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judgment:" "nevertheless he will by no clear the guilty." "He is a mighty and God" to such as rebel against him, a k compassionate father to them that return in penitence and prayer. We have f cause to love than to fear him, though, provoke his anger, our apprehension: vengeance have cause to be great, si vengeance will be indeed terrible where but let us only do his will and we shall cause to apprehend its visitation, for "t is gracious, slow to anger, and plen mercy."


Because sentence against an evil work is not e speedily; therefore the heart of the sons of men is full them to do evil.

THE forbearance of God towards his erring tures is every where conspicuous, in spite obstinacy with which they continue to his laws. His lovingkindness is over works," and yet how is it requited? Wi gratitude and disobedience. What doe history of mankind present to us? Per mercy on the part of God, continual reb on the part of man. How often do we pro to oppose the decrees of his unerring wi and to reject the visitations of his grace because the one imposes restraints upo unruly wills, and because the other require: us a dedication of the heart to him whic


against an evil work is not executed spe therefore the heart of the sons of men i set in them to do evil."

It is to the justice of God, as well as mercy, that we are to look for the perfec his nature. If indiscriminate pardon were g to all, just and unjust, as many pretend to i there will-moral good and evil would b founded; the Deity would falsify his proc determinations'; injustice would sully his u nature; all inducement to righteousness consequently cease ; and, if the wicked w alted to the glories of Heaven, the throne Lord Almighty would be surrounded b who had set his authority at defiance, as by "the faithful in Christ Jesus;" an should hinder but that those who had be formly rebellious upon earth, if they were beyond the fear of chastisement, might rebellious in Heaven? The punishment wicked therefore is as necessary to sup dignity of Omnipotence as the pardon repentant. His justice is as perfect, na

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deluge convulsed the earth. The degen children of Adam persisted in their iniq despising the heavenly warning. "They eating and drinking, marrying and givi marriage," unconscious of the near destru when the waters of the flood prevailed overwhelmed them all. The Jews also ga heed to the prophesy of Christ respectin overthrow of their capital, and a large pr tion of their nation was suddenly cut off midst of its sins. Notwithstanding howev very awful examples of the divine infli which the records of past ages suppl has established her universal dominion. exercises not in all places, it is true, an authority, but her supremacy is, to a c extent, every where felt and acknowle Still the degree in which this prevails is discernible by the all seeing eye of Him whom no secrets are hid," "who knowet down sitting and our uprising, and understa our thoughts afar off."

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