Imágenes de páginas

attached to the library of his late Majesty King George the third, and presented by his Majesty King George the Fourth to the British Museum. Edited by Alexander Macpherson. London, printed by order of the trustees of the British Museum, by G. Woodfall..... 1829. 373.& liii p. 1 v.- 6 v. fo.

GEORGE IV, Pseud. A Letter from the King to his People, on the Queen. From 12th London edition. Philadelphia, 1821. 47 p. 8°. Pam. v. 522.

GEORGE (W.), D.D. Sermon, 1749. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. GEORGE'S ALMANACK: Newburyport? 1781. 12°. Alm. v. 19. GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, Dist. of Columbia. Catalogue, 1853. Georgetown, 1854. Pam. v. 157.- Catalogue, for 1854, 55. Georgetown, 1855, 56. Cat. v. 482.

A. M. D. G. Theses defended during the scholastic year 1853-4, by the students of rational philosophy..Georgetown, 1853. 8°. Pam. v. 199.

GEORGI, Theoph. Allgemeines Europäisches Bücher-Lexicon, in welchem nach ordnung des Dictionarii die allermeisten autores oder gattungen von büchern zu finden....noch vor dem anfange des XVI seculi bis 1739 inclusive...In Vier Theile abgetheilet. 1742. 4 v.— Fünffter theil. In welchem die Französichen auctores und bücher.. in alphabetischer ordnung zu finden. 1753. 1 v.- Erstes, Zweytes, Drittes Supplement. 1750, 1755, 1758. 3 v.- Leipzig. 8 v. f. GEORGIAT. Message of Gov. H. V. Johnson to the Legislature, Nov. 7, 1857. Milledgeville, 1857. 20 p. 8°. Pam. v. 522.

Catalogue of the State Library.. Milledgeville, 1859. 144 p. 8°. GEPREDESTINEERDEN (Den) DIEF, ofte een t' Samen-spreekinge, gehouden tusschen een predikant der Calvinus-gesinde, ende een dief, die gesentenieert was om te sterven. By H. Slatius. Gedruckt in 't jaer 1732. With, Antwoort op den Gepredestineerden of reuckeloosen dief, gemaeckt door een Lief-hebber der gereformeerde. Gedruckt in 't jaer 1732. 18°.

GERARD, Prof. Alex. Influence of the Pastoral Office on the character ...A Sermon: Tit. i, 7. Aberdeen, 1760.- Influence of Piety, a Sermon Deut. vi, 24. Edinburgh, 1761. 8°. Pam. v. 371.

GERARD, Capt. Alex. Account of Koonawur in the Himalaya, etc. ete. etc. Edited by G. Lloyd. London, 1841. 308, xxvi p. 8°. GERHARDT, Charles. Traité de Chimie Organique. Tome IV. Paris, 1856. 1 v. 8°.

GERMAN EMPERORS. [Engravings and Descriptions of Coins from.. Ferdinand I to Sigismund, 1848, in Latin]. 145-156 p. sm. 4°. Imp. GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN MINISTERIUM of Pennsylvania. Verhandlungen der 100sten jährlichen versammlung, 1847. Reading, Pa. 1817. 8°. Pam. v. 490.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ZION'S CHURCH, Boston, Mass. Kirchenordnung. Albany, 1857. 11 p. 18°. Pam. v. 490.

GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH, in the U.S.A. Acts and Proceedings.. at Reading, Pa. 1841, Chambersburg, Penn. 1841. 84 p. 8°. Pam.

v. 490.



GERMANTOWN (Der alte) CALENDAR, 1854. Philadelphia. Alm. v. 42. For 1858. 4o. Alm. v. 46.

GERRALD, Joseph. Gerrald: A Fragment; containing some account of the life of this devoted citizen, who was sent as a delegate to the Brit. Conv. at Edinb. by the London Corresp. Society, for acting in which capacity he is now transported to Botany Bay for fourteen years. London, 1794. 24 p. 8°. Pam. v. 448.

