Imágenes de páginas


Sermon, Nov. 5, 1704, before Her Majesty: Matt. vii, 12.Sermon, Funeral of Mr. T. Bennet 1 Cor. xv, 19. London, 1706. - Sermon, Election of Lord Mayor Job xxix, 14. London, 1706. - Support under afflictions, a sermon Job xxii, 21. London, 1708. - Sermon before the Lord Mayor: Lu. x, 32. Apr. 26, 1709. Lond. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: Rom. xi, 16. 1709. London Concio ad Clerum Lond.: Rom. xiii, 1. London, 1709. Pam. v. 379. [-] See Voice of the People, 1710. Cat. 1855.

ATTERBURY, Lewis. Sermon, Thanksgiving for Marlborough's success.
Aug. 23, 1705 1 Sam. xii, 23, 24. London. 4°. Pam. v. 362.
1, 1853. Buffalo, 1853. 8°. Pam. v. 544.

ATTLEBORO', Mass. 10th Report of School Committee, 1855 - 56.
Providence, 1856. 8°. Pam. v. 552.


Reply to the Letter of

Prof. Torrey, of New-York. Albany, 1856. 8°. Pam. v. 255. AUCHER-ÉLOY, M. Relations de Voyages en Orient de 1830 à 1838. Revues et annotées par M. le Comte Jaubert...accompagnées d'une carte géographique.... Première partie, Seconde partie. Paris, 1843. 2 v. 8°.

AUCHERT, Père Pascal. Dictionnaire Français-Arménien-Turc. Venise.. 1840. 8°.

A Brief Account of the Mechitaristican Society, founded on the Island of St. Lazaro. Venice, 1825. 27 p 8. Pam. v. 395. [AUCKLAND, W. Eden, Lord ]. See Some Remarks.. on the war, etc. 1795.

Speech, H. of Peers, April 11, 1799 Union between Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1799. 8°. Pam. v. 440.

AUDET, E. D'. Aux...Syndics... de Genève. Sonnet. 1 p. f. Pam.

v. 1104.

AUDIFRET, M. le Marquis d'. Le Budget. Paris, 1841. 243 p. 8°. AUER, Alois. Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes; oder die Erfindung von ganzen herbarien, stoffen, spitzen, stickereien, und überhaupt allen originalien und copien, wenn sie auch noch so zarte erhabenheiten und vertiefungen an sich haben durch das original selbst auf einfache und schnelle weise Druckformen herzustellen, womit man sowohl weiss auf gefärbtem grunde drucken und prägen, als auch mit den natürlichen farben auf weissem papiere abdrücke, dem originale identisch gleich, gewinnen kann, ohne dass man einer zeichnung oder gravure auf die bisher übliche weise durch menschenhande bedarf.... Von Alois Auer.... Zur allgemeinen benützung frei gegeben... Wien, 1854. 75 p. 4o. With illustrations.

Album der k.k. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei in Wien: Naturselbstdruck; Moose; Geatzte steine; Versteinerungen; Spitzen und Stoffe; Verschiedenes. 1853. imp. f. 69 plates.

AUGUSTINUSt, St. Abp. Les Confessions de S. Augustin. Traduction nouvelle.... 4 édition. Paris, J. B. Coignard, 1688. 8°.

AURATUS, Joannes. Aurati Poematia.... Parisiis, 1586. With .... Epigrammatum Lib. 1, Par. 1586; and Eclogarum lib. ii. Paris. 392, 218, 80 p. 12°.



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Catalogus Bibliot. Upsaliensis. See Upsal. AUSTIN, Robert F. Buchananism not Democracy: Speech, New-York Assembly, Feb. 9, 1858. 6 p. 8°. Pam. v. 530.

AUSTIN, William. Letters from London; written during the years. 1802 and 1803.*** Boston, 1804. 312 p. 8°.

AUSTRIA. GEOLOGY. Jahrbuch der k.k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. V. I VI. 1850 52, 54 56. Wien. 6 W. Haidinger, editor.

v. 4.

