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for you to kill me, for so mighty a prince to kill so wretched a worm. But this I declare to you, that my blood which you shed is innocent, and shall be required at your hands.


It may please God to give unto you repentance, and the knowledge of the truth. If my blood may be a mean thereto, if my blood may open your eyes, my blood may soften your heart, it could never be spent in a better cause, blessed be the name of God which hath made me his instrument for your so happy conversion. This is the only thing wherein I cannot yield. The Lord hath spoken unto me; I have heard his voice; my heart hath felt it; my conscience knoweth it; I cannot deny it; no sword can cut me from it; no water can drown it, no fire can burn the love I bear unto it; there is no creature in heaven or earth that can carry me from that blessed hope I have conceived by his word.'

So constant is he that hath learned the word of God, and hath set his delight upon it, and is through it assured of the will of God. Heaven shall shake, the earth shall tremble, but the man of God shall stand upright. His feet shall not fail, his heart shall not faint, he shall not be moved; such a ground, such a foundation, such a rock is the word of God.

Blessed is the man whose hope is in the name of the Lord. He shall build upon a sure place; he layeth his foundation upon the corner-stone; he needeth no army to make him strong; he needeth no friends to comfort him in adversity; his strength is within; the gates of hell shall not prevail against him; his comfort is inwardly within his heart; he speaketh to God, and God unto him; his eyes behold the kingdom, and power, and glory of God.

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Some particulars respecting a dear Christian Friend, who quitted a world of sin and sorrow, 'in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection,' and entered into that "rest which remaineth for the people of God," October 31st. 1839.

OUR dear departed friend was naturally of a cheerful obliging disposition, much attached to her beloved sister and her children; though she had no appearance of great strength of constitution yet her health was good, till within the last two years; a neglected cough laid the foundation of a lingering consumption. Circumstances prevented her partaking much of the gaieties of the world, yet she evidently shewed that her heart was there, and this, (with sorrow) she confessed a few weeks before her death; when, by the inward enlightening work of the Holy Spirit, a decided

change had taken place. For many months she was unwilling to believe that her disease would end fatally, and, flattering herself she should recover, appeared unwilling to speak on serious subjects; when visited by a friend who was anxious to see her really preparing for eternity, the trifling news of the times appeared to interest her more than the one thing needful. Some months before the death of our departed friend she was recommended change of air, not being confined to her bed, though she was very ill; but the day before her intended departure she appeared too weak to undertake a drive of 12 miles, yet, notwithstanding another trying night, she was enabled to reach the place of her destination in safety. After her arrival she wrote an interesting note to a friend, highly satisfactory respecting the state of her mind, shewing that her whole dependance for salvation was ou her Saviour, adding, 'dear friend, your prayer was heard and answered; the night before I left home I did not think I could possibly have undertaken the drive, but you prayed that I might be strengthened, and your request was mercifully granted.' Sometime before her death she said, 'a great change has taken place in my mind, I have prayed day and night for the pardon of my sins, and I think they are all forgiven, or I should not feel so much comfort and support in such a state of weakness. I have no fear of death, my trust is in my Saviour. I am most thankful that I ever came into Cornwall; my friends have been very kind, the Clergyman's visits have given me much comfort, particularly his exposition on the twenty-third Psalm. I have had a long time to prepare for my great change. How dreadful it would have been to have been called

into eternity before I was ready!' It would indeed, her friend replied, and the Lord has given you much patience. Yes he has, but (wishing to make the least of her complaints,) she added, you know I have not suffered much acute pain.' No, but you are naturally of a cheerful, active, disposition; and you have had a long confinement, cough, &c. which must require more than common patience. She frequentl heard texts of Scripture on patience, and tracts real, from which the dear sufferer felt comfort and escom ge, ent, particularly that delightful promis from Isa ab, "I the Lord do keep it, I will water it ever ment, lest any hurt it; I will keep it right and day." ways preferred the Bible to any other o larly the Psalms, which she a ̧ ̧1


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even when apparently scarcely a lock or turn in bed from excessive debinry; remarked on various passages of always anxious to conclude wh friends visited her. One day, abou death, she said, (with muc Concern,} my thoughts to pray.' Her er sid, we do not, dear, serve a hard master, "Hist sched with the feeling of our infirmities;" God is a bod of love, you can just lift up your heart. She was atisfied, saying, I hope you pray for me.' One doen from exhaustion she could scarcely spets, see $40, I cannot bear any reading: a friend repeated some excouraging texts, which appeared to recall her attention, and then prayed with her, after which she asked if she had been enabled to attend, 'O yes, she said, with unusual animation, I heard every word. Our afflicted friend derived much comfort from frequently receiving the sacrament

of the Lord's Supper, and the night before her decease she expressed an earnest wish more than once, to feed, again by faith, in that holy ordinance, on that precious Saviour, in whose presence she soon expected to find fulness of joy. In the morning it was, for the last time, administered to the dying saint; though she was unable to move hand or foot her intellects were perfectly clear to the last moment. A friend asked if she were happy; yes, she said, quite happy.' Falling asleep in Jesus, trusting in him, her end was peace, about 7 o'clock in the evening, and her peaceful and heavenly countenance (after her departure) shewed that she was no longer an inhabitant of our sinful world.

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May these few particulars, hastily written for the gratification of the surviving friends of the deceased, prove a warning to those who are still walking in the broad road, and certainly not striving to make the care of their souls the "one thing needful," not to delay till too late their preparation for eternity, as they know not but that this night their soul may be required of them. May those who have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit to see Jesus to e the way, the truth, and the life, press on, trusting alone in him, who is preparing eternal mansions in glory for his redeemed people, knowing that "they have no abiding city here."

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