Imágenes de páginas

Pirata non mutat dominium, 331
Pirates: jurisdiction over, 278; may
be pursued into the territorial
maritime belt, 330

Plague Conventions, 581

Protection of citizens abroad, 374
Protectorate, 138

Protectorate as precursor of occupa-
tion, 280
Protégés, 350

Platen-Hallermund, case of Count, Protest as an international transac-

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Political crime, conception of, 392 | RACHEL, 83

Political criminals, non-extradition

of, 389-400

Pollicitations, 524

Polson, Archer, 87

Pope, position of the, 149–154. See
also Holy See

Port Arthur leased to Russia, 271
Position: of diplomatic envoys,
436; of armed forces abroad,
483; of consuls, 475; of diplo-
matic envoys as regards third
States, 450

Positivists, the, 83

Postal Union, Universal, 577
Powers of men-of-war over mer-
chantmen of all nations, 320
Pradier-Fodéré, 88, 93
Prague, Peace treaty of (1866), 343
Predicates of heads of States, 167
Prescription, 293-296
Presidents of republics: not sove-
reigns, 412; position of, 412, 413
Private International Law: concep-
tion, 4; conventions concerning,


Railway transports and freights,
Union concerning, 578
Rank of States, 164

Rastadt and Baden, Peace treaty
of, 61
Ratification of treaties: conception,

531; rationale for, 532; not ab-
solutely necessary, 533; space
of time for, 534; refusal of, 534;
form of, 535; by whom effected,
536; not to be partial or condi-
tional, 537; effect of, 538
Rationale for the freedom of the
Open Sea, 313

Real union of States, 127

Rebus sic stantibus, clause of, 550
Recall of diplomatic envoys, 458
Reception of diplomatic envoys,
429, 431,432

Reception of foreigners: no obliga-
tion to receive foreigners, 369;
may be received conditionally
only, 370; right of asylum, 371
Recognition of a new head of a
State, 404

Privateering abolished by Declara- Recognition of a State through

tion of Paris, 68, 564

Privileges of: consuls, 476; couriers,
456; diplomatic envoys, 437 ;
members of legation, 454

Proconsul, 468

Protection, treaties of, 576

appointment of consul, 471
Recognition: of States, 108-113; of
insurgents as a belligerent Power,
112; of a change in the form of
government, 113; of a change in
the title of a State, 113, 166

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Renewal of treaties, 557

Renunciation as an international

transaction, 575
Renvoi, droit de, 381

Residents, 423

esponsales, 416

Responsibility of States, 198-214;
for acts of heads of States, 206;
for acts of members of Govern-
ments, 207; for acts of diplo-
matic envoys, 207; for acts of
Parliaments, 208; for acts of
courts of justice, 208; for acts of
officials and military forces, 209;
for acts of private individuals,
211; for acts of insurgents and
rioters, 212

Res transit cum suo onere, 272
Retinue of diplomatic envoys, 453-
456; of monarchs abroad, 410
Retorsion, 370

Revolt as a mode of losing terri-
tory, 297

Rhodian laws, 56

Right of asylum, 371, 444, 488; of
chapel, 448; of contiguity, 279;
of protection over citizens abroad,
374; of pursuit on the sea, 321
Right of legation: conception, 419;
what States possess the, 420; by
whom exercised, 421; not pos-
sessed by a revolutionary party
recognised as a belligerent Power,

Rights of mankind, 346

Ripperda, case of Duke of, 442
Riquelme, 89

Rivers, 229. See also Navigation

Royal honours, States enjoying,

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[blocks in formation]

Soulié, case of, 451
Sound dues, 250

Sources of International Law, 20
South African Republic, 136, 157,
420; her alliance with the
Orange Free State, 571
Sovereignty: conception of, 101;
divisibility of sovereignty con-
tested, 103; history of meaning
of sovereignty, 103-108; in con-
tradistinction to suzerainty, 134
Sovereignty of monarchs, 407
Spheres of influence, 281
Spies, 491

