: To the
King's most excellent Majesty etc.

An die Königin.

Anrede: Madam, oder May it please your Majesty.

Im Briefe: abwechselnd Madam, Your Majesty.

Schluß: I remain, With the highest respect, Madam, Your Majesty's most humble, dutiful and devoted servant.

Aufschrift (Adresse): To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.

An einen königlichen Prinzen (Prince of the Blood Royal).

Anrede: Sir, oder May it please your Royal Highness.

Im Briefe: Your Royal Highness, Sir etc.

Schluß: I remain, With the greatest respect, Sir, Your Royal Highness' most dutiful and most humble servant.

Aufschrift: To His Royal Highness Frederic, Prince of Prussia; oder bei einem englischen Prinzen: Duke of Cumberland etc.

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An eine königliche Prinzessin (Princess of Blood Royal). Anrede: Madam, oder May it please Your Royal Highness.

Jm Briefe: Your Royal Highness, Madam, auch wie oben.

Schluß: I remain, With the greatest respect, Madam, Your Royal Highness' b most obedient and devoted humble servant.

Aufschrift: To Her Royal Highness, The Princess Amelia.

In England an Prinzen, Neffen, Nichten des Königs, die nicht den Titel «Königliche Hoheit» führen.

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Anrede: Sir, oder May it please Your Highness.

Jm, Briefe: Sir, oder Your Highness.

Schluß: I have the honour to be, With great respect, Sir, Your Highness' most obedient and very humble servant.


Aufschrift: To His Highness the Duke of

sidq Juo

So auch an Prinzessinnen desgleichen.

Anrede: Madam, oder May it please Your Highness.

Im Briefe: Madam, øder Your Highness.

Slug: I have the honour to remain, With great respect, Madam, Your Highness' most obedient and very humble servant.

Aufschrift: To Her Highness, The Princess Augusta of


Hoher Ade 1 (Nobility).

An einen Herzog, nicht von königlichem Geblüt.

Anrede: My Lord Duke, øder May it please Your Grace.
Im Briefe: Your Grace, My Lord Duke.

Schluß: I have the honour to be, My Lord Duke, Your Grace's most devoted and obedient servant.

Aufschrift: To His Grace, The Duke of Marlborough etc.

Anrede: Madam.

An Herzoginnen.

Im Briefe: Madam, May it please Your Grace.

Schluß: I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Grace's most obedient and

most humble servant.

Aufschrift: To Her Grace, the Dutchess of Marlborough etc.

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Anrede: My Lord Marquis.

Jim Briefe: Your Lordship.

An Marquis.

Schluß: I have the honour to remain, My Lord Marquis, Your Lordship's most obedient and most humble servant.

Aufschrift: To the Most Honorable, The Marquis of Wellesley.

An Marquisinnen.

Anrede: Madam, oder My Lady.

Im Briefe: auch Your Ladyship.

Schluß: I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Ladyship's most obedient and most humble servant.

Aufschrift: To the Most Honorable, The Marchioness of Lansdown.

An Earls (engl. Grafen), Viscounts und Barone. Anrede: My Lord.

Jm Briefe: My Lord, oder Your Lordship. May it please Your Lordship.

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