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Dec. 6th-Annie, daughter of Charles and Emma Wheeler, Woodley. 12th-Julia, daughter of William and Maria Hunt, Woodley.

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,, 13th-Mary Elizabeth, daughter of George and Evelina Elizabeth Rivers, Woodley.

,, 21st-Received at Church, after private Baptism, Elisha Edwin son of Elisha and Lucy Wakefield, Sonning.


Dec. 13th-Frederick Charles, son of Thomas and Eliza Evans,



Dec. 19th-At the Parish Church, Charles Sharp of Binfield Heath, to Mary Ann North, of Sonning.



Nov. 21st-Robert Bartlett, Woodley, aged 76.
Dec. 10th-Thomas Greenaway, Sonning, aged 51.


Nov. 18th-Sarah Payne, Dunsden, aged 95.

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22nd-William Henry Snow, Dunsden, aged 7 weeks. Dec. 6th-Elizabeth Bird Luker, Dunsden, aged 81.

Bibles, Prayer Books, and Hymn Books may be obtained at the Boy's School, Sonning.

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Church Services.


Sundays, 11 o'clock in the Morning.

3 o'clock in the Afternoon.

Half-past 6 o'clock in the Evening.

Saints' Days and Festivals, 11 o'clock in the Morning.

Daily, Half-past 8 o'clock in the Morning.

The Holy Communion is administered on the first Sunday in the month in the usual Morning Service, and on the third Sunday in the month, at half-past 8 o'clock in the Morning, and on all the great festivals.


Sundays, 11 o'clock in the morning;

Half-past 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, and on the great festivals.

Holy Baptism is administered at Sonning Church, and at All Saints', on the second Sunday in the month in the Afternoon Service. It is particularly requested that children may be brought to be baptized on this Sunday only, unless there is some urgent reason for choosing another time, when due notice must be given beforehand. The Churching of Women will be immediately before any of the Services.


The approach of Lent again calls all amongst us to serious thought and special prayer. In the course of it some of our number are about to ratify the solemn vows of their Baptism at Confirmation, and to profess themselves openly the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. But we hope that many besides them will make this an opportunity of renewing their promises, and strengthening their efforts, to live a Christian life. All have surely need to consider their state before God, to seek the grace of repentance, and to endeavour, by an earnest use of the means and opportunities which God gives, to live more nearly to Him, in daily preparation for His summons to the Eternal world.

In his Pastoral address announcing the Confirmation, the Bishop reminds all parents and god-parents of their duties towards their children and god-children, and urges them to offer up at this season special prayer for them, and to come with them, if possible, to the Confirmation. We doubt not that all will unite to help the candidates by their encouragement and sympathy, and above all we hope, by the good example of their life.

The following is the list of Special Services during Lent;


Ash Wednesday: 11 o'clock in the morning;

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The names of the preachers at these services will be put up at the Church doors on the Sunday before.

Daily: in addition to the Morning Service, there will be service at half-past 5 o'clock in the evening, except on Wednesdays, when it will be at 7 o'clock.

There will be a lecture in the Woodley Schoolroom on Tuesday evenings, at 7 o'clock.


Ash-Wednesday: II o'clock in the morning;

7 o'clock in the evening.

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On New Year's Eve, the Miss Dashwoods gave a tea to all who have attended the Mothers' Meetings this winter. The party met in the Schoolroom at Woodley, which was decorated for the occasion. About 45 sat down to tea. Some glees and catches were excellently sung by some of the ladies of Sonning, and all were greatly delighted with their entertainment.


We are happy to announce that the Choir Concert will take place on Tuesday, February 2nd. We hope all our readers and friends will honour it with their patronage. The Concert will begin at half-past 7 o'clock. Tickets may be had at Mrs. Dearlove's, the Post Office. Front Seats, 2s. 6d. Back Seats, Is.


The Sonning Penny Bank came into operation on 21st May, 1860, and the number of depositors on that day was 9; it has reached, throughout the interval, the number of 344, and 115 is the number on the ledger now.

£645 has been received in deposits; £467 is the total amount that has been withdrawn up to 31st December, 1868.

The average of deposits monthly has been 6 6s. 6d.

Ditto of withdrawals ...


£4 IIS. 6d.

£51 16s. 9d. has been distributed to depositors in the shape of bonuses, (at the end of each half year), at the rate of id. on every 4s. deposited.

On two occasions the bank has been aided by contributions from the inhabitants of Sonning. In 1861, £6 os. 6d. was received; in 1863, £5 10s. od., total £11 ros. 6d. Since then it has continued independent of help, and the assets in the Savings' Bank at Reading, and in the New 3 per cent. Annuities in the Bank of England, shew on the 31st December, 1868, the sum of £12 over and above the amount due to Depositors on that day.

With the exception of 12s. 6d. for printing a new set of rules in March, 1866, the Bank has incurred no expence since it was first started, when an outlay occurred of £3 16s. 6d.

17th REPORT.

The list of depositors for the half year ending 31st December, 1868, shews in names 115, in money £224 9s. 7d. Comparing this with last report, there is a decrease of nine names, and of £7 16s. 7d. in money; the latter is accounted for by the withdrawal of £21, the largest amount standing in one name. Against this liability of £224 9s. 7d., we have on 31st December, 1868,

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And £145 in the New 3 Annuities, the value
of which, at the present time (at 934) is...

ΙΟΙ 4 2

135 4 3

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