[ocr errors]

LIBRARIES. Katalog der Bibliothek des K.K. Hof-MineralienCabinetes in Wien. Zusammengestellt von Paul Partsch, Custos .. Wien, aus der k.k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1851. 233 p. 4o.

Imperial Library. See Krafft, A.

Printing Establishment: A Brief Survey of the objects of graphic art, exhibited by the Imperial and Government printing establishment at Vienna, at the London Exhibition, 1851. London. 16 p. 8°. Pam. v. 470.

AUTEURS (Les) GRECS, expliqués d'après une méthode nouvelle par deux traductions françaises .... Par une Société de professeurs et d'hellenistes... Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1845 - 48. 11 v. bound in 7. 12o. Contents:


HOMER L'Iliade, expliquée...par C. Leprévost. 1845 - 54.
DEMOSTHENES: Harangue sur les prévarications de l'ambassade....
M. Sliévenart. 1848.


PINDAR Les Olympiques... Par M. Sommer. 1847.

PLUTARCH: Vie de Pompée... Par M. Druon. 1845.


SOPHOCLES: Les Trachiniennes. Par MM. Benloew et Bel'aguet. 1846. XENOPHON: Les Entretiens mémorables de Socrate.... Par M. Sommer. 1844.

AUTEURS (Les) LATINS, expliqués d'après une méthode nouvelle, par deux traductions françaises, l'une littérale et juxtalinéaire, présentant le mot à mot français en regard des mots latins correspondants; l'autre correcte et précédée du texte latin, avec des sommaires et des notes. Par une Société de professeurs et de latinistes. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1846 58. 11 v. bound in 5. 12°. Contents: HORACE Odes et Epodes. Par M. Sommer et A. Desportes. Tome 1, II: 1846, 47. Satires, 1857. By the same.- - Epîtres, 1840. Par E. Taillefert. L'Art Poétique: Par E. Taillefert, 1858.

VIRGIL L'Enéide, expliquée par M. Sommer; traduit par A. Desportes.


SALLUST: Jugurtha, Catilina.. Par M. Croiset. 1850.

AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT of the Proceedings held at New-York in 1765.. London, 1767. See Account, Cat. 1855.

AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT of ... the Young Chevalier. 1749. See Account, Cat. 1855.

AUTHENTIC PAPERS from America; submitted to the dispassionate consideration of the public. [ Petition of Congress, 1774, etc.] London, Becket, 1775. 33 p. 8°.

AUTHENTIC PIECES respecting the, Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament, and in the county meeting at York; or a Plan for restraining the enormous power of the Crown, and retrenching the public expenditure. London, 1780. 18 p. 8°. Pam. v. 254.

AUTHORITY (The) of the Church in matters of religion. London, 1718. 36 p. 8. Pam. v. 340.

AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY of Constantinople. 2d Report. Constantinople, 1856. 56 p. 8°. Pam. v. 467.

AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY of the Counties of Montgomery, Fulton and Hamilton. 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th Reports: 1840 - 43. Amsterdam, Johnstown, N. Y. 8°. Pam. v. 468.

AUXILIARY FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY of Boston and vicinity. Proceedings, Anniversary 15th, 16th. Boston, 1826, 27. 8°. Pam. v. 525. AUXILIARY FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY of the County of Norfolk. Addresses, Ann. meeting. Boston, 1831. 24 p. 12°. Pam. v. 525. AVECILLA, Pablo Alonzo de la. Diario de la Guerra .... desde el cuartel general del.... Marq. de Rodil. Num. 2, 5. Madrid, 1836 18. Pam. v. 628.

AVERROES. [Aboo el Vélid Mohammed, Ibn Roshd.] De Substantia orbis. See Aristotle.

AVERY, (Rer. David), Wrentham, Mass. Two Sermons on the nature and evil of professors of religion not bridling the tongue. Boston, 1791. 8. Pam. v. 111.

AWBREY (T.), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Restoration of Charles II: Is. xxviii, 29. London, 1715. 8°. Pam. v. 366.

