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mend to the confideration of the Church

here represented.

Refolved, That the fifth, fixth, and feventh of the aforefaid articles, propofed as fundamental, are approved of; the fixth article being first explained and understood, as meaning that the Deputies are to vote according to the States from which they come, and not individually.


Refolved, That a Committee, to be compofed as aforefaid, prepare and report a draft of an ecclefiaftical conftitution for the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America.

A Committee was appointed accordingly, viz. the Rev. Mr. Provoft and the Hon. Mr. Duane for New York; the Rev. Mr. Beach and Mr. Dennis for New Jerfey; the Rev. Dr. White and Mr. Peters for Pennsylvania; the Rev. Dr. Wharton and Mr. Sykes for Delaware; the Rev. Dr. Smith and Dr. Cradock for Maryland; the Rev. Mr. Griffith and Mr. Page for Virginia; and the

Rev. Dr. Purcell and the Hon. Mr. Read

for South Carolina.

Refolved, That the preparing the neceffary and proposed alterations in the Liturgy be referred to the fame Committee.

The Convention adjourned to ten o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, 29th of September, 1785.

The Convention met, according to adjournment, and the Rev. Dr. Magaw read prayers.

Refolved, That a perfon be appointed to affift the Secretary, and to officiate in his stead when he shall be employed in the bufiefs of the Committee; and Mr. Clarke was appointed accordingly.

The Rev. Dr. Smith, as Chairman of the Committee for revifing and altering the Liturgy, &c. reported, that the Committee had made fome progrefs in the business referred to them, but not having completed

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the fame, defired leave to fit again; which

being agreed to,

The Convention adjourned to ten o'clock to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, 30th of September, 1785.

The Convention met, according to adjournment, and the Rev. Mr. Provost read prayers.

On motion, Refolved, That the Committee for revifing and altering the Liturgy, &c. do alfo prepare and report a plan for obtaining the confecration of Bishops, together with an addrefs to the Most Reverend the Archbishops and the Right Reverend the Bishops of the Church of England, for that purpose.

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The Rev. Dr. Smith, from the Committee for revifing, &c. reported that they had made further progress in the business referred to them, but not having finished the


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fame, defired leave to fit again, which was agreed to.

The Convention adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

SATURDAY, Ift of October, 1785.

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The Convention met, according to adjournment; and the Rev. Dr. Smith read prayers.

The Rev. Dr. Smith, from the Committee for revising, &c. reported, that they had prepared a draft of the alterations to bę made in the Liturgy; and that they had also prepared a draft of a General Ecclefiaftical Conftitution, which he was ready to re


Ordered, That the fame be now received; which being done, and the report read, Ordered, That the faid report lie on the table for the perufal of the members.

The Rev. Dr. Smith, from the fame Committee, reported, that they have had P 2 under

under confideration the further alterations

to be propofed in the Liturgy, and were ready to report in part.

Ordered, That the report be now received and read: which being done,

Ordered, That the report laft read, lie on the table.

Ordered, That fo much of the revised Liturgy as refpects the American revolution and the conftitutions of the States be again read, and confidered by paragraphs; which being done,

Ordered, That the alterations in the Liturgy to be proposed to the church be again read, and confidered by paragraphs; which being done in part,

The Convention adjourned to fix o'clock this evening.


The Convention met, according to ad



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