Imágenes de páginas


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Issued by THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, six times per annum, in

January, March, May, July, September and November, from the Executive Office, 153

La Salle Street, Chicago.

Application made for entry as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois

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Vol. I

APRIL, 1906

No. I


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION has no academic problem. There are plenty of philosophers who will take care of the theoretical aspects of the subject. The Religious Education Association stands for practice rather than theory, experience rather than speculation. During the past three years it has grown from a nebulous hope to an efficient reality. It has unified religious workers of all classes and has made itself a clearing house for their ideas. It numbers among its members University Presidents, Clergymen, Sunday School Teachers, Kindergartners, business men, artists and plain parents. It has held great conventions whose programs have contributed to the lasting literature in this field. All over the country its members have held local gatherings for the furtherance of its great object. Its purposes are better understood every year. It has no Lesson Helps to publish, no scheme to exploit, no enemies to make. Its hand is stretched out to every sincere effort to make education more religious and to make religion more educational. As an organization it seeks to unify scattered workers and to be an exchange for the results of honest experiments. It has already given evidence of large influence, and the new year opens before it with ever enlarging opportunities.

The first number of its newly established Journal is but another evidence of its determination to be of practical use to the religious world. A prospectus is easily written; but in the case of the present publication it can be reduced to a few sentences. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, like the Association by which it is issued,

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will not be academic, but practical. It is the organ of the Association and its columns are at the disposition of any member whose experience is calculated to assist another in the solution of the problems or the realization of the purposes of Religious Education. Its field is as broad as the Association itself. As it grows in years, it is expected it will increase in size. The problem of training boys and girls in the fundamentals of religion and morality is one of ever-growing complexity, and can be satisfactorily answered only through tempering ideals and theories with patience and experience. In this way RELIGIOUS EDUCATION is intended to help. In its pages will be found the best thought of educational experts and the descriptions of practical experience in every department of the Association's activities.

For its policy RELIGIOUS EDUCATION adopts no educational panacea or religious philosophy. It is a Journal of an Association, not an organ of any particular man or group of men. Its mission, clear and imperative, is to be read in its name. Its service will be limited only by its contribution to the cause the Religious Education Association represents.

The Purpose of the Association

At the Boston Convention the following statement was adopted:

The threefold purpose of the Religious Education is: to inspire the educational forces of our country with the religious ideal: to inspire the religious forces of our country with the educational ideal: and to keep before the public mind the ideal of Religious Education, and the sense of its need and value.

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