whose hospitality-whose kindness to his own family, and encouragement of agricultural science, rendered even his fortune inadequate to the calls that were made upon it. To judge of his Grace's expences, £.500 a week was paid to the labourers about Wooburn, NEW CANAL. A level has been lately taken, to prove the practicability of making a canal, which may effect a junction between Paddington and the West India Docks. This canal is, we hear, intended to be brought in a direct line from Paddington to the field below the New River Head; then to proceed across the City Road, and skirt Shoreditch and Spitalfields parishes, through the centre of the parish of Bethnal Green, and then to cross Whitechapel parish at the Mount, and to communicate with the Commercial Road, and likewise with the London Docks, in the parish of St. George in the East. COMMERCIAL ROAD.-A grand Commercial Road, from the West India Docks to the centre of the city of London, has been projected, and will receive the sanction of parliament, ANECDOTE OF BONAPARTE. A Chasseur on horseback had been sent from Milan, with very urgent dispatches for Bonaparte, who was then at Montebello. On his arrival, he found the general just mounting his horse to go a hunting, and having presented his petition, waited an answer. This Bonaparte presently gave him, at the same time adding, "Go; and, above all things, go with expedition."-" General, (replied the Chasseur) I will make all the haste in my power; but I have no longer a horse to avail myself of his swiftness; my own horse has fallen a sacrifice to the haste I made in coming with these dispatches; he is at this moment dead before your gate."-" Then (replied Bonaparte) it is only a horse you want; here, take mine." The astonished chasseur made some difficulty of accepting this offer, till Bonaparte added-" You think this horse too fine, too richly harnessed; but take him, my comrade, nothing can be too magnificent for a French soldier." The chasseur then mounted the horse, and rode back to Milan, sounding forth the praises of his general, who thought nothing of too high a value to bestow on the defenders of their country. The committee appointed by the Lords of the Treasury to examine the models which have been formed for the monuments to be erected in St. Paul's Cathedral, in consequence of addresses to his Majesty from the House of Commons, consists of the following persons: The Right Hon. C. Long, Sir George Beaumont, R. P. Knight, Esq. J. Townley, Esq. H. Bankes, Esq. W. Locke, Esq. and R. P. Carew, Esq. They have allotted the execution of the monuments to the undermentioned artists: J. Flaxman, the monument of Earl Howe. Mr. Westmacott, Mr. Banks, Mr. Rossi, Sir R. Abercromby. Capts. Moss and Riou. The two former are to receive 6000 guineas for each of the monuments of the Commanders in Chief; the latter 4000 guineas for each of the others. The French Board of Longitude, at its meeting of the 23rd June, adjudged the premium of 6000 francs, which was proposed for the best lunar tables. M. Brug, an astronomer of Vienna, has succeeded, by combining from 3 to 4000 Observations, in forming tables which do not differ ten seconds from an actual H observation. This is the greatest aid with which astronomy can furnish navigation, and nothing more is wanting for finding the longitude at sea with the utmost accuracy. The astronomer Lalande observes, upon this discovery, that the horary tables, which he published in 1793, for finding the hour at sea, render this part of the calculation so easy, that it may be executed by the most inexperienced navigator. The First Consul is about to form a private band of music, and put it upon s similar footing with that of the late King of France. It is said that Paesiello is to be the director, and that the most distinguished talents, male and female, are to be engaged, in order to establish the most brilliant orchestra that France can produce. The practice of fattening cattle with oil-cake is not peculiar to this country. Mr. Sauer, secretary to the geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, sent by command of the late Empress Catherine, relates the following anecdote:-" When at Ochotsk, a city of Siberia," says Mr. Sauer, we dined with Mr. Saretcheff on cold roast beef, which tasted so fishy that we thought it had been basted with train oil. In the afternoon we drank tea at the commandant's; this also tasted of fish, and when I mentioned it to our host, he recommended the next cup without cream, which was very good. He told me the cattle had been fed, for the last ten weeks, entirely upon the offals of fish, and that the cows preferred dried salmon to hay." TO FARMERS.