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SERM. which Reason her Guilt was of a much V. deeper Dye than that of Felix was; and confequently her Heart more obdurate, and infenfible of Reproof. From whence we may raise to our felves this general and useful Reflection; that the more Advantages any Man has towards discovering the Truth, and the more freely the Means of Grace have been indulged to him, the more desperate is his Cafe if he happens to revolt, and the harder will the Task be, if he turns profligate, to reclaim him. It is a Work of much lefs Difficulty to make a good Chriftian of a profeffed Heathen, than to bring an ill Chriftian, who now lives like an Heathen, to a feeling Senfe of his Sins, and to any Degree of true Remorfe and Compunction of Heart for them. Let us hear the Iffue of the whole Matter What the Confequences of thefe Tremblings of Felix was, and how long they continued upon him, the Context will inform us. He abruptly breaks off the Difcourfe with St. Paul, and difmiffes

him in Haste. Go thy Way (fays he)SERM for this Time, when I have a convenient V. Seafon I will call for thee! But he foon recovers from his Fright; for it prefently follows-He hoped alfo, that Money should have been given him of Paul, that he might loose him; wherefore he sent for him the oftner, and communed with him. We fee the Seed of the Word, sown by the Apostle, fell among Thorns, and immediately the Thorns fprung up, and choked it: The Love of unjuft and op-Matt. xiii. preffive Gain quickly returned upon7 Felix, and drove out the Impreffions of St. Paul's Reasonings; and when he had once ftood the Shock of his Conscience, and got the better of his Fears, he afterwards heard the fame Things faid, without any Degree of the fame Remorse and Concern. He fent for St. Paul often, and communed with him, with no other Design but that of gratifying his Curiosity, and extorting a Bribe from him; fo fuddenly and easily may the best Reflections be ftifled, and the ftrongest Convictions overborn by the


SERM.Force of any one prevailing Vice, or V. Luft, that hath gotten an abfolute Dominion over us!

Pal. iv.


That this may not be our Cafe, whenever we hear an awakening Dif courfe from the Pulpit, and find our Confciences touched to the Quick with fome appofite Paffages of it; let us not forthwith endeavour to get rid of the Smart, and to difmifs fuch troublesome Reflections, as Felix did; Go your Way for this Time, when I have a convenient Seafon I will call for you. Nay, but this is the proper Time, this the most convenient Season for our entertaining them, and converfing with them, when they prefs to be admitted, and heard. Take not therefore fomething, as the Way is, to put off the Fit; call not in Company, Business, or Pleasure to divert your Thoughts from their present melancholy Employment; but rather tudy every Way to cherish and promote these good Beginnings, by Retirement, Meditation, and Prayer! Commune with your own Heart in your Cham


ber, and be ftill there; fuffer these Terrors SERM. of the Lord freely to reafon and plead V. with you, till they have perfuaded you there, in private; reapply, and inforce, and improve thofe good Impreffions, you received in publick, till you have riveted the Influence of them faft into your Mind, and reached the End for which the good Spirit of God intended them; even till (by the Means of them) you have wrought out a Repentance to Salvation not to be repented of!

Which that all of us may attain, God of his infinite Mercy grant, through the Merits of Christ our Saviour, to whom with the Father and the blessed Spirit, be afcribed all Power and Praife, now and for ever!

2 Cor. vii.




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