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The Permanent Exhibit

One of the attractive features of the Boston convention was the Sunday-school Exhibit at Gilbert Hall, Tremont Temple, arranged by Rev. Richard Morse Hodge, D. D., Rev. Milton S. Littlefield and Rev. W. W. Smith, M. A. The material exhibited consisted of Sunday-school curricula, literature, maps, manuals of instruction, illustrations of manual methods, pictures and apparatus.

The Association is now gathering the material for an Exhibit which will cover comprehensively the field of all its departments in the same manner as the Exhibit at Boston covered the Department of Sunday schools.

Sustaining Members

At the Boston Convention, a new class of members was created, to be known as Sustaining Members, their dues being fixed at ten dollars. It was expected that this membership would appeal to those persons of large faith in this movement who, being convinced of the great necessity of adequately promoting moral and religious education, would welcome the opportunity of making an annual contribution of at least this sum to its furtherance. The ordinary fee of $3.00 little more than pays for the literature furnished and the care of members' accounts and correspondence. Members are coming to realize that the Association offers them unusual opportunities for service to the Kingdom, and many will welcome Sustaining Membership as an excellent means of engaging in a highly profitable form of missionary endeavor.

Those who have paid their annual dues may become Sustaining Members by remitting the balance of seven dollars; and any who desire to be so enrolled will be furnished with application blanks, or the full amount may be sent direct to the office.

Already many are enrolled in this class. The general hearty support, in this manner, of those who believe in the movement would soon place the Association above all embarrassments and equip it for its broadest service.

The Cleveland Conference

The Cleveland Conference was held pursuant to the call contained in the following extract from a letter sent to all members on January 22, 1906:

"The Officers desire to announce that after a very thorough consultation it is thought that the interests of the Religious Education Association will be best served this year by a Conference instead of a Convention. We have now had three Conventions with elaborate and most valuable programs. ** These great conventions, however, with their absorbing public meetings, do not leave the proper and desired opportunity for conference. It seems wise, therefore, to call together the General Officers, Executive Board, Directors, State Directors, Council of Religious Education, Departmental Officers, and such members as may be able to be present to confer together about the next steps and to make a program covering the immediate future. It is not a question whether we shall go on, but how we shall do it most effectively. Our opportunities were never so great as now, and our opportunities are greater than our problems. We are asking, therefore, the officers already named to meet for a Conference in the Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, TuesdayThursday, February 13-15, 1906.

"The Conference will also transact the business necessary to be done at the annual meeting, including the election of officers for the ensuing year.'

The Minutes

The first joint session of Officers, Directors and members of the Association was held at the Hollenden House, Cleveland, Ohio, Wednesday, February 14th, at 9:30 A. M. Vice-President Fraser presided. Prayer was offered by Dr. Hammond.

The President's Annual Address was delivered by Bishop McDowell.

Letters were read from prominent educators and other interested persons, expresing interest in the movement.

In the absence of Prof. C. W. Votaw, who was to conduct the discussion on "Progress in Religious and Moral Education," it was resolved that an informal discussion should take the place of his paper; that following this the time should be given to a discussion of the three themes assigned for the meeting of Tuesday evening, which were not taken up then.

The President of the Association presented lists of committees as follows:

NOMINATIONS.-Messrs. Sanders, Stewart, Hughes, Bitting,


RESOLUTIONS.-Messrs. Thwing, Dickerson,

Fraser, Elmer.

REGISTRATION.-Messrs. Cope and Parker.


On motion, these nominations were approved, and the committees appointed.

After announcements, the conference adjourned after prayer by Bishop McDowell.

The Conference reconvened Wednesday, February 14th, at 2:30, President McDowell in the chair. Prayer was offered by Dr. S. B. Meeser. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

Discussion then began on "Methods of Executive Work," followed by a discussion of the theme, "Methods of Extension." It was moved and carried that the Executive Board be instructed to carry out the proposition submitted in his paper by Mr. William T. Ellis, through the Department of the Press.

After announcements and prayer by President H. C. Welch, Ohio Wesleyan University, the session adjourned.

The Conference reconvened at 7:30 P. M., February_14th, President McDowell in the chair. Prayer was offered by President A. E. Main, of Alfred College, New York.

The discussion of "Methods of Work of the Department" was then opened. Following this, the discussion centered on the theme, "What Specific Aid can the R. E. A. give to The Editor, the Y. M. C. A. Worker, the Sunday-school Worker." After announcements and prayer by Dr. Ballantine, the conference adjourned.

The Annual Business Meeting of the Association was held Thursday morning, February 15th, at 9:30, with President McDowell in the chair. Prayer was offered by President R. C. Hughes. The minutes of the Conference at its session Wednesday evening, were read and approved.

The Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting of the Association held at Boston, February 16th, 1905, were read and approved.

The Report of the Executive Board was presented by the Vice-Chairman, also a budget for the coming year. The report was accepted and its recommendations adopted.

The report of the Executive Board, presented through the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Loring W. Messer, reviewed the difficulties that had attended the work and called attention to many encouraging facts, particularly to the reduction of the old indebtedness by $3,881.65 and the payment of the current expenses, including the printing of the last volume. The policy for 1906 was stated as follows:

The Executive Board respectfully recommends the following policy for the coming year:

First. The maintenance of a suitable office in Chicago.

Second. The publication of at least six numbers of an Official Bulletin under the name of the Journal of the Religious Education Association. This publication to be substituted in the coming year for the Volume of Proceedings of former years, and to be mailed without charge to all members of the Association.

Third. The employment of a General Secretary, who shall possess marked executive and business ability in addition to influence and leadership in the promotion of religious education. Fourth. The holding of a convention February, 1907, on lines similar to those followed by previous Conventions.

Fifth. The development of State organizations as local interests and needs may warrant.

Sixth. The extension of local Guilds to other points. Seventh. The further development of the permanent Exhibit in connection with the Executive Office.

Eighth. The holding of Conferences under the auspices of the Religious Education Association in various sections of the country.

Ninth. The prosecution of a canvass for new members.

Tenth. Development of such departments as may be thoroughly organized with a specific and practicable objective in view.

Eleventh. The securing of the amount of $15,000.00 for the support of the Association.


The following budget is herewith submitted as the minimum sum on which the work of the Association can be properly conducted:

[blocks in formation]




Contributions (on basis of last year)... 2,000.00

Contribution, additional needed to cover

expenditures and to retire debt.....


Collection of Guarantee Fund.

Sale of Old Volumes...

Old Pledges, estimated..


500.00 2,700.00 300.00


[blocks in formation]

The Treasurer's report for the year was presented, and ordered entered on the minutes; it was referred to the Executive Board for auditing.


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