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Current Literature on Religious Education

"Religion and Public Education." James H. Canfield, in Educational Review for December.

"Authority in Education." George A. Coe, in Kindergarten Magazine for January.

"Religious Teaching in Public Schools." James M. Whiton, Christian Register, Nov. 8, 1906.

"Nature of Association Religious Work." Walter M. Wood, Official Bulletin (Y. M. C. A., Chicago), November, 1906.

"Sunday-school Problems Confronting Pastors." Richard Morse Hodge, Homiletic Review, January, 1907.

"How to Teach the Sunday-school Lessons for 1907." Theodore G. Soares, Biblical World, December, 1907.

"The Outlook in Religious Education." Editorial, Biblical World, January.

"On Teaching Religion to the Young." Florence Hayaller, Independent Review (London).

"Teaching Morality in Public Schools." Mr. F. Carrel, the Monthly Review (London), December.

Prof. Edward A. Ross has an article on "Present Peril to American Ideals" in The Atlantic, January.

Under "Religious Education," also under "Sunday Schools, Psychology," etc., in general idex, Biblical World for December, 1906, covering 28 volumes, many valuable references.


On the Special Subject of Religious Education

The Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament, Charles Foster Kent, Scribners, net $1.00.

Rational Living, Henry Churchill King, Macmillan, net $1.25. The Origin and Development of Moral Ideas, Edward Westermarck, Macmillan, net $3.50.

Educational Evangelism, Charles E. McKinley, Pilgrim Press,


The Philosophy of Religion, Harold Hoffding, Macmillan, net $3.00.

Telling Bible Stories, Louise Seymour Houghton, Scribners, net $1.00.

Present Definite Activities of the Religious Education Association

The primary purpose of the Association is not sc much to do things as to cause things to be done; it acts as a center, a clearing house, a bureau of information on religious and moral education. It has also done and is doing the following things:

It Publishes

Large Volumes, which have already become recognized as the most important contributions yet made to the literature of religious education. Three volumes (aggregating 1600 pages) have been issued; 7500 copies circulated. Other volumes are contemplated.

A Journal, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, issued bi-monthly, containing valuable original contributions as well as news of work and progress.

Pamphlets on special subjects of religious education and on departments of organization.

It Maintains

Executive Offices at 153 La Salle St., Chicago, where may be found its Permanent Exhibit of literature, materials and methods used in religious education.

Library of reference works, text-books, and special literature, always open for consultation.

Bureau of Promotion and Information. Personally or by correspondence, numerous inquiries on practical problems are answered daily. Under its direction colleges and universities are being aided, Sunday Schools are being graded, graded curricula are being provided and the essential purposes of the organization are being carried out, by stirring up the public mind, by stimulating leaders to constructive investigations and by suggesting the improvement of the existing agencies of religious education.

A Secretarial Staff engaged in the direction and extension of the work. 12,000 miles travelled, 14,000 letters, and over 44,000 pieces of literature circulated in the past year.

It Superintends

Local Guilds, conducting classes in teacher-training, religious education, lecture courses, departmental investigations, conferences and exhibits.

Departments. The educational leaders in the membership are grouped into seventeen departments organized to investigate the problems and promote the improvement of religious and moral education in their special fields. Amongst these departments are the following: Universities and Colleges, Sunday Schools, Public Schools, Private Schools, Christian Associations, The Home, The Library, The Press, and Religious Art and Music.

It Holds

Conventions. Three have been held at Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston, with many hundreds of delegates and several thousand attendants. The next general convention will be held in Rochester, N. Y., February 5-7. The most noted educators appear at these conventions and the proceedings are given wide publicity.

Conferences in important cities and also at Summer Assemblies and in connection with other gatherings. Over 120 meetings of this kind held in 1906 either directly or indirectly by the Association. Addresses by leading members or by the Secretary at many important gatherings.

It Unites

For co-operation in promoting religious education, a Membership consisting of about 2000 persons who pay $3.00 per annum for active membership, a number who pay $10.00 per annum for sustaining membership and others who have become life members by a payment of the sum of $100.00.

For the annual fee, $3.00, a member receives the current volumes and other publications, including "Religious Education."

The Association invites to its membership all who believe that a great and primary need of today is the religious and moral educaton of the people.

Send your application to the Secretary, HENRY FREDERICK COPE, at the Executive Office, Association Building 153 La Salle Street, Chicago


To All Members of the Religious Education Association

The Association hopes to issue another volume of proceedings.

It plans to print therein a complete directory of the membership.

Do you wish to make sure that your name will appear correctly with an exact statement of facts?

If so, please send us at once the necessary data, giving name, with titles or degrees (if any), address, official position or nature of work in church, or in religious or general education.

Send postal card or letter NOW, with your annual dues of $3.00, to


153 La Salle Street


The Graded Sunday School

The Curriculum of the Modern Sunday School
Bible Study in College and University
The Religious Education of Children
The Training of Sunday School Teachers

There is more direct, thorough, suggestive help, based on wide
experience and deep philosophy, in these and many other vital
problems of Religious Education in the following three books
than can be found anywhere else.

I. The Improvement of Religious Education

Containing many different aspects of the subject treated by
60 men of national reputation.

422 pages, cloth, 6 x 9

II. The Bible in Practical Life

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Containing over 100 papers by great thinkers on the place
of religion in education."

640 pages, cloth, 6 x 9

III. The Aims of Religious Education

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Containing principles and methods treated by 130 eminent
leaders and authorities.

[blocks in formation]

These books constitute an encyclopaedia on religious education. They have been everywhere welcomed and have received remarkable commendation from the press, the pulpit, educational institutions, libraries, etc. They are commonly recognized as most important contributions to the literature of the subject.

May be ordered through your bookseller or direct from the Association. New members can obtain these volumes at the reduced price of $3.50 for the complete set, when this amount accompanies their membership fee of $3.00,


net, $3.00

Religious Education Association

153 La Salle Street, Chicago

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