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prostitution, whether male or female, as a means of earning a livelihood is to sink beneath the vilest, to a depth of degradation from which there is no return to virtue. Therefore the statute provides that the buying of free girls for prostitution, or of free boys for use as catamites, shall be punished with the cangue and the full period of banishment. But while this law has been in existence for a long time, officials have looked upon it as a dead letter. The prosecution of persons who buy free girls for prostitution may perhaps be heard of now and then, but from years end to years end the records show no accusation of the buying of a free boy for use as a catamite, nor does one ever hear of an official who has taken up such a case. Unless severe orders are issued prohibiting these offenses and energetic action taken in carrying out the orders, we may find that while it is easy to get rid of the name of slave the evils of prostitution are difficult to uproot, and that instead of male and female slaves, we have simply substituted the prostitute and catamite. We pray therefore that all the local magistrates may be charged with the responsibility of making a secret and thorough investigation, and that, should any case arise of the purchase of a free person for prostitution, such magistrate shall be required to apply the extreme penalty of the law without any show of leniency.





(Figures in italics refer to volume.)

ABYSSINIA. Agreement between Great Britain, France and Italy. Decem-

[blocks in formation]

ADAPTION of the Geneva Convention to Maritime War, Convention for
The Hague, July 29, 1899....


The Hague, October 18, 1907.


ADDITIONAL ARTICLES to Geneva Convention of 1864. October 20, 1868... 1: 92
AFGHANISTAN. Convention between Great Britain and Russia. August

31, 1907


AFRICA. Agreement between France-Great Britain-Italy respecting im-
portation of arms and ammunition into certain parts of. December
13, 1906 ....


Agreement between France-Great Britain-Spain for maintenance
of status quo in certain parts of. May 16, 1907.....


Convention between France and Great Britain respecting fisheries
and possessions in. April 8, 1904..

[blocks in formation]

General Act of Berlin relative to the Congo and Niger and new
occupations in Africa. February 26, 1885....

3: 24

General Act of Brussels for repression of slave trade and restric-
tion on importation of arms, ammunition and spiritous liquors. July
2, 1890 ..

Revision of June 8, 1899 ..

3: 29
3: 70

See LIBERIA. Documents relating to.

Convention of June 7, 1905. 2:358

ALGECIRAS CONFERENCE, General Act of. April 7, 1906....

1: 47

Documents concerning recognition of Mulai Hafid..
ALLIED POWERS-CHINA. Joint note relative to Boxer troubles. December
22, 1900

[blocks in formation]

AMELIORATION of the sick and wounded. Geneva convention 1864..

1: 90

Additional articles of 1868..

1: 92

Hague convention of 1899..


Recommendation for revision. The Hague, July 29, 1899.


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