AYERST, Rer. Wm. Sermon, before H.M. Plenipotentiary at Utrecht, for Peace Ps. cxxii, 69. London, 1712. 8°. Pam. v. 366. AYLMER, William. A Recantation Sermon against the errors of popery, particularly transubstantiation, Oxford, Sept. 20, 1713 : 2 Pet. ii, 1. Oxford. Pam. v. 265.

AYLOFFE, Sir J. Paintings described. See Society of Antiquaries. AYRE, Joseph. A Letter to the... R. Coll. of Physicians, in relation to the evidence cited in their late report on the treatment of epidemie cholera. London, 1854. 71 p. 8°. Pam. v. 405.

AZARA, N. J. De.

Bibliotheca Excellentissimi DD. Nicolai Josephi De Azara, ordine alphabetico descripta ab H. P. D Francisco Iturri et D. Salvatore Ferran. Aestimata a Mariano de Romanis... 1806. Romæ. 334 p. 8°.

AZYR, Vicq D'. Observations sur les moyens que l'on peut employer pour preserver les animaux sains de la contagion. . Bordeaux, 1774. 108 p. 12. Pam. v. 611.

B, E. See Origine of Atheism.


B-, F. See Causes of the present distractions. London, 1774.
B., L. W. Palmer Exhumed : A few words on the trial....By L. B.,
M.A. Camb. London, 1856. 43 p. 8. Pam. v. 393.

B., M. See Controversy between M. B and Quæro. 1818.

BAADER, Joseph R. von. Ueber die Vortheile einer verbesserten Bauart von Eisenbahnen und Wagen, 1826. 72 p. See König. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4.

BABB, Rev. J. The Reviewer Reviewed; or an Examination of the
Remarks of the Christian Observer on Cottle's Strictures on the
Plymouth Antinomians. Lynn-Regis, 1824. 73 p. 8°. Pam. v. 304.
BABCOCK, George R. Remarks on the Roman Catholic Church pro-
perty bill, N.Y. Sen. 1853. Albany. 12 p. 8°. Pam. v. 530.
BACHE†, Alexander D. Coast Survey Reports. See United States.

Reports on the Progress of the Work of constructing standard. weights and measures, 1845, 48. Cong. Doc. 8°. Pam. v. 205.

Notes on the Gulf Stream, with charts. With additional remarks by G. W. Blunt. 1854. 8°. Pam. v. 103.

Tide Tables for the principal Seaports of the United States. N. York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1855. 15 p. 8°. Pam. v. 222.

Tide Tables for the Use of Navigators, prepared from the Coast Survey observations. 1857. Pam. v. 272.

Report upon the Sailing Directions for the Port of New-York and its approaches... Cambridge, 1856. 31 p. 8°. Pam. v. 529.

Report relative to the New-York Harbor Coast Survey, Dec. 28, 1857. N.Y. Sen. Doc. 1858. 12 p. and 2 charts. 8°. Pam. v. .529. BACHELIER, M. Catalogue des Livres de Fonds. Paris, 1830. 91 p. 8°. Cat. v. 1; Catalogue 1845, Cat. v. 23; Catalogues 1848, Cat. v. 30; Catalogues 1853, Cat. v. 68.

BACHER, G. F. Lettre de M. Bacher à M. Bouvart. Seconde Lettre.. Sur l'hydropsie. Ex. du Journ. de Médecine .... Jan. Fév. 1782. Paris. 112 p. 12o. Pam. v. 613.

BACHMAN, Rev. Dr. The Design and Duties of the Christian Ministry: General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, May 13, 1848, at New-York. Baltimore, 1848. 12°. Pam. v. 104.

BACHMAN, Joh. Henr. Zwölf Uhrkunden zur Erlauterung der Geschichte der Gefangennehmung Philipp des Grosmüthigen Landgrafen zu Hessen... Mannheim, 1768. viii, 95 p. 12°. Pam. v. 609. BACKER, Augustin et Alois De. Bibliothèque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus, ou Notices bibliographiques, 1° De tous les ouvrages publiés par les membres.. 2° Des apologies... suscitées à leur sujet. Première, Deuxième série. Liége, 1853. 54. 2 v. imp. 8°. BACKHOUSE, James. Sermon, 2 Cor. iv, 5: Consecration of P. Yonge, Bp. of Bristol, June 29, 1758. Cambridge, 1758. 4o. Pam. v. 1007. BACKUS, Charles. Sermon, Longmeadow, Fast, Ap. 17. Springfield, Mass. 1788. 8°. Pam. v. 453.