GERSTACKER†, Frederick. Gerstäcker's Travels: Rio Janeiro; Buenos Ayres; ride through the Pampas; Winter journey across the Cordilleras; Chili; Valparaiso; California, and the Gold Fields. Trans. from the German. London...1854. 12o.

GERSTNER, Clara von. Beschreibung einer Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica in den jahren 1838 bis 1840...Leipzig.. 1842. 12°.

GERUND, Friar. The History of the famous preacher Friar Gerund de Campazas, otherwise Gerund Zotes. By Father J. F. De l'Isla. Trans. from the Spanish, by-Nugent. London, 1772. 2 v. 8°. GESCHICHTE VON CHICAGO. From the Democratic Press, 1854. 80 p. 8° GESENIUS, William. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Edward Robinson, D.D. A new edition...London..1844. 8°.

Bibliotheca Geseniana....qui publica auctionis lege divendetur. Halæ, 1843. 204 p. 8°. Cat. v. 34.

GEULINGS, Arnold. Ethica of Zeden-konst zynde een kennisse syns selvs.... Vertaalt door Ant. de Reus. Dordregt, 1697. 18°. With, Desselvden Makers Wysgerig kootbondig vertoog over dese sinspreuk, wie eene alle deugden heeft. Dord. 1696. 591, 213 p. 18°. GEYSBEEK, P. G. Witsen. Verhandeling over het Puntdicht. Amsterdam, 1810. 70 p. 8°. Pam. v. 230.

GIANNINI, G. De la Nature des Fièvres....des convulsions .... des immersions froides....Trad.....par N. Heurteloup. Paris, 1808. 2 v. 8°.

GIANNONE, Pietro. Histoire Civile du Royaume de Naples, trad.... avec de nouvelles notes,..par l'auteur..À La Haye, 1742. 4 v. 4o. Contents:

Tome 1, Sous les Romains, les Gots, les Grecs et les Lombards; 2, Sous les Princes Normands et de Savoie; 3, Sous les Rois Angevins et Aragonois; 4, Sous les Princes de la Maison d'Autriche.

GIBBESt, Robert W. Memoir of James De Veaux of Charleston, S.C. ...Columbia, 1846. 258 p. 8°.

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Documentary History of the American Revolution, consisting of letters and papers relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly in South Carolina..1764 – 1776. 1 v.; 1776-1782. 1 v.; 1781 and 1782. 1 v. Columbia, S.C. 1853; New-York, 1855, 1857. 3 v. 8°.

GIBBON†, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 6, 7. London, Bohn, 1855. 2 v. 12°.

GIBBONS, J. S. The Banks of New-York, their dealers; the clearing house, and the panic of 1857....30 illustrations. New-York, 1858. 399 p. 12o.

GIBBONS, Thomas. Divine Conduct Vindicated ..... Two discourses preached....London, March 29, 1761, occasioned by the decease of the Rev. Samuel Davies, M.A...of...New-Jersey .... in which are contained some memoirs of Mr. Davies... London, Field; and sold by W. Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1761. 31 p. 8°.

GIBBS, James.

Bibliotheca Radcliviana; or A short description of the Radcliffe Library at Oxford, on twenty-three copperplates,...with the explanation...London, 1747. 12 p. f., and plates.

GIBBS, John. Vaccination. Brighton, England, 1857. 4 p. 8o. Pam. 405.


GIBBS, Wolcott. Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases. See Smithson. Contr. v. 9.

GIBRALTAR GARRISON LIBRARY: A Catalogue of the books....Established in the year 1793... Gibraltar, 1821. 332 p. 8°.


GIBSON, Bp. Edmund. [Writings of collected] in 1 v. 8°. Contents: Sermon, Charity Schools of London: Dan. xii, 3. London, 1716.

Sermon, H. of Peers, June 7, 1716 Thanksgiving on suppression of late

rebellion. London.


Sermon, Soc. Ref. of Manners, Jan. 6, 1723. With Account of
Bishop of London's Pastoral Letter...occasioned by some late writings in
favour of Infidelity. London, 1728. 54 p.