-The following singular experiment was tried (and has frequently answered beyond expectation) en moor sheep, afflicted with that dreadful disorder called the staggers, or water in the head. Mr. John Pybus, an opulent farmer, of Holy-well-House, near Gulsbros, lost a number of his sheep by this disease; various methods were adopted to save them, but without effect.However, a few weeks ago, he took one who appeared dying, and having raised the skin upon the forehead, he, with a strong sharp knife, such as are generally used by gardeners, laid open a part of the skull, literally extracted a small bag, apparently filled with seed, and a thick dirty water immediately followed the incision; then gently closing the wounded part, and covering it with a strong pitch plaister, was agreeably surprised, the following morning, to find the poor animal frisking about the moor with the agility of a young lamb. A little warm milk should be poured down its throat preceding the operation, and we recommend the experiment, as productive of the best effects, in stopping the progress of this fatal distemper. The following is the etiquette of Madame Bonaparte's levees:-Madame de Lucay takes the name of the visitors, and ushers them into the room. Madame Bonaparte only rises for the family of Bonaparte, the wives of ambassadors, and strangers of the first rank. She orders arm chairs for their accommodation. She half-rises for the wives of Senators, and Counsellors of State, and requests them to be seated: but she barely bows her head to the wives of Legislators, Tribunes, &c. They must be seated when they can, and on common chairs. The following is an address of the prefect of Lyons, to the managers of the theatres in that district: "Government has communicated to me, citizen, its intentions relative to the theatres of Paris, and those of the Departments. Government wishes the stage to be at once an useful, a moral, and an entertaining establishment. You are, therefore, to refrain from bringing forward such pieces as are only remarkable for their obscenity, or the indecent wit they contain; such, in fine, in which the wretched authors wish to substitute libertinism for dramatic genius.-Here follows the line of conduct you are to pursue in your avocations: Select, as much as possible, the ancient and modern productions which are played at the French theatre, and le theatre Louvois. Hold in high contempt all the rhapsodies of the inferior theatres of the capital. With respect to the operas and ballads, you are to reject all such as in any manner can wound delicacy and good manners." A very melancholy, barbarous, and unheard of cruelty lately happened at Corva, near St. Ives. A woman, whose name is Brey, whilst her husband was on his business at a tin-mine (where he is captain) and no one in the room with her, took an infant child, of about ten months old, out of the cradle wherein it was fast asleep, undressed it, and laid it on a red-hot baking iron, which was then on the fire, then throwing a sheave of reeds over the infant, set it in a blaze; but the child, through the torture, was heard to cry vehemently, which immediately brought in her sister-in-law and daughter, who were in another part of the house, into the kitchen, where this horrid barbarity was committed. They found the child just taken off the fire by this unnatural monster, burned in the most shocking manner. A surgeon and the child's father were immediately sent for, but to no purpose; it languished a few hours, and then expired in the greatest agonies. This wretched woman, it seems, has been in a kind of melancholy for some months past; and sometimes so outrageous, that her husband was obliged to bind her for some days together; but that morning she seemed to talk sensibly, and desired him to let her loose again, which he consented to in an unguarded hour. The jury, after examining the child, and its inhuman mother, gave a verdict-Insanity. The mayor, who attended, ordered her husband to confine her in future, and by no means to let her loose again. During the business of polling at Brentford, the populace amused themselves in varieties of whimsicalities, one of which was the exhibition of a man on the shoulders of another, hand-cuffed and heavily ironed, while a third was employed in flogging him with a cat-o'-nine-tails, and the man who received the punishment, by his contortions of countenance, seemed to experience all the misery which such a mode of punishment inficts. The shops were all shut in Brentford, and the road leading to London was lined on each side with crowds of idle spectators. It is said that the oak is one century in growing, another stationary, and a third in decaying; but this calculation appears too limited, for on cutting an oak tree a short time ago at Knaresbro', there were distinctly counted at three yards from the ground three hundred and seventy annual circles ! WESTMINSTER ELECTION.