Springer, case of, 442
State, conception of, 100

State property. See State territory
States: changes in the conditions
of, 114-117; confederated, 128;
dignity of, 167-170, 437; equa-
lity of, 164; extinction of, 118;
Federal, 129; full- and not-full
Sovereign, 101; heads of, 403-
414; independence of, 170; inter-
course of, 191-194; jurisdiction
of, 194-197; neutralised, 140-
147; non-Christian, 147; part-
Sovereign, 420; personal supre-
macy of, 170; personal union of,
126; possessing royal honours,
165; rank of, 164; real union of,
127; recognition of, 119-124;
responsibility of, 198-214; self-

preservation of, 177-181; terri-
torial supremacy of, 170; titles
of, 166; under protectorate, 137;
vassal, 133, 420, 470
State servitudes, 257–263
State territory: definition of, 217;
different kinds of, 218; different
parts of, 222; dismembered,
218; importance of, 219; in-
alienability of parts of, 224; "in-
tegrate," 218

States under protectorate cannot
cede territory without consent of
the superior State, 270
Stoerk, 95

Stowell, Lord, 91

Straits, 249; of Magellan, 250, 568
Stuart Pretender, the, 260
Suarez, 77

Subject of a State, his position when
a diplomatic envoy of a foreign
State, 430, note 2
Subjugation: conception of, 287;
consequences of, 290; in contra-
distinction to occupation, 288;
justification of, 288; of the whole
or of a part of enemy territory,
289; veto of third Powers, 292
Subjugation, acquisition of nation-
ality through, 355

Subsoil, territorial, 223

Succession of States, 119-124
Suez Canal, 234, 495, 567
Sugar Convention, 496, 582
Sully, case of, 449

Sun Yat Sen, case of, 445
Suzerainty, conception of, 134
Sweden-Norway a Real Union,

Switzerland, neutralisation of, 144

TABULA Amalfitana, 56
Taylor, Hannis, 88, 93

Telegraph Union, Universal, 578
Terrae potestas finitur ubi finitur
armorum vis, 241


Territorial supremacy: conse-
quences of, 172; definition of,
171; restrictions upon, 175;
violations of, 173
Territorial waters, 222
Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act,
29, 242, 243, 244, 250
Territorium clausum, 218
Textor, 83

Thalweg, 254

Thomasius, 82

Toll, maritime, 243, 250
Tourkmantschai, Treaty of, 231
Tourville, case of, 386
Transactions, different kinds of,
513; declarations, 513; notifica-
tions, 514; protests, 515; denun-
ciations, 575
Treaties: accession and adhesion to,
546; binding force of, 519; can-
cellation of, 555; conception of,
517; constitutional restrictions
concerning the treaty-making
power, 523; different kinds of,
518; effect of, 539; expiration and
dissolution of, 547-553; form of,
528; fulfilment of, 547; interpre-
tation of, 559; law-making, 23,
518, 563-568; means of securing
performance of, 542; objects of,
526; of alliance, 569; of gua-
rantee, 573; of protection, 576;
pactum de contrahendo, 524; par-
ticipation of third States in, 544;
parties to, 521, 524, 525, 526;
parts of, 530; punctationes, 524 ;
ratification of, 531-539; recon-
firmation of, 558; redintegration
of, 558; renewal of, 557; void.
ance of, 553; who can exer-
cise the treaty-making power?

See South African

Troppau, Congress of, 66

Tunis, international position of, 140
Turkey, reception into the Family of

Nations through Peace treaty of
Paris (1856), 33

Twiss, Sir Travers, 87, 91

ULLMANN, 89, 93, 581
Ulpianus, 300

Unions: cholera and plague, 581;
customs tariffs publication, 580;
industrial property, 579; litera-
ture and art, 579; metric sys-
tem, 579; monetary, 582; phyl-
loxera, 581; postal, 577; private
International Law, 580; sugar,
582; telegraph, 578; wild ani-
mals in Africa, 582; railway, 578
United States of America: become a
Great Power, 69, 164; intervenc
in the revolt of Cuba, 71; naval
war code of, 38

Universal Postal Union, 577; Tele-
graph Union, 577

Usage, international, in contradis-
tinction to international custom,

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Veto concerning a cession of terri-, Waters, territorial. See Territorial

tory, 272; subjugation, 272

Vexaincourt, case of, 210

Vice-consul, 467, 470

Victor Emanuel, King of Italy,, Welwood, William, 304

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of (1889), 319; treaties of 1854 ZANZIBAR, international position of,

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