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623.89 A886 2d.3


THE present work has been prepared in response to suggestions made by a number of the senior naval officers taking the course in Naval Architecture at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich.

An attempt has been made to treat the subject from the naval officers' standpoint, and certain parts of the subject have been treated at some length with a view of meeting their special requirements. I am indebted to several officers for valuable suggestions as to the subject-matter likely to be of most use. The blank pages at the end have been inserted in order to provide space to note particulars and details peculiar to the ship on which an officer is serving, and to note changes of practice which may occur. The text is illustrated by a large number of carefully drawn diagrams. A number of questions have been These questions in many cases are

prepared as an Appendix.

designed to lead to inquiry and discussion, and cannot be directly answered from the text.

I am indebted to the Controller of the Navy, Rear-Admiral W. H. May, M.V.O., for his permission to undertake the work, and to the Director of Naval Construction, Philip Watts, Esq., F.R.S., LL.D., for his kindly interest in the undertaking. The book is, however, not an official publication.

Although prepared primarily for naval officers, yet it is believed that the work will prove a useful introduction to the subject of Naval Architecture for apprentices and students at the Royal Dockyards and elsewhere.

E. L. A.





IN the present edition some extra matter and illustrations have been added having reference to more recent practice. The Admiralty memorandum concerning the design of H.M.S. Dreadnought has been inserted as an Appendix.

E. L. A.


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