BACKUS,† Rev. Isaac. The Substance of an address to an assembly in Bridgewater, March 10, 1779, previous to the administration of baptism...Providence. 8 p. 8°. Pam. v. 559.

Policy as well as Honesty forbids the use of secular force in religious affairs... Boston, 1779. 26 p. 8°. Pam. v. 559.

Church History of New-England, from 1820 to 1804 ... With a memoir... Philadelphia, Baptist Tract Dep. 1839. 250 p. 18°. BACKUS (Rev. J. S.), Auburn. Backus and Kenyon on Secret Societies.... Albany, 1850. 44 p. 12°. Pam. v. 550.

BACOFFE, Joseph. Thesis medica.... [An plethora menstrui propluvii sit causa.] 1759, Versuntione. 20 p. 12°. Pam. v. 612.

BACON, Ezekiel. Vacant Hours. A Sequel to "Recreations of a Sick Room." Utica, 1845. 18°.


BACON, Lord Francis. Bacon's Essays with Annotations by Richard Whately, D.D.... From the 2d London ed., revised. NewYork, 1857. 536 p. 8°.

The History, natural and experimental, of life and death, and of the prolongation of life. New-York. 77 p. 8°. Pam. v. 516.

BACON, Henry.

A Review [of a Memoir of Rev. James M. Cook.] Philadelphia, (1851?). 36 p. 12o. Pam. v. 488.

BACON (Leonard), D.D. Christian Unity. A Sermon, Foreign Evangelical Society.. New-York, 1845. 8°. Pam. v. 495.

Slavery discussed in Occasional Essays, from 1833 to 1846. New-York ... 1846. 12o.

Christianity in History: A Discourse before the Alumni of Yale College, at their Annual Meeting, Aug. 16, 1848. New-Haven, 1848. 8. Pam. v. 237.

The Growth of the Kingdom of Heaven. A Discourse, Cong. Board of Publication. Boston, 1858. 8°. Pam. v. 485.

[-] See Review of pamphlets on slavery, 1833.

BACON, Oliver N. A History of Natick, from its first settlement in 1851 to the present time; with notices of the first white families. And also, an account of the Centennial celebration, Oct. 16, 1851; Rev. Mr. Hunt's address at the consecration of Dell Park cemetery ...Boston, 1856. 8°.

BACON, Thomas. Four Sermons upon the great and indispensable duty of all Christian masters and mistresses to bring up their negro slaves in the knowledge and fear of God. Preached at the parish church of St. Peter in Talbot County, in the Province of Maryland..... London, 1750. 142 p. 18°.

BACON, Thomas S. A Catalogue of the Library of... by auction... March 14, 1736 7. London. 516 p. 8", with the prices.

BADDER, F. M. Was hat die Stiftung der Akademie zur Aufklarung des Vaterlandes beygetragen? 1783. 30 p. See Bav. Ac. Mem. v. 3. BADEN. Beiträge zur Statistik der inneren Verwaltung des Grossherzogthums Baden. Herausgegeben von dem Ministerium des Innern. Carlsruhe, 1855. 4o.


Die Gemeinden des Grossherzogthums Baden, deren Bestandtheile und Bevölkerung. 239 p.

Zweites left. Bewegung der Bevölkerung... in den Jahren 1852 bis mit 1855, und medicinische statistik, 1856. 185 p.

Drittes Heft. Forst und Gemeindeforstverwaltung, 1856. 23 p.
Viertes Heft. Die Volkszahlung vom Dezember 1855. 1856. 86 p.
Fünftes Heft. Die Auswanderung in den Jahren 1840 bis mit 1855, 57.
39 p. In 1 v. 4°.

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