Imágenes de páginas

Quanti nacquero in Flora

O in lei del parlar Tofco apprefer l'arte,
La cui memoria onora

Il mondo fatta eterna in dotte carte,

Volefti ricercar per tuo teforo,

E parlafti con lor nell' opre loro.

Nell' altera Babelle

Per te il parlar confufe Giove in vano,
Che per varie favelle

Di fe fteffa trofeo cadde fu'l piano :

Ch' Ode oltr' all' Anglia il fuo piu degno Idioma
Spagna, Francia, Toscana, e Grecia e Roma.

I piu profondi arcani

Ch' occulta la natura e in cielo e in terra
Ch' a Ingegni Sovrumani

Troppo avara tal' hor gli chiude, e ferra,
Chiaramente conofci, e giungi al fine

Della moral virtude al

gran confine.

Non batta il tempo l'ale,

Fermifi immotto, e in un fermin si gl' anni,
Che di virtu immortale

Scorron di troppo ingiuriofi a i danni ;
Che s' opre digne di Poema e ftoria
Furon gia, l' hai prefenti alla memoria.

Dammi tua dolce Cetra

Se vuoi ch'io dica del tuo dolce canto,
Ch' inalzandoti all' Etra

Di farti huomo celefte ottiene il vanto,
Il Tamigi il dira che gl' e conceffo
Per te fuo cigno pareggiar Permello.

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Io che in riva del Arno

Tento fpiegar tuo merto alto, e preciaro
So che fatico indarno,

E ad ammirar, non a lodarlo imparo ;
Freno dunque la lingua, e afcolto il core
Che ti prende a lodar con lo ftupore.

Del fig. Antonio Francini gentilhuomo



An Exact CATALOGUE of all MILTON's Works in their true Order as they are mention'd in the Hiftory of his Life.

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OF Reformation in England, and the Caufes

that hitherto have hindred it. In two books.

Written to a friend. In quarto. page 19. 2. Of Prelatical Epifcopacy, and whether it can be deduced from the Apoftolical times, by Virtue of thofe Teftimonies which are alledg'd to that Purpofe in fome late Treatifes; one whereof goes under the Name of James Archbishop of Armagh. P. 22. 3. The Reafon of Church-Government urg'd against Prelaty. In two Books.

P. 23. 4. Animadverfions upon the Remonftrants Defence against Smectymnuus.

An Apology for Smectymnuus.

P. 25.

p. 28.

6. The. Doctrine and Difcipline of Divorce restored to the Good of both Sexes, from the Bondage of Canon Law, and other Mistakes, to the true Meaning of

Toland first collected and published the author's profe works in three volumes folio, in 1698; for which all lovers of liberty owe grateful praifes to his name: but through hurry, or perhaps not having feen the different copies, he printed from the FIRST edition of fome tracts, which the author had afterwards pubJished with confiderable additions.

The editor's preface to Iconoclastes, printed for A. Millar,

in quarto, 1756.

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Scripture in the Law and Gospel compared, &c. P. 43.

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7. Tetrachordon: Expofitions upon the four chief Places in Scripture which treat of Marriage, or Nullities in Marriage, &c. P. 47. 8. The Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce: Written to Edward the Sixth in his fecond Book of the Kingdom of Chrift, &c. P. 48. 9. Colafterion: a Reply to a nameless Answer against the Doctrine and Difcipline of Divorce: Wherein the trivial Author of that Anfwer is difcovered, the Licenfer conferred with, and the Opinion which they tradace, defended. 10. Of Education. To Mafter Samuel Hartlib. p. 50. 11. Areopagitica: a Speech for the Liberty of unlicens'd Printing, to the Parliament of Eng


land. ibid. 12. The Tenure of Kings and Magiftrates: proving that it is lawful, and bath been held fo through all Ages, for any who have the Power, to call to Account a Tyrant or wicked King, and after due Conviction, to depofe, and put him to Death, if the ordinary Magiftrate bave neglected, or denied to do it, &c. p. 61. 13. Eikonoclaftes in answer to a Book intitled Eikon Bafilike, the portraiture of his facred Majefty, in bis Solitude and Sufferings. Quarto. p. 68. 14. Obfervations on the Articles of Peace between James Earl of Ormond, for King Charles the First, on the one Hand, and the Irish Rebels and Papifts on the other Hand: and on a Letter fent by Ormond to Colonel Jones, Governor of Dublin; and a Reprefentation of the Scots Prefbytery at Belfast in


Ireland. To which the faid Articles, Letters with Colonel Jones's Answer to it, and Representa tion, &c. are prefixed.

15. Defenfio

P. 79.

pro Populo Anglicano, or bis Defence of the People of England against Salmafius's Defence of the King.

P. 84. 16. Joannis Philippi Refponfio ad Apologiam Anonymi cujufdam.

A p. 89. 17. Defenfio fecunda pro Populo Anglicano, &c.


18. Defenfio pro fe adverfus Alexandrum Mo


P. 97. 19. A Treatife of Civil Power in Ecclefiaftical Caufes : Shewing, that it is not lawful for any Power on Earth to compel in Matters of Religion. P. 99. 20. Confiderations touching the likelieft means to remove Hirelings out of the Church, &c. ibid. 21. A Letter to a Friend concerning the Ruptures of the Commonwealth. P. 103. 22. The prefent Means, and brief Delineation of a Free Commonwealth; eafy to be put in Practice, and without Delay. In a Letter to General Monk Published from the Manufcript.

p. 106, 3. Brief Notes upon a late Sermon, titled, The Fear of God and the King; preached, and fince published by Matthew Griffith, D. D. and Chaplain to the late King; wherein many notorious Writings of Scripture, and other Falfities are obferved. ibid. 24. The ready and easy way to establish a Free Commonwealth; and the Excellence thereof compar'd with the Inconveniencies and Dangers of readmitting Kingship in this Nation. Quarto. p. 107. 25. Paradife Loft. p. 117. 26. Paradife

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