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THE SONNING MAGAZINE, which makes its first appearance in the present number, has in view the following objects:

First, to supply amusing and instructive reading of a genera' character, at the lowest possible cost.

Secondly, to publish, every month, an account of all matters of in terest connected with the Church and Parish; such as,

(1) Announcements of Church Services, Offertories, &c.
(2) A Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials.
(3) Reports of Parochial Institutions and Charities.

(4) A Statement of Parochial Funds managed by the Clergy.
(5) A General Record of Events in the Parish.

Thirdly, to contain from time to time, notices of the past history and antiquities of the Church and Parish of Sonning.

The Magazine will be published on the first of each month at the price of one penny. It is believed that a work of this kind will be found extremely valuable as affording full information on the affairs of the Parish, and the work of the Church; and as time goes on, it will become interesting for purposes of reference and comparison.

The numbers should be kept, so that they may be bound up in a volume at the end of the year. Copies of the Magazine will be supplied by the Clergy of the Parish; and they will be glad to receive the names of all who wish to take it in regularly.

Church Services.


Sundays, 11 o'clock in the Morning.
3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Half-past 6 o'clock in the Evening.

Saints' Days and Festivals, 11 o'clock in the Morning.

Daily, Half-past 8 o'clock in the Morning.

The Holy Communion is administered on the first Sunday in the month in the usual Morning Service, and on the third Sunday in the month, at half past 8 o'clock in the Morning, and on all the great festivals.

Holy Baptism is administered on the second Sunday in the month in the Afternoon Service. It is particularly requested that children may be brought to be baptized on this Sunday only, unless there is some urgent reason for choosing another time.

The Churching of Women will be immediately before any of the Services.

(For the rest of the Parish News, see last two pages)


The Lord Bishop of the Diocese purposes, God willing, to hold a Confirmation for the Parish, in Sonning Church, on the 2nd day of March next, at 12 o'clock; and all who desire to be confirmed, are requested forthwith to deliver their names to the Rev. Hugh Pearson, or the Rev. H. E. Hulton, or the Rev. T. R. Finch. It is earnestly hoped that all who have not been confirmed will come forward at this time to "renew the solemn promise and vow " that was made in their name at their Baptism.


An Evening School is held in Woodley School-room, on Mondays and Thursdays. Any one is invited to attend who really wishes to get on with his learning, and will come regularly and work hard. More than sixty men and boys have attended the School hitherto this winter, the usual number each night being from 45 to 50. One or two more teachers would be most welcome. The School opens at 6 o'clock.

Evening School is held at Dunsden Green from 6 till 8 o'clock, on Monday Evenings for the more advanced, and on Tuesday Evenings for the backward. The average attendance is 26, or 13 each evening. With two teachers to attend to them, these Classes might receive four hour's instruction every week, instead of only two. Will some one come and help the present teacher in his work? He can offer no further salary than that which he receives himself, thanks.


Mothers' Meetings are held every Thursday during the winter months, at 2 p.m., in the Woodley School-room. Any person living in the district of Woodley is allowed to attend Children (except

those in arms) are not admitted.


The depositors are reminded to send their books to the Treasurer, Colonel Knyvett, before the end of the month. (See Rule 4.)

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