....Second Pastoral Letter,...occasioned by some late writings, in which
it is asserted, "That Reason is a sufficient judge....." 6th edition.
London, 1730. 80 p.

....Third Pastoral Letter....occasioned by the suggestions of Infidels... London, 1731.92 p. With,

An Address to the inhabitants of.. relation to a Pastoral Letter...of the Bp. of London, 1729. 76 p.— And,

A Vindication of the....Pastoral Letter: In answer to.. An address; &c. ... By an Inhabitant..London, 1729. 60 p.

Sermon, Consecration of Bp. Nicholson, June 14, 1702 Thess. v, 11, 13. London. 4°. Pam. v. 361.

Family Devotion... with two forms of prayer. 4th edition. London, 1809. 60 p. 12°. Pam. v. 308.

The Great Work of our Redemption by Christ....6th Head of the Bp. of London's Pastoral Letter. With a preface .... London, 1735. 19 p. 8°. Pam. v. 444.

GIBSON, Walter M. The Prison of Weltevreden; and a glance at the East Indian Archipelago... New-York..1855. 12°.

Report of Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Memorial of W. M. Gibson, Aug. 2, 1856. Congress. Doct. 314 p. 8°. Pam. v. 488.

GIBSON (William), M.D. Lecture,....embracing a short account of eminent Belgian surgeons, physicians, &c. &c. Phil'a, 1848. 8°. Pam. v. 271.

GIDDINGE, Rev. George P. An Address, Palmyra, Missouri, June 29, 1855, at the commencement of St.Paul's College. Also, a brief account of St. Paul's College, &c. Quincey, Ill. 1855. 8°. Pam. v. 215. GIDDINGS (Joshua R.), of Ohio. Speeches in Congress. Boston, 1853. 511 p. 12o.

GIDDINGS, Joshua R.:

Speech, H. of R., 1852, on the Compromise measures. 8 p. 8°. Pam. v. 486.

The Conflict between Religious Truths and American Infidelity ....Specch, U.S. H. of R., upon the issues... Freedom and Slavery, Feb. 26, 1858. 8°. Pam. v. 561.

GIDNEY, Eleazer. A Treatise on...the Teeth. Utica, 1824. 18°. GIFFORD, Capt. James. The Remonstrance of a Unitarian addressed to the Bishop of St. David's. London, 1818. 96 p. 8°. Pam. v. 316. GIFFORD, William. The Baviad and Mæviad***. 8th edition. London, 1811. 191 p. 12°.

GIGUET, M. Anecdotes Secrètes sur la Révolution du 18 Fructidor : et nouveaux mémoires des déportés à la Guiane, écrits par euxmêmes contenant des Lettres du Gén. Murinais, etc... Mémoires de Barbé Marbois, &c. Faisant suite au journal du Gén. Ramel. 2e éd. Paris, 1799. 215 p. 8°.

GIHON, John H. Geary and Kansas: Governor Geary's administration in Kansas, with a complete history of the territory until June 1857... Philadelphia, 1857. 348 p. 12o..

GILBERT'S CLERGYMAN'S ALMANACK, 1836, 38. Lond. 12°. Alm. v. 50. GILBERT, Bp. John. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1742: Martyrdom of Charles I. London. sm. 4°. Pam. v. 189..

Sermon, Soc. Prop. the Gospel, Feb. 17, 1743-4. London, 1744. 4o. Pam. v. 1006.

GILDAS†, De Excidio Britanniæ.

See English Historical Society.

GILDEMEISTER, Joannes. Bibliothecæ Sanskritæ, sive Recensus Librorum Sanskritorum hvevsque typis vel lapide exscriptorum critici specimen. Bonnæ ad Rhenum, 1847. 192 p. 8°.

GILLETT, R. H. Before the Commissioner of Patents, in the matter of the application of C. Goodyear... Argument in behalf of U.S. Car Spring Co., Feb. 8, 1853. 17 p. 8°. Pam. v. 298.