-At the close of the poll the numbers were : F MARRIED, At Hendon, A. B. Couts Trotter, Esq. of Berner's-street, to Miss Mar. garet Gordon, fourth daughter of the late Hon. Alexander Gordon, Lord Rockville. Middleton Onslow, Esq. to Miss Matilda Boddington, daughter of Thomas Boddington, Esq. of Clapton. The Right Hon. Lord Henry Stuart, third son of the Marquis of Bute, to the Right Hon. Lady Gertrude Villiers, daughter and sole heiress of the late Earl of Grandison, of Park-lane. DIED, On Thursday, 23d June, of a gouty apoplexy, at Bury St. Edmonds, the Rev. R. E. GARNHAM, Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. He was a man of an acute and powerful mind, with very considerable learning in the ancient languages, which he applied in various tracts and essays to the illustration of scripture. In his sermons, while he continued to officiate in the church, there must, to judge from one which has been printed, and which was preached at St. Mary's, Cambridge, have been an uncommon flow of clear and energetic sentiment in suitable diction. He was much conversant in Italian literature, and his conversation, when in health, was highly interesting and agreeable. He was the friend of truth, liberty, and humanity, respected by JEBB, and PRIESTLEY, and DOBSON, and GEDDES, as an estimable coadjutor, and a warm and steady friend. In April last, at Kingston, Jamaica, of 48 hours sickness of the putrid fever, George Munro, Esq. of the Custom-house there, and second son of the late Sir Harry Munro, of Fowlis, Baronet. At Bath, Miss Emily Poyntz, aged 22. Lately, at Dulwich, John Rix, Esq. many years Accomptant-general of the Excise Office. The Hon. Mrs. Lewis, wife of Henry Greswold Lewis, at Malden Hall, Warwickshire. She was the eldest daughter of the late, and sister to the present Lord Bradford. On Sunday morning, at the Talbot Inn, Church Stretton, immediately after drinking a large quantity of spirits, Mr. Francis Hick, the noted Stretton barber. Richard Bleamire, Esq. of Penrith, Cumberland, in the 99th year of his age, father of Mr. Bleamire, the Police Magistrate of Hatton Garden, who, during his life, never experienced an hour's illness. At his house in Howland-street, Lieutenant General William Spry, Commandant of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Lately, Mr. Dunn, of the Theatre Royal York. On the 25th of May, Mrs. Mathews, wife of Mr. M. of the Theatre Royal York, and authoress of the novel entitled What has been, Poems, &c. This ingenious lady fell a victim to a decline. She has left behind her a volume of novels, which will shortly issue from the press. At Eton, A. Angelo, Esq. who retained his bodily powers so well, at the advanced age of eighty-six, that he gave a lesson in fencing a few days before his death. He was a very respectable character; his manners were elegant and courtly; he was well acquainted with life, and familiarly known to the most distinguished characters in Europe for the last half century. He had long resided in this country, respected by persons of the highest rank, and particularly countenanced by the Royal Family. In the arts of fencing and riding he was long at the head of his profession, and by his skill in both, brought them into general adoption as necessary branches of fashionable education. He understood all the Continental tongues, and was altogether an amiable, accom plished, and estimable man. In May last, at Mount Vernon, Mrs. Martha Washington, relict of the late great and good President Washington. THE MONTHLY MIRROR, FOR AUGUST, 1802. Embellished with A PORTRAIT OF THE LATE THOMAS DERMODY, ENGRAVED BY RIDLEY, FROM AN ORIGINAL PICTURE BY ALLINGHAM. 137 ledge 112 News, &c. London: PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, By J. Wright, No. 20, Denmark-Court, Strand, the United Kingdom. 1802. |