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stition, of cruelty, and of covetousness; their sacred books are the teachers of human sacrifice, the directories for the worship of millions of idols; filled with tales of lies and folly; promises of a carnal heaven. of sensual delights; their forms of worship the means of guiding them into religious rites and ceremonies so disgusting that no account can be permitted to pollute your ears; and to crown all, their very gods "devils and not gods," are pictured by themselves as monsters of impurity and bloody cruelty; and therefore, by an almost necessary consequence, "they that make them are like unto them." So that, in comparison with this heathen world, we may think of you as "the ninety and nine" still feeding in good pastures in this your highly favoured land. Whilst then the command "go ye into all the world" still remains unrepealed, and that promise, "Lo I am with you alway still lasts; whilst the practice of our Lord and his Apostles is still binding; whilst the heathen world still remains "lost," our duty still remains-Ministers and people-to go after that which is lost until we find it. Acting upon this principle the Church Missionary Society has gone forth; and by means of her Missionaries, catechists, teachers, and schools, has sought that which was lost in all parts of the heathen world; strengthen then our hands in this work by your contributions, by your prayers.' Our closing sermon on this day was preached in a large and handsome church in the beautifully situated town of Ce. We remember not that we have ever seen a more interesting congregation, or to have been privileged to preach to one in which, considering its numbers, such universal attention was kept up. Under the hospitable roof of


a brother Clergyman we rested from this day's work and labour of love with thankfulness to him who thus far had brought us in peace and safety. On Monday we held a public meeting at the same town. presence of the Minister in his place in the chair, supported by a goodly body of Clergy from the neighbourhood, was very encouraging and delightful. Many heart-stirring things were said, many an awakening appeal was heard, well calculated to stir up the mind so apt to flag in spiritual things, and to revive that highest tone of spiritual feeling-a missionary spirit -which it is the special object of meetings like these to stir up. Their own report told an increase. The details we were enabled to lay before them, while they spoke of funds still short of our expenditure had much of encouragement, and set forth abundant causes of thankfulness. An increasing list of attendants on public worship, of communicants, of children of our schools, of missionaries sent forth to heathen lands, of new Churches arising in Africa and India, cheered the hearts of many a hearer, we are persuaded, in that room. Our West Africa Mission as the earliest so it appeard still one of the most blessed of all the Society's scene of labours. The building of new Churches, the satisfactory progress of the Christian institution, formed for raising up and qualifying native instructors both for the use of the colony of Sierra Leone, and for pushing the efforts of the Society into the vast heathen land beyond them; the sound proof of grace in the minds of the already converted heathen appearing in the fact of their increasing contributions to the Church Missionary Society-that the gospel whose blessed effects they had experienced, might be

sent to those yet destitute of it, were stirring proofs of this. On the connection between the natural and spiritual liberty of the slaves brought to the shores of Africa, we adverted to the remark of the Committee of the Church Missionary Society on the formation of a new institution, the society for the civilization of Africa and the extinction of the slave trade.' They hope that, in connexion with this design, and under the Divine blessing, the Church Missionary Society may be an honoured instrument in aiding the accomplishment of the object thus forcibly described by Mr. Pitt, in the House of Commons: 'Some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture from which we now turn with shame and regret: we may live to behold the natives of Africa engaged in the calm occupation of industry, and in the pursuit of a just and legitimate commerce: we may behold the beams of science and philosophy breaking in upon their land, which at some happier period in still later times, may blaze with full lustre ; and joining their influence to that of pure religion, may illuminate and invigorate the most distant extremities of that immense continent. One fact connected with this interesting public meeting we must find room for--that out of the £7. 13s. collected at the doors £1. 1s. was the contribution of the boys of the grammar school, who having taken possession in perfect order of a small gallery at the end of the room, conducted themselves in a manner which told equally well for themselves and their excellent and highly respected master; as did the simple obedience with which, at a signal from the master from the platform, they retired, leaving behind them the above-mentioned sum.


returned after the Meeting to the hospitable board of the brother with whom we had sojourned on Monday, enjoyed the society of many Clerical brethren; and after a delightful drive through a rich and lovely country reached our head quarters at Ck, at an hour which, but for the flame of Christian charity, which on these occasions ever beams so bright, would have been deemed impertinent and unseasonable. To be continued.

1 TIM. ii. 1, 2.

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in ail godliness and honesty."

PRAYER for mercies needed, and thanksgiving for blessings received, should ever go hand in hand: they do in our text, and they have done so in the circumstances which have led to the choice of that text.


The form of thanksgiving in which you have now for the first time joined has brought those circumstances to your notice. Awful circumstance indeed! -the life of "The Lord's anointed" attempted to be taken away by a violent and murderous hand. the motive which led to this intended murder of our gracious Sovereign we can say but little at present. It is stated that the rules of a secret society were found upon his person-a society organized and armed.

In the words of our text we have a duty enjoined, and a reason given for the performance of that duty. There is something too worthy of notice in the person to whom this exhortation was addressed: it was to Timothy in his character as a Minister of God, and a Minister who was evidently in charge over other Ministers, (chap. i. 3,) to take order that in the public ministrations of the Church at Ephesus, the duties spoken of afterwards should be duly observed.

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The duty, that "supplications, prayers, &c. should be made for all men;" that is, 'for all sorts and conditions of men ;' and amongst them (which is to our present purpose) "for kings, and all that are in authority." The believer in his Bible need not be told that kings reign, not by the election of the people, but by the appointment of God-" By me kings reign;" "The powers that be are ordained of God;" that is, it is by his appointment that this lower world should be so ruled. Government is necessary to the welfare of mankind; because it is the great band of humane Society, the guard of its peace, and the security of every man's person and property; and therefore we are concerned as much as is possible, both to pray for our governors, and to bless God for them; because without them we should be in a wretched condition. Mankind would be unavoidably miserable without government; humane society would presently disband, and all things would run into confusion. It is a remarkable saying of one of the Jewish Masters, Pray for the happiness of the kingdom or government; for if it were not for the fear of that men would devour one another alive,' And Josephus tells us, that when the Jews were made subject to the Romans, (though

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