GILLETTE, M. le Dr. Salles d'Asile pour l'Enfance : Premières leçons d'histoire naturelle. Arbres, Arbrisseaux, Plantes. Paris, 1839. 62 p. 8°. Pam. v. 278.

GILLIEST (Rev. John), D.D. Memoirs of the Life of the Reverend George Whitefield..***. New-York, Hodge & Shober, 1774. Repr.

312 p. 12o. GILLIES, R. P.

Memoirs of a Literary Veteran, including Sketches and Anecdotes of the most distinguished literary characters from 1794 to 1849. London, 1851. 3 v. 12o.

GILLISSt, Lieut. J. M. See U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849-52.

Naval Observatory: Observations, 1848. See United States. GILLRAY, James. The Works of ..from the original plates, with the addition of many subjects not before collected. London. Printed for Charles Whiting. f.

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GILMAN, Daniel C. A Historical Discourse, Norwich, Conn. Sept. 7, 1859, at the bi-centennial celebration. 2d edition, with additional notes. Boston, 1859. 128 p. 8.- For 1st edition, See Norwich Jubilee.

Scientific Schools in Europe : Considered in reference to their prevalence, utility, scope and desirability in America. New-Haven, 1856. 8°. Pam. v. 233.

GILMANT, Samuel. A Sermon on the Introduction to the Gospel of St.John. [Charleston Unitarian Tract Society]. Charleston, S.C. 1825. 12o. Pam. v. 441.

GILPINT, Henry D. Character of Franklin Address, Franklin Institute, Dec. 1856. Philadelphia, 1857. 8°. Pam. v. 286.

GINGUENÉ, Pierre Louis. Histoire Littéraire d'Italie. Seconde édition, revue et corrigée...par M. Daunou. Paris, 1824. 9 v. 8°.

GIRARDI, Charles. Reptiles and Fishes of Chile. See U.S. N. Astr. Expl. Expedition.

GIRARD, J. B. A Defence of F. John Baptist Girard, Jesuit, .... of Toulon, against the accusation of Mary Catharine Cadière : Part I. 2d edition. London, 1732. 40 p. 8°. Pam. v. 343.

GIRARD BANK. An Act to Incorporate...1832...and the act supplementary, 1836. Philadelphia, 1836. 8°. Pam. v. 464.

GIRARD COLLEGE FOR ORPHANS: 3d, 8th, 9th, 10th Ann. Reports, 1849, 55, 56, 57. Philadelphia, 1850, 56, 57, 58. 8°. Pam. v. 458. GIRARDIN, Émile de. Les 52,..XII. La Question de l'Avenir. Paris, 1849. 128 p. 18°. Pam. v. 615.

GIRARDIN (J.), et H. Lecoq. Élémens de Minéralogie appliquée aux sciences chimiques : Ouvrage basé sur la méthode de Berzelius.... suivi d'un Précis élémentaire de Géognosie ... Tomes I, II. Paris, 1826. 2 v. 8°.

GIRARDIN, Saint Marc. Lectures on Dramatic Literature; or the employment of the passions in the drama. . First series. Trans. from the French by R. G. Barnwell***. New-York, 1849. 245 p. 12°.

GISBORNE, Lionel. The Isthmus of Darien in 1852 : Journal of the expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. With four maps. London, 1853. 238 p. 12°.

GISBORNE, Rev. Thomas. Considerations on the Basis and the Means of the permanent security of the established church of England. London, 1829. 85 p. 8°. Pam. v. 325.

GLADE, P. V. Du Progrès Religieux. Paris, 1838. 3 v.


GLADSTONE, John. Facts Relating to Slavery in the West Indies and America...2d edition. London, 1830. 30 p. 8°. Pam. v. 437.


Lectures in Defence of the Union of Church and State, by Rev.'s J. E. Gladstone. . C. W. Lohr. . E. Wilson..and H. S. M. Hubert... Norwich, Eng. 1847. 113 p. 8°. Pam. v. 328.

GLADSTONE, J. H. Of Gun-cotton. 8°. Pam. v. 402.

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